Ridiculing Misanthropes should be blasphemy . VOL. Understand where they're coming from

Jul 9, 2016
Got something to share with yall.

Last night my boy's lady picked us up from work around 2:30 like most nights. We head too my apartment and we come across furniture sitting in the front of my building. So im looking and i see a woman on the first floor outside of her door. So im thinking this might be her and her family's stuff. Then i start looking around an i find furniture that looks similar to mine. So i hop out the car and the two security guards are there asking me which apartment do i stay in. I tell them then they tell me this is all apartment ____ 's stuff. So im looking around like WTF is going on. Then one of them explains the whole situation to me... The landlord and my old man went back fourth towards eachother over the phone. Then the landlord (Born in France btw) gets him and his guys to tear the door down off the frame while all of them are drunk out of their minds. They run up on my dads girl which was sleep. And tell her to get tf out and that he has a signed notice. So after she dipped they then take everything out of our place and displayed it all on the sidewalk. Security dude then tells me that once they did that it was free game on oir ****. He said it was like a block party and everyone was picking through our stuff. Everything that i ever posted on NT from kicks to clothes are now gone. My pops belongings were gone including his clothes and T.V. . The couch that he spent so much money on paying down for when i moved back in with him was going to the trash this morning.


The Fire place that he had when i was a youngin was trash now. Which he just got back from my mom. His guitar was ******. Only a few clothes and and little things were left. Heres the breakdown.

My pops had the rent money and was going to pay this dude yesterday. Which they talked about. Landlord hops on the phone with my pops then proceeds to argue with him while drunk. He hangs up. My pops then calls him back to then get told "Dont call my phone again you ****in ******." Then blocks his number. This all had to be way after he picked me up for work which was around 5:30. So im guessing between 10p and 1a this had to happen. And there was no form of notice on the door when i left out..
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Today dude switched up and was talking to the old man about how he's fearing for his life and told my pops dont bring his gun (Which the old man was heavy headed on taking this ****** life today). But they came to an agreement of us not paying rent for the next 3 months and that he would fix everything... Front door doesnt even lock now...

Humans that hate other humans shouldnt be ridiculed (Me partly being one of them)
Something is missing ( no pun) from this story.

It went from 0-100 to quick. How is late rent payment lead to immediate eviction.

Did ya call bacon bits to report unlawful removal or whatever?
Bro my pops dont even wanna sue dude. He counted up 45K in damages. Dude didnt even get the cops involved. It was him (Drunk) with his Russian buddies (Drunk). And old man feels its worthless to call the pigs
unlawful removal, you will win in court. if your story aint shakey and hold truth your pops and landlord made a agreement on the payment of rent.
Lawyer up. Sounds like the landlord already knows he’s guilty. Time to lay the smack down on his candy ***.
I told my pops he could at least sue for a hate crime as well on top of everything else. Seeing that the hard R was involved
Yeah, you have to take it to court. 45k wtf. They took your stuff too. Are you sure there isn't a reason your dad isn't pursuing this? Seems wild to let 45k and that amount of disrespect slide.
landlord with that russia mafia tactics...

see if he'll cash you out before taking it to court
Yeah they are supposed to notidy you. It's apart of the rent control policies in Cali I believe.
So the old man is speaking with a lawyer tommorow. Cops said they cant arrest him for breaking and entering since its his place. But we can file a civil suit
Bruh. This is crazy.

Only one solution


And after I do it I'm claiming I blacked out.

Thought this was gonna really be about misanthropes being ridiculed though.
Sounds like an easy case to win if you take it to court. Have a lawyer pull up transcripts on the phone convoy between your dad and the landlord when they had their spat. And make sure your dad doesn't sign an agreement to the 3 months free rent or whatever the Landlord is offering.

Edit: I see that your father is on it, keep us posted.
Sounds like an easy case to win if you take it to court. Have a lawyer pull up transcripts on the phone convoy between your dad and the landlord when they had their spat. And make sure your dad doesn't sign an agreement to the 3 months free rent or whatever the Landlord is offering.

Edit: I see that your father is on it, keep us posted.
Forsure bro. Ill keep this thread as live as possible. Also its 5 months

Edit. Also dont think he signed anything
Pops said he's afraid if I'll sue or his girl sues then it'll fall back on him in a negative way. His name is the only one on the lease so i can understand. We're pushing for as close to a year rent free as possible. He said let him handle it so im just gonna let him handle it. He's already talked to cops and they said "At least he's trting to cooperated with you so try your best to cooperate back". We dead *** cant lock this dude up because its his property even when my boy broke down every crime he committed the other night

Breaking and Entering

Possible Assault/Battery


And a couple others.

Like i said my pops wants to do it his way (Whatever way that is) and im not fixing to go back and fourth with him over a dude that i dont know from Adams who picked up my **** and allowed people around the community to phone friends for a quick lick on it.

Ill continue to keep NT Posted.

Create an itemized list of everything you lost bro. The more evidemce like pics of said stuff, the better. Ensure you and pops are on the same page as far as pursuing legal action. Dont leave this all up to him cus you lost all of your possessions as well.
Unless a years worth of rent, utilities and insurance exceeds 45k, sue the landlord.

Living rent free means nothing if you still paying utilities and there’s no guarantee of quality maintenance if you request it.
Create an itemized list of everything you lost bro. The more evidemce like pics of said stuff, the better. Ensure you and pops are on the same page as far as pursuing legal action. Dont leave this all up to him cus you lost all of your possessions as well.

Yo get that justice OP. Like others said, list EVERYTHING
We litterally just talked about this when i hopped out the car a few mins ago. Im re buying everything and keeping all my tabs. Online or not.

Dude tryna ask my dad what T.V. he had (only one in our place) And talking about he wanna replace it out of his own pockets... Pops ****** up the A/C monitor out of anger and dude made sure the A/C guy came in Today.. .. . How Sorry
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