Reefer report... video and article lots of new news... illiniios medical mj almost here...


formerly peterjamesthe3rd
May 17, 2006
Cliff notes for below article

the first few times it got proposed it never passed... now it did

also hints at broad legalization for the whole state... if they get a legalization bill they would be state number 3 to do so.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Illinois
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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SPRINGFIELD, Ill.� --A proposal to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes is once again smoldering in the Illinois Legislature.� This time, opponents worry that it might actually catch fire.�

Twin measures before the Illinois House and Senate would allow patients to use marijuana to alleviate chronic pain and nausea when other treatments have failed.� The list of conditions includes cancer, glaucoma, HIV-AIDS, hepatitis C, Crohn's disease and Alzheimer's.�

The medical marijuana debate comes to Springfield almost every year, but Statehouse activity around the issue lately has been more frenetic than usual.� Earlier this month, one measure won House committee approval for the first time.� Last week, pro- and anti-legalization activists -- including police officers opposed to the plan -- packed into a Senate committee hearing where another measure advanced on a 6-2 vote.�

One reason for the heightened activity could be that state Sen.� John Cullerton, D-Chicago, a major proponent in the past, became Senate president this year.�

"That's a very big concern, absolutely," said Jeanie Lowe, an anti-legalization activist who has been at the forefront of Springfield's annual marijuana wars.�

Lowe also questioned whether lawmakers facing a state budget deficit might want to legalize marijuana so it could be taxed in the future.� "Seems like they tax anything that moves," Lowe said.�

Also, U.S.� Attorney General Eric Holder announced this month that authorities would no longer prosecute federal marijuana violations against people in compliance with state laws.�

But for both sides in the Illinois debate, the main issue is whether the medicinal benefits outweigh the potential dangers.�

"I don't look at the medical marijuana bill as a bill about drugs; I look at it as a bill about health care," said state Rep.� Lou Lang, D-Skokie, the bill's House sponsor.� "Here's a way ...� we can provide a huge amount of relief of pain and suffering for people who live in the state of Illinois."

State Sen.� William Haine, D-Alton, sponsor of the Senate measure, said legalizing marijuana for the seriously ill would prevent them from "turning to the dark side" and going outside the law to get it.� Haine was formerly state's attorney of Madison County.�

That argument doesn't persuade lawmakers like state Rep.� Ron Stephens, R-Highland, a social conservative and a pharmacist.� Stephens says the purported benefits of marijuana for controlling nausea and increasing appetite can also be achieved with Marinol, a prescription medication.�

"If we pass a bill that allows individuals to grow and have what is otherwise an illegal drug for the rest of the community, you're going to see that the illegal use is going to expand," Stephens said.�

In last week's Senate committee hearing, Illinois State Police Capt.� Mark Henry specifically cited a provision that would allow patients to grow as many as seven marijuana plants at a time.� Henry said seven plants would produce more than 3,500 joints per year -- meaning a patient would have to smoke about nine joints a day to use all the marijuana grown.� He said police worry that the surplus would end up on the street.�

The debate has extended beyond lobbyists and policymakers to patients themselves, who have stood up on both sides of the issue.�

Cancer patient James Ware said he smoked marijuana out of desperation while undergoing chemotherapy when other medications, including Marinol, did not help.� "The medical use of marijuana was a godsend," Ware told the Senate panel last week.�
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In other news PA one of the most conservative states also has a medical bill... if they pass it after illinois they will be state 16 to have a bill for medicalpatients....
Not really sure what to think about this........

Dudes be taxin in illinois already

I don't want my green to end up like tobacco

Bastards are trying to put a monopoly on my business
if it is legalized... you could still sell.. and medical does not cut into your business...

tomatoes are legalized now ( before they weren't seriously) i don't hear anyone complaining...
dmt is a chemical naturally produced by your body that causes you to dream...

thc x dmt = wonderfully lucid dreams
Several speculative and yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT, produced in the human brain, is involved in certain psychological and neurologicalstates. DMT is naturally produced in small amounts in the brain and other tissues of humans and other mammals.[19] Some believe it plays a role in mediatingthe visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences and other mystical states.[citation needed] A biochemical mechanism for this wasproposed by the medical researcher J. C. Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena, where brain DMT levels areperiodically elevated to induce visual dreaming and possibly other natural states of mind.[20] A new theory proposed is that in addition to being involved inaltered states of consciousness, endogenous DMT may be involved in the creation of normal waking states of consciousness. It is proposed that DMT and otherendogenous hallucinogens mediate their neurological abilities by acting as neurotransmitters at a sub class of the trace amine receptors; a group of receptorsfound in the CNS where DMT and other hallucinogens have been shown to have activity. Wallach further proposes that in this way waking consciousness can bethought of as a controlled psychedelic experience. It is when the control of these systems becomes loosened and their behavior no longer correlates with theexternal world that the altered states arise. [21]
talk to a doctor... get a recommendation... grow it yourself. talk to a caretaker or visit a dispensary...

