resell price vs. pride!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 15, 2008
The reason why I made this thread is because i have recently been astonished by these cdp's and the prices of each shoe when sold seperatley. It seems tome like we (shoeheads) have become a tool of the game and we are playing ourselves. I dont understand why we fell that buying a pair of shoe's for aconsiderable amount of money more than retail is okay. For example: CDP 6's. i dont own a pair of 6's but i think retail was 135. half of t a 310dollars pack is 155. Why would u feel that buying this shoe for 200+ is a good deal? the buying of OG's and old retro's are excluded in thisconversation but i never payed over retail for a pair of shoes that i own and i copped hypeed shoe in ds condition years after they were released. I need lotsof opinions NT because i need to get a better understanding.
U can thank hypebeasts for outrageous prices

for example laser 6 rings
that released recently were big profit forhypebeast because of availability...I've seen them going for $400 plus...u can get retros and older released jordans for that price so why waste money onthese

they threw nellys name on the shoe and price got outrageous and hypebeasts jumped on em
agreed ..but if we could just buy the shoe by itself then we could corner the market but people may feel that as long as it is cheaper that the whole pack theydon't care....
People want to make money over the enthusiast. Resellers who do this are just here to make cash.

People justify this prices on their head because of the price. If people stopped buying jays like we do and stopped paying this prices. You would see theseprices DROP QUICK.Everyone is just trying to look the best by wearing hyped up things
Originally Posted by Grailman911

the question im asking is why?

well like i stated earlier it depends really on how limited the shoe was(thats the main thing)...
they know that everyone that wanted them couldn't get them, so they offfer them to you but at a ridiculous price...and they know if you want something badenough then you'll pay $$ to get that particular shoe that you cheris or must have...
for now...take the L not much you can do bout it except buy shoe when it releases
I bought my carmines for 290 just cause i needed them in my life. Youre right thats outrageous but i had the money at the time so why not, im not reselling em.But i feel what youre saying, thats just how it is i guess...
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

People want to make money over the enthusiast. Resellers who do this are just here to make cash.

People justify this prices on their head because of the price. If people stopped buying jays like we do and stopped paying this prices. You would see these prices DROP QUICK.Everyone is just trying to look the best by wearing hyped up things

thats wat i was thinking. i we hold off than everyone would be able to cop at reasonable prices and well all b happy.
Originally Posted by WillAPeer

I bought my carmines for 290 just cause i needed them in my life. Youre right thats outrageous but i had the money at the time so why not, im not reselling em. But i feel what youre saying, thats just how it is i guess...

wow for an extra $20 you could have gotten the whole pack, i usuallysplit up all the packs but that price you paid for the carmines is a little steep imo
hype + supply & demand x the internet = outrageous prices

pretty simple. why do sellers sell for those prices? because they want money. why will people pay those prices? because they have money.

if you're asking why people think $250 for a pair of shoes is a good deal, well, I guess that means they expected to pay even more. and that just goes backto the original formula of hype plus s&d multiplied by the power of the internet.
the way i like to look at it is that each sneaker in the pack is of equal value even though they are not. it makes me feel good like im getting a deal 150for carmines damn.
Originally Posted by you go boy

ive said this many times the price of any shoe is how much you're willing to pay

yeah bt hes asking why prices get so high and its because of how hyped up a shoe gets and how limited it is
The hypebeast can keep the 6 rings, but on the others like VI etc. its all hype that people buy them , theysell out and well then the only way to get is to pay the price.........literally have to pay the price. Its simple "supply and demand" but the demandis higher now than ever because of the hype, and I believe JB realizes this and produces less. So in turn a "Sold-out" productinstead of a "sale'-rack" item
the problem is supply and demand , if you make a shoe super limited then everybody wants them no matter what they look like because of limitedness butcan't get a pair because there are to few to go around so the people with the money will pay top dollar just to say they have a pair.

then you take a hot as fire shoe that is a General release and the price will not jump at all becease everybody can get them so why pay more

i remember back in the day the problem wasn't you couldn't get or find a pair of shoes because most shoe stores got every pair of jordans and had themweeks after the came out
the problem was people were just to poor to buy them

things are different now , you have the OG's from back in the day like myself who has been there from day one , then you have people who started somewherein the middle of things and remember jordan with the bulls in the 90's , then you have the newbie's who have just started more recent that rememberjordan with the wizards, but then you have the dreaded hypebeast who screw things up for everybody else and just want jordan's becuase it's the hotthing going right now and don't have a clue about the man himself.

thing are different now becuase the jordan brand has grown so much from the begining but there will always be people who have jordan pride and people who arejust trying to make money by reselling because so many people buy the shoes and as long as their are limited releases there will be people there to buy them nomatter what the price

things are different now
Originally Posted by Grailman911

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

People want to make money over the enthusiast. Resellers who do this are just here to make cash.

People justify this prices on their head because of the price. If people stopped buying jays like we do and stopped paying this prices. You would see these prices DROP QUICK.Everyone is just trying to look the best by wearing hyped up things

thats wat i was thinking. i we hold off than everyone would be able to cop at reasonable prices and well all b happy.

Yeah, good luck with that strategy. That's like trying to convince the world not to buy stock in Google, so it'll drop and you can get it cheaper. You'll be leading a one-man crusade and be the only one without hot Jordans.
carmines is one of the few shoes I would pay a lot for, theres very few I would pay a lot over retail for
its easier said then done but in the end these shoes are just material items and you can live without them. i refuse to pay over retail for stuff and veryrarely do i pay retail because i refuse to put money in the pockets of huge corporations who only pay about $10-15 to make each shoe and i damn sure refuse tosupport scum resellers who imo are walking pieces of garbage. with newer limited stuff ex house of hoops releases i think over time when the market is oversaturated with limited releases that drop every weekend, the demmand for limited stuff will cool down considerably.

in regards to the resell vs pride topic though, i would take pride over resell value any day. if retail price is $140 for a shoe, then thats the most im goingto pay and if im not able to get the shoe then so be it, theres other things i can spend my hard earned money on.
People are lame. Whenever I go to the mall 12 hours early to get a pair of shoes there are a few lame @@# guys with all of their family posted up to buy everygood size you can imagine and you know they go straight to EBAY. People will do anything to make a buck including inflating the prices of shoes that should notcost upwards of $300. Stupid! Keep you girl and her sisters at home. I get that people want 2 packs but 6-8 packs is just dumb.
It's mostly shoes that are heavily hyped or limited.....And as long as there is a limited or hyped shoes re-sellers will always be around......Also thereis people with lots of money that don't want to wait in lines or don't get the shoes in their area that will pay $300 for a shoe and think nothing ofit
I hate resellers
. $300-400 for some laser 6 rings
. Not even close. Only shoes I would pay more than retail or $300+ for are theNubuck XII's, og white/red XII's (my grails), Infrared VI's, Spacejam XI's, and og and retro 1's (not the 2008 1's).
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