Republican Party is on the way out!

Originally Posted by welcometothetonezone

Die? No.

Change/Adapt to minorities, women, and young people under 30? yes.
that's literally going to take decades. they can't seem to get their foot out of their mouth..

To reach black people - they elected Michael Steele to the head of the RNC, we all know how that turned out.

To reach Hispanics - they said we will reach out to them, then cried, moaned, screamed, and tried to discredit Sotomayor who was immensely qualified, &still have horrible immigration policy
To reach out to woman - they need to become much more socially moderate until then woman are more likely to be Democrat. But there is nothing that shows theycan win more than 45% of woman vote unless Dems put up a horrible candidate. (i.e. Mondale in '84)
To reach younger people they have to relinquish some of their fiscal conservatism and realize some policies need to be done, and cost money. Also must be EVENMORE socially moderate. They also need to shake their war monger title also.

They have not done anything for any of this. While I don't think they will die, I believe they are putting all their eggs in the white male voting nest(which I am apart of) and they will never get the % of that vote they need to win elections.

So Republicans need to flip the coin and be like 60% different.

And the problems between blue dogs vs. progressives is a big split.. BUT it is not citizen split... Republicans problem is with citizens of every group exceptolder white non-college males.
Wait until the midterm elections before you start pronouncing the Republicans dead. They will probably take back 40 seats in congress.
Republicans have a strong foothold in the uneducated lower class and the wealthy upper class. Democrats are pretty much just the middle class and a couplecelebrities.

Unless the demography of America shifts drastically, there will be no change in relevant parties.
Essential1 you really need to stop talking politics: "They will never get the votes they need to win an election"

The party wasn't strong for the '08 election, but they're still getting almost 46% of votes. Given Obama's recent shakiness, I'd hardly saythey are currently in shambles.
at essentials liberal slant. 1. Just because they tried to discredit Sotomayor doesn't mean diddly about them still trying to reach out to hispanics.Sotomayor was far from immensely qualified and wasn't even the best possible candidate, her nomination was purely political. They tried to discredit herphilosophy and comments (comments that make me feel uncomfortable knowing she's one of the final arbiters in deciding constitutionality). But I guess itdoesn't matter the supreme court is extremely politicized.

2. What policies need to be done? Why is it the government's responsibility to do these programs that "cost money?" Why not follow theconstitution and what is explicitly stated as powers of the federal government? I'm willing to bet 80% of what people consider important/essentialfunctions of the government indeed are not so.

and NT and politics dont mix, I swear most of you liberal wackos just repeat what you hear on the news and Keith Olbermann. and Rush Limbaugh is not seen as aleader for the conservative base with the exception of a small dedicated minority.
Rush Limbaugh is not seen as a leader for the conservative base with the exception of a small dedicated minority.

Only part I didn't agree with. To the many Americans that are poorly informed and even more poorly educated, they take everything people Like Rush say tobe factual and are subjecting themselves to believe all sorts of propaganda (for instance, against Obama: that he's a Muslim, non-American, Nazi).
JDB... I guess you didn't read the whole line correctly.. "They will never get the % of that vote they need to win elections".. Meaning theycannot rely on that vote alone... Which is what they are doing...

You really need to stop talking anything until you learn how to read first....
what this country really needs is a THIRD viable party. in what other aspect of life do we only have two choices?

and sadly, i think what the republican party has become may actually grow in numbers. some of the stuff that comes out of glenn beck and rush limbaugh is soalarmist, paranoid and downright hateful that people who are easily swayed by buzzwords and rhetoric will latch on without hesitation.
Originally Posted by pdouly33

The Republican party got 45.6% of the vote in the 2008 Presidential election after an extremely unpopular Republican president (at the time of his departure) left office. Bush left office with a 34% approval and 61% disapproval rating, and yet McCain/Palin got 45.6% of the vote.


They're not going anywhere.
You can't point out facts to these dudes, they think Obama won by a landslide, lol. Anybody care to explain why your favorite liberal mediaoutlet isn't reporting what just happened to ACORN.
If it were not for MSNBC and its talking points, there would be a lot less people making political statements.
^i have to agree with you rex, but you can replace 'msnbc' with all media outlets, liberal and conservative. the problem with the internet is all theinformation is out there now, good and bad. facts and fiction. i see our society being more and more polarized by the day and quite frankly, im very concernedbecause nothing is getting done. truth be told, i don't think america was ready for a black president (granted he's half black).
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by pdouly33

The Republican party got 45.6% of the vote in the 2008 Presidential election after an extremely unpopular Republican president (at the time of his departure) left office. Bush left office with a 34% approval and 61% disapproval rating, and yet McCain/Palin got 45.6% of the vote.


