Rick Ross Gives 50 Cent 48 Hours to Come Up With A Better Diss BOSSSSS!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast


GRODT was trash. It's only "classic" because of the beats. Put up the best verse on GRODT and I guarantee you that the worst Fat Joe verse off ANY album is better.

Let's be serious fam. Imagine 50 cent rapping side by side with Pun or Big L.....
I can't even imagine that. It's like taking the worst scrub on your local H.S basketball team and starting him in an NBA game.

*insert a fat joe album here* > 50's career.

Lyrically, it's a massacre.
Flow, delivery etc... it's a massacre.

Give them equal beats and it's a wrap.

and ONCE AGAIN.... mainstream appeal does NOT make you a better rapper.


did 50 Cent beat you up when you were kids?
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Ross is fraudulent. Dude has the perfect criteria to be a C.O. or undercover cop.

I only messed with the guy's music before this whole scandal broke out and for the most part it was only a couple songs that I liked like "Push It" and "Hustlin"...that's basically it!

Aside from that, the crew he runs with I basically just can't stand. DJ Khaled is a fat piece of @*$! who actually takes the time out to post video blogs going at his so-called "haters". Just because you're annoying as hell and contribute nothing special to a project and people recognize it you try to pull that video blog stuff.
Go talk over another beat Khaled...you're not listened to in the streets like you think.

Fat Joe's another sellout. Dude left New York to go down South because the music scene was more mainstream at the time. For all I care you can stay down there...and your music sucks too.

I could mention more but those 2 run with Ross alot so sometimes you're only as good as the people you keep around you. Hope Ross has a good pension plan with the police.
If i'm Fat Joe I would've done the same +@%. My own region would rather download and bootlegg my album after I got the #1 song in the country? Hell of the year? Why sit in New York and keep lettin' that +@% fly when you can expand your music to other regions. You dudes are using "sellout" and "fraud" entirely wrong. And a CO and undercover cop are two different things. I've done this +@% before. I'm not gonna even argue about this whole Ross +@%. Fact is, Ross sold a image just like film companies sell a film. Just like some films idiots really believe what they see and in return you get +@% like the VT and Columbine shootings. Its not real. Its entertainment. I'm not sure why people don't understand this before whatever reason they don't.

People bootleg everywhere regardless of what region it is. You mean to tell me that rappers down south like Wayne, T.I., and Luda for instance don't get bootlegged from people down south!?
Fact is it goes on everywhere!!! Album sales are lost everywhere not just NY. Fat Joe lost alot of respect in NYC...and he started out a NYC rapper. I don't care how you flip it around...Fat Joe should have stayed loyal to NY. A few collabos with down South artists to expand your music is understandable and fine but this dude practically took his whole style down south and even owns a home in Miami. People in NYC and from the east coast in general know he aint loyal. I don't blame the people..especially of NY..to bootleg his %@+*...his lyrical skills fell off years ago anyway.

..and if you're questioning my understanding of what a Corrections Officer and an undercover cop is please refrain from it because I'm aware of what both are. I believe Rick Ross is a fat fraudulent pig that got in the game to make some money and makes Miami look bad because he tries too hard to sell an image. Dude calls himself "The Boss" and gets scandalized when the public sees pics of him in his C.O. days. Miami deserves a real rapper...and he aint one of em.
I'm not saying bootlegging doesn't go down everywhere but the East Coast is the bootleg capital. Whether its clothes, purses, cd'swhatever. I don't think you can sit here and knock Fat Joe lookin' at other ways to make money. I'm from the South and down here we definatelydon't appreciate cats comin' down here and makin' money off %%! we do. Especially a dude from NY but I didn't get that vibe from dude. He hadthe Make It Rain joint with Wayne which I guess you'd consider a down south record if you want but aside from that the music was pretty much Fat Joe. TheFat Joe of the past couple of year sanyway.

And let me clear up i'm not hear defending Ross or what he did. I just don't see Ross any different than any other rapper. Because i've heard the%%! about Pac and Dre. I've heard the %%! about Ice Cube. What Ross did is nothing new. He was a correctional officer. That's the difference betweenhim and others but as far as knockin' the dude for lying about his life lol? Seriously? You got beef with 95% of the game. Fact is, if these dudes were asraw as they claimed to be on record they'd be locked up right now. Or just gettin' out of prison for servin' 10+ years. I guess that's why Ican tolerate Ross. I don't see the kingpin. I see a dude who's just sellin' an image to people who will believe it or who only purchase recordsbecasue of a image. But he's not different than Jeezy, Clipse or other cocaine rapper.

Its a sad day in hip hop when INTEGRITY, CHARACTER, & MANHOOD take the back seat to getting $ . . . I guess the South doesn't mind performing in black face, disgracing the race as long as their properly compensated . . . You know not all slaves chose to run away and cut masters head off like they should of, some of them were content with the position they held . . . Some even tried to get promoted to OVER-Seer life Rick Ross

I mean if that's the kind of BOYS yall are, less power to you, hopefully one day yall can look in the mirror and see a man . .
@ You tryin' to drop knowledge like you just got outof History 1301. Compairing slaves who were given a life they didn't want to a dude who's creating a character for consumers to buy.
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