Rumor: Miami Rejected Amare for Marion/Beasley

our roster was horrible last year... and wade trying to come back to early then playing injured didnt really do any good... but it still showed heart and howmuch he wanted to help his team win.... good to see another show wade some respect especially coming from a team with kobe on their roster.... people can tryto hate all they want but if you watch how wade played in the olympics and now what he is doing this season.. dude is killing it... just look at the stats...
good i wouldn have done that either, you can get alot alone for marions expiring contract and beasley? hell nah, dude has potential to be a superstar
Who in their right mind would execute that trade?...I like Amare but since when is it a good idea to trade two Tier 1 players for one? Beasley is a flat outscorer and Marion plays D even if he doesn't do anything else...Amare will get you 20 points and 8 rebounds. That ain't the answer. I think Rileyknows when to pull the trigger and when not to. The Suns will have to come better than that.
LOLz @ people thinking that the Heat would be contenders with Wade and Amare. Maybe if they reinvented basketball to be played with two basketballs instead ofone.

The Heat did the right thing. There's no way you trade a rookie prospect. Who knows if Beasley is going to blow up a season or two from now.
Beasley is going to be a beast in his own right. Maybe not an Amare type beast but what He's going to bring to the table is going to be huge.
Originally Posted by Mw2889

Phoenix wanted Marion back?

I havent heard anything out here in Phoenix about the suns wanting the Matrix back...I guess it could make sense? Jrich and Marion on the floor would be prettyinteresting.

it would improve our bench
Originally Posted by recognizAZ

Originally Posted by Mw2889

Phoenix wanted Marion back?

I havent heard anything out here in Phoenix about the suns wanting the Matrix back...I guess it could make sense? Jrich and Marion on the floor would be pretty interesting.

it would improve our bench

If this is true, they probably wanted the cap space that Marion will clear up. Kerr is making it known that he wants to blow his team up. He is a horribleGM.
Steve Kerr

Keep Beasley in Miami
the only players i want the heat to keep is.. chalmers, wade, beasley, haslem... maybe cook.... everyone else can get traded for the better... i would like tokeep marion and jones but for the right player i would trade them...
What makes yall think that Amare can co-exist with Wade? Dude is selfish, and if he isn't the "man," or #1 option, it's been proven that hewill balk or disappear. Tim Legler had a ridiculous stat saying that when Amare scores under 14 points (or something along those lines) he has NEVER gottendouble-digit rebounds. What that means is that if he isn't getting his shots, or if they aren't falling, dude really goes thru the motions rather thanhelping his team in other areas. He's got the physical abilities to be one of the most complete players in the NBA who can bring it on both sides of thefloor. However, that remains to be seen. I wouldn't be totally shocked if the Suns actually improve on their record if Amare is off the team. It'sgoing to be interesting to see how all of this plays out.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

i wonder if wade has some kind of say to who he wants on the team?

I would venture to guess Riley talks to him about any real possible deal.

And Marion/Beasley is too much Imo to give up for Amare.

Send them Marion + filler only
^^ yeah we need to do a 3 way trade with the suns and raptors.. blount/banks/marion/ future draft pick...
Thanks to Alah that this was shot down.......Plus, I just got my Authentic home Beasley jersey
Originally Posted by The Fresh Sole

smh why would they give up on beasley already

More like PHX was begging for Beasley, acting like that would be helping to MIA.
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