Remembering 9/11 ----- 23 Years Later

RIP to all victims and prayers to their loved ones.

I remember being in 2nd grade and watching those towers go down. We thought it was cool and some kind of joke (being little children). People's parents started picking them up early, my pops never showed up. He's an electrician and was working on a project not too far from the towers at the time. I just remember being scared not knowing if he was gonna pick me up and if he was actually okay. Luckily he came home that night. Just a very emotional moment even 16 years later.
I still watch that documentary that came out not long later where the filmmakers followed a rookie firefighter on the job to show how it is and so happened to be that day. Its unreal.

Link?? What documentary is that?

There is another 911 movie coming out, that day was surreal, I was in college on a break from class BSing in the library in some yahoo chat rooms, when they turned the tv on, we watched the second tower get hit and then watched them collapse, it felt like a bad still feels like that, felt like the city could never recover, if there is a silver lining in all this is how a tragedy for a second brought everyone together....the pain and at the same time pride you can feel as a New Yorker to now look up at that skyline and see the freedom tower there, to know that we were knocked down, but we got back up....only time I'll give Rudy Giuliani props, dude took on the toughest time NYC has ever in history seen.

Our first responders NYPD and FDNY alike, so much respect to them all, hearing the stories from Firemen that died on this day still bring tears to my ***** brave to run into those buildings.
Link?? What documentary is that?

There is another 911 movie coming out, that day was surreal, I was in college on a break from class BSing in the library in some yahoo chat rooms, when they turned the tv on, we watched the second tower get hit and then watched them collapse, it felt like a bad still feels like that, felt like the city could never recover, if there is a silver lining in all this is how a tragedy for a second brought everyone together....the pain and at the same time pride you can feel as a New Yorker to now look up at that skyline and see the freedom tower there, to know that we were knocked down, but we got back up....only time I'll give Rudy Giuliani props, dude took on the toughest time NYC has ever in history seen.

Our first responders NYPD and FDNY alike, so much respect to them all, hearing the stories from Firemen that died on this day still bring tears to my ***** brave to run into those buildings.

Remember watching when they went in to the first tower...they kept hearing slams on the was people falling/jumping...:smh:
RIP to all the victims
I remember being really shook up about it when it happened. Our whole class was. We were given some time off from elementary school after the news broke.
Watching the footage of the planes hitting the towers was probably the most haunting experience I've ever had and we're on the other side of the ocean. It felt very surreal. If we were so shook up about it I have a hard time imagining what it must've been like to New Yorkers or US citizens in general. Much respect to all the brave firefighters and others who provided aid.
Hearts goes out to the people that lost their lives that day. The BS behind it all still infuriates me tho

Like the JFK assassination - a lot of folks shook their heads and said, "Something just isn't right about all this. Something just doesn't add up."

Stay Woke NT
Can't believe it's been 16 years already. Was in 9th grade and every one was getting check out all damn day, but my dad worked in the city so I had to ride it out...went bad home with my friend and we were watching the coverage for hours. My dad finally got home later that night (had to walk from 86th Street and 3rd Ave over the Queensborough bridge into Astoria)

Everytime I watch that 102 minute documentary the part I always remember was after the first building collapses they show firefighters grabbing their gear and still going towards the other tower to help out, those are some real damn hero's
they're giving a real good one on da history channel now.. "102 minutes that changed America"

i remember getting da alert on my state of da art at da time Nextel i85 with WAP emailed internet about da plane crashing in da 1st tower...1st thought in my head was a little propeller plane had a accident (that ended up being true a lil later in a unrelated event RIP Corey lidle)
In Boston I was shook. I remember sleeping the night or the next one and heard Thunder and thought we was getting bombed or I was dreaming.

Every time they showed Osama I was shook.

I was 11.

I never knew what the WTC even was. But I thought something was gonna go down in most cities.

They hijacked the planes from Boston.
Everybody in Baltimore was shook cuz we heard bout the Pentagon up the road in DC , thought we was next...phones not working n ppl glued to the TV watching the news all day

I remember buying that Blueprint album that day as it was the release day - a wondering how loud was
appropriate to bump it in the whip that day...i chose to not bump it that much
Call me crazy but I was unbothered when this happened.
I remember buying that Blueprint album that day as it was the release day - a wondering how loud was
appropriate to bump it in the whip that day...i chose to not bump it that much

i had both da fab & hova da Thursday before because our local mom & pop shop (RIP loco Loco in da heights) always sold em early.

i remember da Jay-z pic i posted from da booklet as well as da visual design from da Fabolous video and i thought it was so prescient considering being patriotic was kinda en vogue, then 9/11 happened and everyone felt like we had to be resilient and patriotic against da terrors of evil.

those couple of MLB yankee & mets games, plus da start of da NFL were just stars & stripes BOLD and it takes a tragedy like that to bring people together.

another thing, NYPD (albeit da luster wore off for them as da years passed by) and FDNY (they still got that luster) were greeted by da public as da next best thing to real life superheroes.
I was in 7th grade. I live in L.A. But used to get bussed to the Valley so we had to wake up at 5:30 every morning to get ready for school. I remember them switching to a live feed of the first tower on fire and then I as I was ironing my clothes I saw the second tower hit and I called out to my bolder brothers. Got to school and all the kids were talking about it but the teachers were not saying anything about it. We watched movies in the majority of my classes. I had no idea how big of a deal it was until I got home and saw my mom crying as she watched the people jumping off the buildings. Like the Nter a couple posts above me said, Spanish news shows EVERYTHING. They showed multiple ppl jumping to their deaths. Still makes me tear up when I think about it.

I went to NYC back in April and I visited the 9/11 museum. I definitely shed some tears but the part that got me the most was the room with the phones. You pick up the phone and you can listen to a few of the victim's voicemails. I only listened to one and the guy had like 42 VM's. They start off with people (mom, dad, friends, coworkers etc.) just calling him to say they heard about the news and wanna make sure he's okay. As you listen to them they gradually get sadder and sadder until you finally hear his dad clearly crying. Basically coming to terms that his son just died in that building. I was a mess. Tears flowing nonstop.

There's also a room showing the people jumping from the buildings. I would say 70% of the people that walked in there couldn't make it more than 30 seconds before they had to walk out in tears.

Another room had audio messages of the victims' relatives telling stories about them. Beatiful stuff.

I recommend anyone visiting NYC check out the museum. You'll shed some tears but the amount of stuff they have in there is amazing.
I went to the 9/11 museum as well. but I believe it was somewhere else before, and not where it is presently. I honestly remember walking out there with such a great sense of being at a loss for words. I wanted to cry but I usually don't cry, so it was just a strange situation. but yeah, it really hit me man, one of the strangest feeling I can greatly recall and remember. i couldn't help but think how chaotic it must've been that day in lower manhattan.
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Damn it has really been 16 years. I was in 5th grade at the time, and they sent us all home from school as soon as the news broke
I was in the 6th grade and I remember during the first class we were all watching it on a roll out TV box. Crazy how its been 16 years already RIP I will be in NYC this weekend, hopefully I get to check out the museum
RIP to those lost that day.

Still remember everything of that day as if it was yesterday.

Post any stories you may have.
My favorite doc to watch about the day is about the Canadian town that took in stranded people when flights got grounded.
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