what state are you in... i got numbers and directories for doctors everywhere
get a cannibus card for an illnesss, ie glaucoma, the "my back hurts" is the regular out here in CA lol
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Yo I got blunted last night and it gave me a mad enhanced dream, like in 1080p n %%%%

is it the weed ?
Typically after I smoke I don't dream at all or have trouble remembering if I did.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

I get frequent migraines, in flammed knees and trouble sleeping..I'm moving PA

if any of these conditions are documented you will get a card with the right doctor...

ill let you know when the pa bill passes
The real question is where is the online "mail order" sites. This Texas Garbage is the worst... bamma's call any exotic bud "dro" smh
Medical marijuana was the most horribly thought out pieces of legislation to pass in my state, but thats what you get in a state like this. It's just usedand abused. 19 year old kids with cards, and grower cards. Now its going to cost millions to fix the system. Marijuana users will say anything to get thesebills passed.
Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Originally Posted by bboy1827

I get frequent migraines, in flammed knees and trouble sleeping..I'm moving PA

if any of these conditions are documented you will get a card with the right doctor...

ill let you know when the pa bill passes
I def have documented proof of all of them. I'm hoping that MD somehow jumps on the bandwagon.
Originally Posted by Kobe09877

Medical marijuana was the most horribly thought out pieces of legislation to pass in my state, but thats what you get in a state like this. It's just used and abused. 19 year old kids with cards, and grower cards. Now its going to cost millions to fix the system. Marijuana users will say anything to get these bills passed.

on a sidenote that is horrible logic. Cancer can strike someone who is 16 just as easily as it can strike someone that 50. Medical conditions have no agelimit. And it should be worded loosely because as long as tobacco and alcohol are legal so should marijuana.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Originally Posted by Kobe09877

Medical marijuana was the most horribly thought out pieces of legislation to pass in my state, but thats what you get in a state like this. It's just used and abused. 19 year old kids with cards, and grower cards. Now its going to cost millions to fix the system. Marijuana users will say anything to get these bills passed.

on a sidenote that is horrible logic. Cancer can strike someone who is 16 just as easily as it can strike someone that 50. Medical conditions have no age limit. And it should be worded loosely because as long as tobacco and alcohol are legal so should marijuana.
Too add: Would you rather have kids getting cards and 'legally' carrying weed, or have them buying off shady dudes and supporting illegaloperations?
^^ logic doesnt work on these people... there emotions cloud there judgement...
What's the deal with the PA bill? I haven't heard anything on the news but it seems as if you guys know something I don't.
If you want to be informed you have to do a better job of then watching the news...

the tv is the idiot box

Medical Marijuana Coming To Pennsylvania

Over the past several weeks, NORML affiliates have been working closely with Pennsylvania Rep. Mark Cohen (D-Philadelphia) to draft legislation to make theKeystone State the fourteenth state to legalize the physician-supervised use of cannabis.

Although this bill is not anticipated to be formally introduced until next month, mainstream media is already covering the issue. In fact, on Tuesday, March24, the Philadelphia Inquirer opined, "Pennsylvania should join 13 other states in finally legalizing medical marijuana to allow seriously ill patients topotentially benefit from its use."

You can here an interview with Rep. Cohen on NORML's Daily Audio Stash here.

It is believed that Rep. Cohen's forthcoming bill will face stiff opposition in the Pennsylvania legislature. That is why Philly NORML is asking for yourhelp today.

Please take a moment to contact your state elected officials and urge them to support common sense protections for patients who use cannabis therapeutically.While you are at it, please consider asking your representative to become a co-sponsor of The Barry Busch Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act of 2009.Philadelphia NORML has set up an online system to locate and contact your state elected officials by going here:

Finally, Philly NORML and Rep. Cohen are seeking local patients who would be willing to testify regarding their use of cannabis as a therapeutic agent. If youare such a person, please contact Philly NORML or e-mail the office of Rep. Cohen at: [email protected].

Thank you for your support of NORML's marijuana law reform efforts in Pennsylvania.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by bboy1827

Originally Posted by Kobe09877

Medical marijuana was the most horribly thought out pieces of legislation to pass in my state, but thats what you get in a state like this. It's just used and abused. 19 year old kids with cards, and grower cards. Now its going to cost millions to fix the system. Marijuana users will say anything to get these bills passed.

on a sidenote that is horrible logic. Cancer can strike someone who is 16 just as easily as it can strike someone that 50. Medical conditions have no age limit. And it should be worded loosely because as long as tobacco and alcohol are legal so should marijuana.
Too add: Would you rather have kids getting cards and 'legally' carrying weed, or have them buying off shady dudes and supporting illegal operations?
Thats the only real excuse I buy

I mean if your gonna do this..... might as well stay protected. You are not harming anyone by smoking and buying weed legitimately. It's just forprotection at the end of the day... weather you are sick or not.

weed helps me sleep so..... thats good enough
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