They're not going anywhere.
You can't point out facts to these dudes, they think Obama won by a landslide, lol. Anybody care to explain why your favorite liberal media outlet isn't reporting what just happened to ACORN.
Burner, I saw your post but didn't respond to it, so I'm going to go do it now.
Originally Posted by pdouly33

The Republican party got 45.6% of the vote in the 2008 Presidential election after an extremely unpopular Republican president (at the time of his departure) left office. Bush left office with a 34% approval and 61% disapproval rating, and yet McCain/Palin got 45.6% of the vote.


They're not going anywhere.
Nice statistics except you did not point out the one aspect of the last Presidential campaign... one of the candidates was black. You think thathas any bearing on the results? Now imagine if Obama was white. You think he would have won greater than 54.4% of the vote? Hmmm.
Originally Posted by pdouly33

The Republican party got 45.6% of the vote in the 2008 Presidential election after an extremely unpopular Republican president (at the time of his departure) left office. Bush left office with a 34% approval and 61% disapproval rating, and yet McCain/Palin got 45.6% of the vote.


They're not going anywhere.
you know they ran against a black guy, right?

p.s. 64 million.
Youd be surprised who supports the GOP(ie: many of our favorite rappers and athletes) well at least before Odrama
Originally Posted by Lemonade41

Youd be surprised who supports the GOP(ie: many of our favorite rappers and athletes) well at least before Odrama

Daddy Yankee for one (not that he's any kind of favorite of mine
DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
Lotta stupid statements in here.

Democrats and Republicans are both the same, its about time you guys realize this.
QFT...The only intelligent post in this thread. Both parties are the same they just have different rhetoric.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by pdouly33

The Republican party got 45.6% of the vote in the 2008 Presidential election after an extremely unpopular Republican president (at the time of his departure) left office. Bush left office with a 34% approval and 61% disapproval rating, and yet McCain/Palin got 45.6% of the vote.


They're not going anywhere.
Nice statistics except you did not point out the one aspect of the last Presidential campaign... one of the candidates was black. You think that has any bearing on the results? Now imagine if Obama was white. You think he would have won greater than 54.4% of the vote? Hmmm.
Your hypotheticals are no good here.

The fact that Obama is black only supports the notion that the Republicans aren't going anywhere, although I do confess that argument wasn't part of myoriginal post...the GOP is the party for the large majority of people who are prejudiced against blacks.
Originally Posted by da703trailblaza

at essentials liberal slant. 1. Just because they tried to discredit Sotomayor doesn't mean diddly about them still trying to reach out to hispanics. Sotomayor was far from immensely qualified and wasn't even the best possible candidate, her nomination was purely political. They tried to discredit her philosophy and comments (comments that make me feel uncomfortable knowing she's one of the final arbiters in deciding constitutionality). But I guess it doesn't matter the supreme court is extremely politicized.

2. What policies need to be done? Why is it the government's responsibility to do these programs that "cost money?" Why not follow the constitution and what is explicitly stated as powers of the federal government? I'm willing to bet 80% of what people consider important/essential functions of the government indeed are not so.

and NT and politics dont mix, I swear most of you liberal wackos just repeat what you hear on the news and Keith Olbermann. and Rush Limbaugh is not seen as a leader for the conservative base with the exception of a small dedicated minority.

Just to get this clear, you're talking about health care right? On the second bold text?

You are against medicare as well? Just asking because your party (assuming youre repub) cant seem to make up their mind.

Again just to make sure I understand your stance if it isn't explicitely stated in the constitution the government shouldn't have the right to do it?

Just making sure I'm getting your arugment right.

I swear most of you liberal wackos just repeat what you hear on the news and Keith Olbermann.
They tried to discredit her philosophy and comments (comments that make me feel uncomfortable knowing she's one of the final arbiters in deciding constitutionality).
Nters slay me..
Again just so I'm making sure I'm getting this right.
You, on your own merit, without the help of Fox News, saw the statements
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.
Until 1972, no Supreme Court case ever upheld the claim of a woman in a gender discrimination case. I…believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable….

Knew the context, her talking about how similar to, when a woman was on Supreme Court women were finally represented, a hispanic on a supremecourt will finally represent hispanics. And that makes you "feel uncomfortable"?

All I have to respond is, I'm sorry you really believe an all white, all male, supreme court is/would be as representative to all people as a diversesupreme court.
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