Remembering the Sega Dreamcast and its loss to PS2 vol. released 10 years ago (9/9/99)

i bought one 5 yrs after w/ like 10 games from my friend for 70 was indeed a cool system though.
It had Powerstone 2
the whole Sega situation is kinda sad to me though, Like I feel kinda bad that the potential they had is gone to waste, and when they finally put together asolid masterpiece it gets crushed, went from making consoles and their own awesome games now to being sony/microsoft and nintendos little personal pet

sucks man
i remember damn near having an orgasm on that lovely sunday morning in either feb or march 2000 when we went to costco and got my dreamcast bundle pack withcrazy taxi.

i remember vince carter and the raptors made their debut on nbc that day as well because i was watching the raptors play the suns while we were in costcogetting the dreamcast.
Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

All is not lost with the dreamcast you can always use the emulator. And even tho it died off in the usa they was still making games for it in japan etc... Last i checked they had games still comming out in 2007. My one regret is that there will be no shemmue 3. The creater is done and do not wish to go into video games. Sure someone could make a part 3 but the creater has the last episode of the series which is the ending of the story
they're all appreciated tho
, i'm not going to start a consolestart-up war like that ps3 and x box thread from a few nights ago
Oh man that was the day. I still remember picking up my preorder, was one of the happiest days in my young life.

Loved all the advertisements leading up to the launch.

Playing NFL 2K1 online for the very first time against your friends was
I still post on Shenmue forums... Part 3 will be made if I have to fly to Sega HQ myself... Damn Sammy!
Originally Posted by finnns2003

I still post on Shenmue forums... Part 3 will be made if I have to fly to Sega HQ myself... Damn Sammy!
u willing to fund it? cause sega was talking about how back then the original shenmue costed a ridiculous amount to develop it and how the costof developing it today would be beyond ridiculous
You might want to visit your local Best Buy tomorrow... if you're a fan of the DreamCast
I aint been the same since mine died on me

The Generator Demo

My man's Afro Thunder "I CAN'T GO OOOONNN!!!"
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I still post on Shenmue forums... Part 3 will be made if I have to fly to Sega HQ myself... Damn Sammy!
u willing to fund it? cause sega was talking about how back then the original shenmue costed a ridiculous amount to develop it and how the cost of developing it today would be beyond ridiculous
they're full of crap. they alienated their fans and sammy (their new owner) has basically stifled them into making crap product now. poor yusuzuki has wanted his series to finish and hasn't been able to get it out there. the thing is, the story is finished, at least let us know what happens.

ghenges, what you talkin about willis?
what killed sega is it wasn't poppin in japan...they should've just cut they losses in japan and kept da american console poppin........

and its completely assbackwards cuz da sega saturn was KILLIN Playstation 1 in japan and they pulled da plug on it cuz it wasn't poppin in da US
I remember the first time playing this System I was like
. At the time no other system was like that, and it had online to:pimp:
Power Stone was my sh*t.
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