Richmond D.A.R. Thread -- This Sunday...

Oct 17, 2000
For those not in the know by now in the "Cap City"...

What: Destroy and Rebuild -- "Tri-City Unity"

Who: All "lifestyle" Richmond Store employees/owners/managers
--ftwrk, Hospitality, Henry, LTD ED--
and ALL their customers/"lifestyle" folks in the 804 invited

When: Sunday, January 20th, 2007. Start at 7pm

Where: Shrader Lanes Bowling Alley, Broad Street

Just to keep things fresh (and people won't forget as time draws near) this thread is now up, with the advice/suggestion of many...

Plus, it's always good to get a WWE-like buildup/storyline going before the main event match...

For once (surprise), I won't start off the roasting of folks...

BUT I will say this...

I heard SOME OF YOU store owners have already ordered "team shirts" and what not.


Can't wait to for this. Props to all the stores for agreeing to participate.

Now let the trash talking begin!
Well I never break Hunned points but as far as form goes.... I can not be matched. I've been bowling 3 times since the event was announced. Lol
No trash talking here, but just a fair warning to those attending - show up on time to avoid ole' eyes pulling one of these on the management...


trust me!
eddiebauer757, if u go next week, hit me up, i need 2 sharpen my "skillz".

I'm thinking we should maybe get a trophy that comes with%!@* talking rights for the store that wins(and their customers/friends). Something cheap, butnoticeable.
LTD... we can hit it up this monday for sure. 7:30pm or 8pm. Its like a dollar per game between 7pm-11pm I think. Plus a $10 cover charge. Reg. price is like$6.75 per game. Anybody else that wants a "pre-get together" get together is more than welcome to join.
Yeah, what's up with that trophy?! If this is gonna be an ongoing thang, what's up with the winner taking home that joint and holding it (and braggingrights) til the next one? Defend the cup steez! Either way, I'ma be bowling a mean 100. Don't sleep. Laugh out loud, laugh my!*+% off.
Some type of Universal plack for that store... or it can be store specific but everyone (or just store owners b/c it is to their benefit) will have to chip in.Sounds like more of a reason for me to practice though. Me throwing 40pts per game will not be a good look. Lol
Can i get a confirmation from each store on throwing in 10 bucks on that trophy (or less, they have some small ones for about 25 with engraving, larger onesare a couple bucks more, but to be safe i'd say 40 bucks should have us a nice one). It takes about a week to get it situated. Ante up!

Also, cast your votes on style of trophy. I vote for the cup style trophy as seen here( ). We could get an actualbowling style one, but i think the cup is cooler personally.

Also any suggestions on the engraving?
You know this! I concure with the cup style. Cause we will be drinking out of that juent after we win! Haha. Whose hands will the cup end up in?!

Can we get a football game going sometime too? Just saying.
No trophy. we'are all winners. Lol. This post needed a bump with the event being on Sunday cause i'm sure most folks forgot.
Well, its OFFICIAL!, D.A.R. Schraders Lane Pt1 is a wrap. It was a chilly January evening..... Team LTD/ED arrived about 20 mins early to check the scene.Things seemed calm, no trace of any competitors so i started my pre-game routine(no minors allowed). Heineken on tap tall is the first exercise. Oncecompleted, i checked again. Team Henry and Team ftwrk were in the building, followed by Team Hospitality. After a briefing of team status, lanes wereacquired.... After the first set it was obvious, we all sucked, which made it easier to just relax and enjoy the few minutes away from work. Well, enough ofthe pleasantries. You're probably wondering who won. Good question, a good question with a great answer....... Team LTD/ED is the WINNER! Led by me(pat onthe back) with a final score of 123(terrible!). It was a glorious moment. There was a tie for 2nd between ftwrk, Hospitality, and Henry at 98. In the secondround a few people broke 100, but still, no one could top Team LTD/ED aka "The Dream Team". Thanks to all who came out, thanks to Kev for organizing,and thanks to me for being such a monster on the lanes. I now know why no one wanted to pitch in on that trophy(lol) We should do it once a month if we can, itwas fun. If not, Rudy suggests paintball? Who's in. LTD/ED will be there to claim another W for the team!
Ben, posted with the quickness.
Fun night but at the the end of the day...Arnold demolished and conquered
ltd/ed got the W thanks to me.
Wait, who's the dude in the pic with the bowling ball? I thought LTD/ED was that Asian dude claiming the real hiphop, even though he didn't hit up thatWu show! Haha. Ben did come out the gate strong! I woulda too if I knew it was gonna be a one game match! You did get high score of the night, but where wereyou the second game?! Til we meet again...
damn i forgot...yall lucky to cuz i use to be NICE in the youth league in time i'm in there...
Glad to see everyone had a good time. I was in Detroit for the Auto Show. This dude Kev didn't even holla at a brotha to see why I didn't make it
This dude Kev didn't even holla at a brotha to see why I didn't make it

The big homie was not in attendance. Lol. I didn't think people were gonna show up b/c the thread was so dead so I went back to sleep myself
Always "Rhyme and Reason" with everything I say and do; Ripleys Believe It or Not.

My attendance meant absolutely nothing, and I wasn't there for a reason.

But, now that the big picture is out of the way...

Oh trust, I'll have the "RockDeep" exclusive "You have to know D. Edwards to get these" Jordan Brand bowling shoes on next timearound...


Any of the store owners got a date in mind for next time?
Lol, Just throw shots... no bullets. Damn, a lil N made it onto "The Dream Team". I dont even need to start. Eye look guud on dis hea bench Sir. Lol
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