Remembering 9/11 ----- 23 Years Later

yea i remember hearing he reupped on the insurance like a week or three days prior i think

Something like that he maneuvered like he had info prior
yea i remember hearing he reupped on the insurance like a week or three days prior i think

Something like that he maneuvered like he had info prior

Yup and how he was coincidentally not in the building when 9/11 happened, and how he has been friends with trump for almost a decade. Reason why trump was so heartless during the attacks and all he could talk about was rebuilding and having the tallest building in NY.
My memory might be playing tricks on me but I think 9/11 literally changed my school's cell phone policy.

Like before that we had to keep our cell phones in our lockers. After 9/11 they said it was OK to keep our phones with us.
My memory might be playing tricks on me but I think 9/11 literally changed my school's cell phone policy.

Like before that we had to keep our cell phones in our lockers. After 9/11 they said it was OK to keep our phones with us.
Bruh we just started getting metros
Teachers wasn’t even up on it like that back then
At least On the west coast
They didn’t have a cell phone policy really yet
whats even more interesting is Larry Silverstein the owner of the twin towers. Do some research on him.....

Dude had the audacity to whine about and request two separate insurance claims because he said it was 2 separate attacks. I can’t remember if they actually granted him that?
Dude had the audacity to whine about and request two separate insurance claims because he said it was 2 separate attacks. I can’t remember if they actually granted him that?

I cant recall if he got 2 payments but he did get a settlement for i think $3 billion than the government also contributed $8 billion to rebuild efforts. I read somewhere he was tired of the buildings and wanted a new building but didnt have the money to rebuild than wala 9/11 happens and he so happens to get terrorism insurance right before 9/11 happened. Too many coincidences.
Did anyone catch the E:60 last night on sports after 9/11? Have it DVR'd plan on giving it a watch later.
I was a freshman in college. I remember everyone thinking gas was gonna go to astronomical prices so the stations were packed. I'm not fully bought into the conspiracies, But I'm 100% certain that the government is hiding something. They probably could've stopped it. We the people basically play the role of pawns.

They definitely could have stopped it. Did you read the 9/11 Commission Report?
Lived in Maryland at the time 10 mins out from DC and even closer to the pentagon. Had 2 family members working in the pentagon in the exact area it got hit. They both got up to do something the exact same time. Next thing they knew their offices had an airplane in it. Crazy

They let out school early that day and me and a couple friends went to gamestop lol
I'm going to see if I go to the museum in the coming weeks.

Has anyone been there yet?
18 years ago tonight was the first and last time when I felt this country was "United"

Can't believe it's been this long :smh: :frown:
Doesn't seem that long ago! I was playing high school football and was at the clinic doing rehab on my knee. Literally watched the news coverage with the PT!

My Aunt was working in the pentagon at that time too, was definitely a long day.
Apparently y'all haven't been paying attention

-Saudi Arabia financed 9/11 .
-multiple governments around the world knew
-Robert Mueller is linked to Saudi Arabia back when HE was FBI director and he made sure the Saudis were not involved on paper

I've been watching all these moves Trump has been making and I personally think he is going after the deep state...

What is the deep state???

I hate the term conspiracy theories because it discredits truth and makes their jobs easy.

9/11 was an inside job , my whole platoon knew we were being set up once we got in country. Piss poor management , no real enemy , fake missions, and pity awards.....

Y'all can believe the official report or you can use your brain....

Swipe left

I hate these hotep memes that undermined the simple logic of science and physics.

The plane on the top is very small and most likely a private plane where as the 9/11 plane is a Boeing 767 which is fairly large and houses alot more fuel.

The FAA and other federal agencies post white papers on this sort of information all the time and it is readily available to the public.

The same goes for hoteps who complain about radio frequencies (5G conspiracies). You do not need a engineering degree to understand how radio frequencies work and what frequencies are toxic to the human body.
Imagine if 9/11 occurred during the social media age all of the horrifying content that would have been posted?

I'm guessing all of that footage was taken using camcorders and surveillance.
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