Rick Santorum wants to ban hard-core pornography

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by methedy23





Last pic is kinda hot....Is that his wife?
Its Michelle Bachman you clown.

Giving that dog the Holly Michaels treatment.

Cue .gif
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by dadecounty11

Originally Posted by justforsneaks
I've heard it can lead to impotence.  Also if you watch too much pron you become desensitized to things like that, thus making it harder to get excited when it's time for the real thing.  These are just some of the arguments I have heard.  Don't know how much truth there is in either.

 Not true. This is the "video game violence" argument with the words switched out.
LOLwut? That's not a good comparison at all.

And yes, it can lead to impotence and desensitization, cause so much porn (masturbation or not) can basically cloud your mind (can figure out another phrase other than that), and you will have difficulties

getting excited for the real thing. You'd be used to so much fantasy and over-dramatization that equal porn with real life sex. Even worse, you can start to reach a point to where you would rather masturbate 

than actually have sex (and not in a funny way either).

If you can go HAM while watching porn, but when you get to real sex, your meat is like 
...you have a porn addiction.
I agree with Peep Game. To the defense of the OP of that Opinion, there was a NT member who made a thread about his experience.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by methedy23





Last pic is kinda hot....Is that his wife?
Its Michelle Bachman you clown.

Giving that dog the Holly Michaels treatment.

Cue .gif

Im a black man in Texas, how the hell am I supposed to know what the congress woman of Minnestoa looks like?
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Im a black man in Texas, how the hell am I supposed to know what the congress woman of Minnestoa looks like?

A. She was a presidential candidate until somewhat recently.
B. You say 'the congress woman' implying there is only one.

In summation, you should probably abstain from political discussions in the near future.
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Im a black man in Texas, how the hell am I supposed to know what the congress woman of Minnestoa looks like?

A. She was a presidential candidate until somewhat recently.
B. You say 'the congress woman' implying there is only one.

In summation, you should probably abstain from political discussions in the near future.

Im not having a politcal discussion, I'm commenting on a pic of a women stuffing a corn dog in her mouth.If you wanna feel better about yourself, go do it in person, in real life.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Dude is sufferring from PJS, Porn Jealousy Syndrome.

Its when you watch so much porn, something just clicks and suddenly you hate it because you're not getting like that.

..too real
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Im a black man in Texas, how the hell am I supposed to know what the congress woman of Minnestoa looks like?

A. She was a presidential candidate until somewhat recently.
B. You say 'the congress woman' implying there is only one.

In summation, you should probably abstain from political discussions in the near future.

Well obviously she was an insignificant candidate, since many of us don't even know who she is. 
Originally Posted by Savraj1

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Im a black man in Texas, how the hell am I supposed to know what the congress woman of Minnestoa looks like?

A. She was a presidential candidate until somewhat recently.
B. You say 'the congress woman' implying there is only one.

In summation, you should probably abstain from political discussions in the near future.
Well obviously she was an insignificant candidate, since many of us don't even know who she is.
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by Savraj1

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

A. She was a presidential candidate until somewhat recently.
B. You say 'the congress woman' implying there is only one.

In summation, you should probably abstain from political discussions in the near future.
Well obviously she was an insignificant candidate, since many of us don't even know who she is.
Didn't read .... wont get me vote

why doesnt he worry about real issues like the economy and foreign affairs before he gets rid of with the pron.

people will riot if porns gone... seriously
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

yeah, but she's bat %%%@ crazy so she was all over the TV, papers, magazines a few months ago....
she's crazier than a !%+$ house rat.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

his last name, though

"The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex."

These Repub's are COMEDY!

I forget who it was, but some message board, like 2 yrs ago, noticed how off Santorum is, and created the urban dictionary posts and such, comparing him to sex ooze.
SMH at the ppl not knowing who Bachmann is. This is how nutjobs win elections. Voting age ppl don't pay attention at all. They just listen to what their parents talk about during dinner and such. Walk into the booth and vote, Republican or Democrat, bc that's what their rents do.
Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

his last name, though

"The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex."

These Repub's are COMEDY!

I forget who it was, but some message board, like 2 yrs ago, noticed how off Santorum is, and created the urban dictionary posts and such, comparing him to sex ooze.

well Dan Savage as i understand it, helped have that definition come up as the number one search result when u search his name. idk if its still like that tho...republicans are outta there minds tho i don't watch the news as much because there too much foolery going on. daily show/colbert keeps me updated on the politics, thats all.


Rick Santorum wants to put an end to the distribution of pornography in the United States.

"America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography," Santorum's official website reads. "Pornography is toxic to marriages and relationships. It contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking."

The former Pennsylvania senator states that, "as a parent, I am concerned about the widespread distribution of illegal obscene pornography and its profound effects on our culture."

Santorum criticized the Obama administration for turning "a blind eye ... to the scourge of pornography" and for refusing to enforce obscenity laws.

"If elected President, I will appoint an Attorney General who will do so," Santorum writes. "While the Obama Department of Justice seems to favor pornographers over children and families, that will change under a Santorum Administration."

Santorum is not the first presidential candidate to take up the obscenity issue. In July, Michele Bachmann signed a pledge vowing her support of a constitutional amendment that, among other things, called for a ban on all pornography. (It also effectively called for a ban on same-sex marriage.)

The Atlantic wonders if Santorum's wide-scale crackdown on porn could actually work.

The Daily Caller found someone who thinks it could. "If the government wanted to aggressively move against Internet pornography, it could do so," UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh told the site.

Wonkette's Rebecca Schoenkopf pointed out it's just another example of Santorum positioning himself as the extremely conservative choice for president.

"It seems that Rick Santorum has found time in his busy schedule of condemning 'radical' women for working outside the home and using birth control, and nagging English-speaking Puerto Ricans to speak English, and now is turning his hot, penetrating gaze to manfolk-bizness," she wrote.


Is he honestly expecting to get elected after saying that?
I understand what he's saying, but that certainly won't help him any in the race for office.
He actually perfectly fits the profile of the porn obsessed married guy. I'm sure it caused a rift in his marriage at some point, so he kinda got over it, and is showing and proving to his wife right now that he is. Only he really isn't, just got better at hiding. Shame on you Rick for blaming the availability of the drug to your obsession with it. A little self control, inner strength and accountability buddy. smh. I went off on my own tangent there, but really, if it didn't personally affect his life somehow, why would he take up this cause out of nowhere? not necessarily a hot button issue with the other candidates or you know, the rest of the country.
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