Roommate maybe Dropping out? Vol. I encouraged him to, am i bad?

Dec 8, 2006
Aight so my roommate hits me up on FB asking do i think he should come back this sem or not. HE is not so happy with his grades (gpa 1.6). He is a cool dudeand all but he is a A$# hole when he gets drunk and he doesnt shower or clean up. So i tell him "Yea u should take a sem off, just to clear you head.And you dont wana waste your money. I think thats the best choice to go with". All the while in the back of my head im thinking bout all the parties i canthorw in my room and how i dont have to worry bout his stank a$%. So am i wrong for telling him that. Would u have done the same?
If he doesn't have any reason other than grades for taking a semester off then yes, you're wrong. Taking time off won't fix his grades or his workethic.

Plus, you might end up with a new roommate who's a jerk all the time.
I think you should send him a message apologizing.

You acted totally for you own gain.

Some roommate.
I would have done the same thing. maybe he will realize he needs to change his ways or just stay away from college instead of wasting his money. big up to you
Sounds like he doesn't need a semester off but rather a look at his life and get stuff straightened out.

College = study hard, but party harder... just can't forget the first part.

Hopefully your roommate realizes that working at BK really does suck and he'll be more encouraged to do better when and IF he comes back... if he does.
Why stop at dropping out? Convince him to kill himself. At least you would benefit from that.
Originally Posted by CjGenius368

Taking time off won't fix his grades or his work ethic.

I wholeheartedly disagree. Of depends on the situation but many people jump into College when they're just not ready for the responsibility butcome back later and excel
dude is gonna hunt you down 10 years from now and murk you for ruining his life
its not like im the bad guy here. He would start drinking on wed-sat. Not go to classes bcuz he has a hangover. Sleep till 12pm. Not study. I got drunk to buti make sure my grades were first and tahts why I had a 3.47 and he has a 1.6
It a tough call, but it does seem like you did it for your own benefit. HOWEVER, college isn't for everyone. My lowest GPA for a semester was last Springbecause I had just transferred and I partied a little too much. I ended up with a 2.45 GPA. This semester I moved off campus, partied way less and managed toget a 3.0 while still slacking a bit. This semester I am definitely not messing around and I want to get my GPA up into the 3.x range. If this kid partied toomuch then it is his damn fault, but if he actually tried to do good and no other factors played a role (e.g. death in the family) but just couldn't keephis grades up then maybe it is time for him to take a good look at himself.
If he needs to ask anyone if he should drop out or not, he needs to get his head straight in the first place.

Well judging from your post, your reasoning was just for your own benefit. If you honestly think its best for him to drop out then thats cool. Dont ruin hislife cause you wanna throw some parties though.
are you the guy who made the " i'm a hater " thread?

you're suppose to give him good advice for his benefit, not so you can have your own room. but, i see where you're coming from..

if you live in the dorms there's a chance you'll get another roomate..
@$#+ freshman year I helped my roomie pack his @$#+ at 3 in the morning. He never left the room, only to party basically. He ramen and mac and cheese and thatwas it, and constantly listened to Insane clown posse. So don't feel bad is the dude is an @$#. His friends came and I was helping him throw @$#+ off the3rd story to them and he left, later that day his mom called and I broke the news to her that he dropped out.
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