Road kill unappreciation VOL. With Pics

Nov 26, 2007
This thread dont need pics
so dont ask for any.

Today I woke up to work on a side job with my old man.

Got the job done quick and headed home...

I was traveling on the highway, and my dad spots out a stubby leg in the far right lane..... I am like thats odd. My dads like looks a deer got it


What I saw was a Golden retreiver or yellow lab, CUT in half!
It was cut in half, from its head to its ribs were there. Just one leg on the highway, nothing else
Musta got merked by a semi-truck.

Its been on my mind all today. and the not funny thing is.... MY favorite LOL gif Is the dog jumping out of the car chasing the other dog
(feel free to post it)

It was soo messed up seeing a dead dog like that

You guys see anything besides the regualr pigeon or squirrel?
dude, I aint into gruesome pictures

and for another one, you really want to see soemthing like that ?
it's unappreciated. I've seen a couple of skunks, when you drive past the smell
is unbelievable
the second one

the last one

I seen a video of a cop hitting a deer, pretty well known on video sites makes me LOL all the time
i was in mexico on the highway and we see a small crowd of people yelling and freaking out, and when we get closer we see some dude lying there bleeding andall torn up

then we saw a horse with its intestines everywhere
The last one looks like a huge $%% rat. Plain nasty, I hate those things.

In that second pic, it looks like the deer just said eff it and jumped straight through the approaching window.
yea i shoulda did it i guess, i knew someone would have a sotry about people ....

i was gonna be like, No people in the road storys....

DAMN tho... thats messed up man
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

The last one looks like a huge $%% rat. Plain nasty, I hate those things.

In that second pic, it looks like the deer just said eff it and jumped straight through the approaching window.

Damn that newly posted fourth pic is hilarious. How the hell does a bird get run over? Must have got tired of flying and fell out the sky. Either that or hewas doing a dare for another bird. Know how they jump out the way at the last minute? Well he waited a second too long. That's why his wings are still upin the air somewhat.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Damn that newly posted fourth pic is hilarious. How the hell does a bird get run over? Must have got tired of flying and fell out the sky. Either that or he was doing a dare for another bird. Know how they jump out the way at the last minute? Well he waited a second too long. That's why his wings are still up in the air somewhat.

My friend used to have a huge truck with really big wheels, and wewere driving down the highway and he ran the hell over this bird. We saw it in the road and figured it was just gonna fly away last second as usual, but wefelt this little bump. Dude got run the hell over by a truck weighing at least 3500 lbs, going 70 mph. I wonder what he looked like...
I totally forgot about that clip

ahhh your fukrs taped over the game..... Awhh Awwwhhhh Awwhhh

Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

at this entire thread. I been laughin so much my stomach hurts


the last video i watched like 10 times

I had to count how many times it spun completely around
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