Reply to ESPN blog entry: NBA Double Standard Kobe and Lebron

You guys know that this isn't an article but a response to the original blog that someone on espn posted. He's a poster in Laker forums... He has goodpoints but he is putting down Lebron. Except he got the part wrong where Cleveland is 8 games over .500. (They're actually 6 games over...)
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Also, all I've heard when it comes to the Cavs record is eastern conference this and eastern conference that.. But just compare the Lakers' record against the teams from the eastern conference with their record against the teams from the west.

Great point.

Great counter point. Did I write something wrong? Check the facts. The Lakers' record against teams from the east is worse than the record in theirown conference. All I keep hearing from Kobe extremists is how LeBron has it easy in the east all the while their cult leader himself has a worse record in theeast than in the west.

You act like Kobe averaged 35.4 0 and 0 that season. Don't forget he also was getting 5 plus boards and 4 plus assists and got a team with Luke, Kwame, and Smush AS STARTERS to the playoffs in the west. End your argument now.

Yeah, who can argue against the phenomenal teammates LeBron had this year.
Kobe still played with a player that was better than anyone LeBron ever had thatyear. Anyway, Kobe averaged 5.2 more points than LeBron that year (on 5.0 more shots taken per game). LeBron however averages 2.8 more rebounds and 2.9 moreassists per game than Kobe did that year. Are you seriously going to tell me that 5.2 ppg is more impressive than 2.8 rebounds AND 2.9 assists combined?? Andthis isn't even counting the fact that LeBron averages more steals and blocks than Kobe that year. You have no statistical arguments whatsoever. Face it,LeBron's current season is just more impressive. Your best strategy is to do like the rest of Kobe extremists: Come with some lame "stats aren'teverything" or "stats are misleading" comments and wait for the approval of your fellow extremists. Maybe you'll get lucky and they'llpost one of those "preach" pictures and then you can REALLY feel good about yourself.
i'm sure the Lakers will finish ahead of the Hornets, and then there'd be no excuse for Kobe not to get his due
Great counter point. Did I write something wrong? Check the facts. The Lakers' record against teams from the east is worse than the record in their own conference. All I keep hearing from Kobe extremists is how LeBron has it easy in the east all the while their cult leader himself has a worse record in the east than in the west.
Ok, what's your point? His team is 15-12 against the west and 17-14 against the easr.
His point is that we're downplaying Lebron's stats and that its not even comparable to what Kobe did two years ago.

He's also saying playing in different conferences doesn't matter, because Lakers have a worse record against the east (which is 17-9) than they doagainst the west (which is 23 wins and 8 losses) So therefore "Kobe extremists" can no longer use the east vs west point in their arguments.

His point is that Lebron is phenomenal and the season he is having is unmatched by anyone in the league. He's bringing up Michael's 32.5 8 and 8season, but he didn't win the MVP that year. (A certain other MJ did with his less impressive 22.5 12.8 and 7.9) I don't know if he's here to saythat Lebron is the MVP or just here to discredit every argument "Kobe extremists" make...
any subjective basketball fans have been knowing that there is a double standard. with that said, he will win an mvp before he retires.
What do you want? It's the NBA's face right here. They can't wait to give him MVP. %@$! is disgusting...
Here is my take, the guy did downplay Bron's numbers a bit because he was trying to prove a point about there being a double standard. I think that thedouble standard has always been there, it's called human inclination. As people we are pleased by aesthetics, we like something or someone because it'smore pleasing to the eyes. There are too many reasons to like Bron and dislike Kobe, sadly none of those reasons have to do with basketball. I bet half, if notmore than half of the people who have votes don't even watch the game. Most will watch sportscenter and check the box score or listen to what was saidabout the game. How can you expect a true MVP to be chosen every year when you have voters that don't know what's up? Tey don't notice that Pauplays better with a teammate like Kobe. They wouldn't have watched but one primetime game, more than likely it was the Cavs vs. Lakers where Lebron had aridiculous game and Kobe didn't. That is what the MVP will be based on.

Personally, I think CP3 should get it if he keeps up on this pace he has going. I am a huge Laker's fan and love Kobe but I am also realistic. I also thinkKobe deserves it more than Bron if things keep up like they are. Time will tell.
Kobe could find the cure for cancer and the haters would still criticize him, that's what people do when they don't or can't understand greatness. They did the same thing to MJ throughout his career, even after he won his first MVP. "ALL HE CAN DO IS SCORE", HE DOESN'T MAKE HISTEAM MATES BETTER", BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. For you youngsters that don't remember those days, look it up!!!
Lebron's averaging 30, 7, 7

Kobe doesn't have the all-around game LeBron does.

L-Train has to pass, rebound, play d, AND score for the Cavs to win.

Kobe shoots alot and plays great D.

Whoever the moron was who wrote this artice is very subjective. You cannot compare the two seasons. TOO MANY VARIABLES.

BTW, Kobe's records vs the East is less than admirable this year.
BTW, Kobe's records vs the East is less than admirable this year.
17-9 is less than admirable? You cavs fans dont know what the hell you are talking about. 15-12 is less than admirable and 6-11 is even lessadmirable. You want to know what those numbers are? Your record vs the West and your record vs western conference teams with winning records.

Kobe shoots alot and plays great D.
yes, Kobe doesnt pass
He leads the team in assists.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Lebron's averaging 30, 7, 7

Kobe doesn't have the all-around game LeBron does.

L-Train has to pass, rebound, play d, AND score for the Cavs to win.

Kobe shoots alot and plays great D.

Whoever the moron was who wrote this artice is very subjective. You cannot compare the two seasons. TOO MANY VARIABLES.

BTW, Kobe's records vs the East is less than admirable this year.

Please if you dont watch lebron AND kobe play...dont comment...becuz if you really think all kobe does for the lakers is "shoot alot and playgreat d" ... then you don't know ne thing about basketball obviously...that might be the dumbest post in this whole thread.............


actually yea it is by far....
im just mad they never show the dunks when someone posters lebron. how is that nick young dunk over lebron not top 10?!?
id still take kobe over lebronanyday
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Lebron's averaging 30, 7, 7

Kobe doesn't have the all-around game LeBron does.

L-Train has to pass, rebound, play d, AND score for the Cavs to win.

Kobe shoots alot and plays great D.

Whoever the moron was who wrote this artice is very subjective. You cannot compare the two seasons. TOO MANY VARIABLES.

BTW, Kobe's records vs the East is less than admirable this year.

Why is it end of discussion? How does that prove that he's the MVP according to the standard that has been set? Why is it that the one year that Lebronis dominant, all standards go out the window? Lebron's having a crazy, dominant year, But he's no MVP.
Kobe shoots alot and plays great D.
Have you even been watching Kobe play THIS season? Seriously?

I have a question, what is the most assists averaged by a player playing in the triangle offense?

This is quickly turning into Lebron vs Kobe, instead of talking about the point of the piece. (Which was kinda player vs player anyways)
I dont get it...because...the writer showed Lebron's full stat line...but only Kobe's points...
So what, I was talkin out my a**

But I'ma vouch for my boy, same way ya'll Laker fans vouch for KB.

IMHO, LeBron means more to his team than Kobe means to his.

Kobe has Gasol, Bynum, Fisher and Odom.

LeBron has Big Z.

Please provide an argument why Kobe does more for his team than LeBron. I got open ears.
yehh...the media knocks kobe...his team isnt the top team so kobe cant win...oh now kobe has a team so its his team doing it not him....the king carried histeam on his back hes the mvp no question...the onLy mvp kobe can win is the finaLs mvp...if the Lakers can get there and win
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