Nice pickups, fam.  'Specially on those gold trophy joints. 

I might do a favorite Roshe pickup of 2014 post, just because I dont feel like unboxing and snapping a picture of 20+ kicks.
you should do one mate! it's interesting to see people opinion on their favorite roshes. Every favorite has their own stories...

I hope in the next year i could do as good as you with 20+ pickups!
you should do one mate! it's interesting to see people opinion on their favorite roshes. Every favorite has their own stories...

I hope in the next year i could do as good as you with 20+ pickups!
I just might. Though, I've got three on their way from an Ebay seller so I don't know whether to count those joints as 2014 pickups or not since they aren't in my possession yet. Paid for...but not shipped yet.
does anyone who owns the nms notice any creasing or crinkling on the fleece? or do they not

also is the sweat stain problem on the toebox that bad? ive heard of people drying them in the sun for 2 days or so & it completely vanishes?
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And this kids, is why we don't actually run in Roshe Runs.

[Not my shoes. These were returned by a customer at my store. He had bought them at another location and some idiot employee told him that his kid would be okay to use these as runners. 
Team Roshe posted a Womens Roshe all white with polka dot soles on IG. Caption said "Printed Sole Series". Haven't seen anything on the series or release. Any more info on where/when I can purchase the shoe?
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Really good. No holes or tears or anything. Just muddy because I did some trail running. I'll take pics later.
And this kids, is why we don't actually run in Roshe Runs.

[Not my shoes. These were returned by a customer at my store. He had bought them at another location and some idiot employee told him that his kid would be okay to use these as runners. 
I've put in at least 70-80 miles in my OG "Tarp Green" roshes...nothing like that has ever happened lol. 
I've put in at least 70-80 miles in my OG "Tarp Green" roshes...nothing like that has ever happened lol. 
That's crazy to me. Idek what happened with these, just that they were returned because of the huge rip in the side. Maybe it's the difference of material?
What model are those red/black tiger stripe looking pair at the top/middle?

GPX Tiger Camo
Was wondering if anyone knew why the tech fleece roshes have the different colored piece on the toe box. Is it just for looks or does it serve a purpose? Don't really see how it would add to the shoe visually.
Definitely has to be the material. I stopped running in them because I ran the support & padding out of them. Crazy, looks like a knife went through those pairs haha.
Definitely has to be the material. I stopped running in them because I ran the support & padding out of them. Crazy, looks like a knife went through those pairs haha.
That's what I thought. I wish I would have been there when the guy tried to bring them back. Would have grilled him to see what kind of running the kid was doing in them.
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