Rumor: Miami Rejected Amare for Marion/Beasley

Steve Kerr single-handedly murdered the Suns
I wouldn't pull the trigger on that either.

Amare is a crybaby and Beasley has huge potential.
Ehhhhhhhh, I can't really blame Miami for NOT pulling the trigger.

Cause chances are, Amare' wasn't going to resign w/ Miami.

So you would trade Beas/Marion for 1 or 2 years of Amare? Knowing that that wouldn't put you in the Championship game?
If Miami were really offered this trade, it's a no-brainer to turn it down. Beasley has a huge upside, along with Wade and some serious cap room in thesummer of 09 and 2010, Miami will be a force to be reckoned with.

Heat fans, we'll gladly give you Jermaine O'Neal for Marion's expiring deal
the fact that some heats fan are calling riley stupid for not pulling this trigger amazes me.
WHY would Phoenix take Marion back when he wanted to leave? and i don't think we'd want Beasley anyway
That wouldn't be a good deal for Miami by any means.

Giving up a huge expiring contract and the #2 pick? Hell nah.

Amare really isn't worth all that right now. I doubt anyone else in the league would have been willing to give up that much, so you reject the offer andwait for Steve Kerr to get desperate.

A lot of people are devaluing Beasley because he's a young player. This is only his first season.
By the way...does Steve Kerr have a plan or is he going the Isiah route and just flinging *%%# at the wall and seeing what sticks?
Originally Posted by Mw2889

Phoenix wanted Marion back?
I don't think they ever wanted to get rid of him but in order to get something good you gotta give up something good, at the time the Sunsneeded a center so they got shaq, Marion was a beast on the Suns, he was a 20 & 10 player and Nash made him better..but I think that would be a good tradefor both teams.
PHX wants Marion for his expiring contract.

He wanted out so they let him go. I doubt they bring him back for the long haul. Just the remainder of the season.

Anyway, this is going to be a nice trade deadline.
I wouldn't have done it.

Amare and Shaq for Marion/Beasley might be perfect, though. If all those rumors on ESPN are true, Phoenix is abandoning ship and trying to dump as much aspayroll as possible. Miami could definitely contend in the East with that line-up...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If that's true, fire Pat Riley...
Mavs fans be killin me.

Why would we want to trade Beasley who's rookie contract helps us for what Riles wants to do for Amare. Wedon't need a big man that plays no d here. This team plays in the east and over here defense is Spolstras main focus.

And btw DWade ain't going anywhere believe that. He likes what the management is doing and he knows that Miami is poised to make a run at the chip again.Miami sports on the way up ya see me.
Originally Posted by BangDak

the fact that some heats fan are calling riley stupid for not pulling this trigger amazes me.
what heat fans called riley stupid??? i can count all the heat fans on this board with my fingers
No way Miami should do that trade. They aint cracking the top 4 in the next couple of years so why blow up what they got.
I very highly doubt this is true. In fact I am gonna go ahead and say it is not true.
Originally Posted by chinoman1782

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If that's true, fire Pat Riley...
Mavs fans be killin me.

Why would we want to trade Beasley who's rookie contract helps us for what Riles wants to do for Amare. We don't need a big man that plays no d here. This team plays in the east and over here defense is Spolstras main focus.
You said it Perfectly... Amare doesn't have a clue what Defense is... Beasley is just a rookie with potential & hiscontract is cheap... D Wade may go home to Chicago in 2010... A Rose & Wade backcourt would be sick...
Originally Posted by NICEFITDOMINICAN

Originally Posted by chinoman1782

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If that's true, fire Pat Riley...
Mavs fans be killin me.

Why would we want to trade Beasley who's rookie contract helps us for what Riles wants to do for Amare. We don't need a big man that plays no d here. This team plays in the east and over here defense is Spolstras main focus.
You said it Perfectly... Amare doesn't have a clue what Defense is... Beasley is just a rookie with potential & his contract is cheap... D Wade may go home to Chicago in 2010... A Rose & Wade backcourt would be sick...

the only reason wade would go to chicago its because its his home town... which he probably visits all the time in the off season anyways..what do the bullshave to offer wade besides rose?? beasley & chalmers >> rose.... plus marions 17mil contracts ends..
plus wade knows that the heat are his team.... the heat are gonna find players to build around wade.... so why would wade go to team just for a #1 draftpick...
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