Relationship help vol. Cheat or no cheat?!!!


Staff member
Jul 30, 2008
I dont wanna make this long! I've been with my girlfriend for about 2yrs straight I love her no doubt! But theres this other chick thats been gettin@ me, and to make it worse they hated eachother back in high school. I used to have a crush on her and shes been trying to get at me for the longest, and Idunno what to do! I dont want to mess up anything I have with my girl, but I want my cake and I wanna eat it too. Now, questions for my NT'ers who cheatedor been cheated on what do you suggest risk losing a good thing. In addition should I put things I have with my girl on break, then do it or is that wrongaswell?

This is the chick I just wanna u knw.
but I want my cake and I wanna eat it too.
thats not how it works........

ask yourself is it worth it? really ask yourself........

and this seems close to home cuz they know each other from before....
Cheating is not worth it if you love your girl and you want a future with her. If the other girl is feeling you for real then if something ever happens and youbreak-up with your girl then if she is for real then get at her.

It will then make the situation about them, and not you.

You will then have your cake and eat it too.

Your chick looks promiscuous anyway.
OP you think she look better than your girl? Do you love your girl? IF this chick and your chick had beef in the past it can really get ugly...........

CHICK knows what she is doing......
If you want to stay with your girl long term don't cheat on her. It will mess up everything and there will be no trust in the relationship. If you feelit's necessary to hook up with other chicks, break off the relationship and do your own thing. All in all, don't cheat on your girl, it will HAUNT you.Enough said.
don't do it, unless you break up with her first. i'm in a 'ship and i know temptation is no joke, but just think about what u and ur girl have beenthrough.
how would u feel if she was messin with some dude in high school that you didn't like?
Cheating is rarely/never a good idea.

If there's a chance that you might have a relationship with that other girl just go for her, don't try to play both of them.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

don't do it, unless you break up with her first. i'm in a 'ship and i know temptation is no joke, but just think about what u and ur girl have been through.
how would u feel if she was messin with some dude in high school that you didn't like?
Yeah your right I'd be at her throat!
do what what makes you happy. if you want to throw away 2 years with your gf for a girl that just showed up then it's up to you. imo, stay with your girlbecause you guys already went that far!
You have cake and ice cream with your girl if she is a good girl. What your trying to do now is add cookies and candy. What happens when you add all thosetogether? A terrible stomach ache. Don't do it.

You young guys gotta figure out whats truly important in life.

dont do it.

you dont know whether she's just hitting on you to get back @ your chick.

seems like more hassle then what it's worth tbh.

stay clear.
fam just break up with your girl... it doesnt seem like you ready to be in a relationship at this point...

dont do your girl like that... she hasnt done anything wrong to you to even warrant thinka bout this

just tell you girl that you still love her & all that, but you not ready to be in a relationship rite now...

but if you're going to cheat, just know that your girl prolly wont ever talk to you again, & most likely that new girl will end up leaving you for someother guy
Chances are this girl doesn't care for you in the slighest. Females are so caty they hate on one an other so bad that they would be willing to givethemselves up to a dude just to ruin a situation with another female they aren't fond of.

On another note, I was in a relationship for 5 years. Cheated on my girl and left her for the new girl, who I am still dating. If you cheat, it has to be worthit.
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