Retro 7's on Most Anticipated J's of 09' List. Are these dropping??

Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
Hope they dont drop in a pack.. i dont want to pay for the Orlando's, just give me the Raptors!!
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