Rush Limbaugh Going Ham on Obama on the Hannity Show on Fox News

Dec 8, 2008
Originally Posted by Essential1

"Watch Limbaugh and Hannity lose their sanity" - Nas
Actually Sean is doing just fine.
I was listening to him today in the car for a while.
Of course all of us can't get over the Obama hysteria

But whatever, all this hoopla will be over in a couple of weeks....
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Seriously what was dude thinking when he said he hopes Obama fails
When your ignorant you don't have a though process. Limbaugh is the reason why they are so many idiotic individuals on the right and one ofthe reasons the GOP continues to falter into near irrelevancy. Think about it Rush has been a staple for 2 decades in the republican party and co signed the 2last Republican presidents [GHWB and GWB] 1 was a disappointment the other was a COMPLETE FAILURE, he co-signed Palin we saw how that went and in 2012 he willco-sign her once again. You would think his millions of listeners would wake up and saw hummmm maybe I should take this guy's views and cosignments with agrain of salt. Its ironic how Conservatives are deemed as the symbol of patriotism but their poster boy wants the US President to fail... my hunch but imthinking alot of why certain people are hoping President Obama fails is because they don't want to lose the one aspect in America they thought they wouldmonopolize.... the Presidency! Some don't want minority candidates running for President to become a common occurrence.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Seriously what was dude thinking when he said he hopes Obama fails
When your ignorant you don't have a though process. Limbaugh is the reason why they are so many idiotic individuals on the right and one of the reasons the GOP continues to falter into near irrelevancy. Think about it Rush has been a staple for 2 decades in the republican party and co signed the 2 last Republican presidents [GHWB and GWB] 1 was a disappointment the other was a COMPLETE FAILURE, he co-signed Palin we saw how that went and in 2012 he will co-sign her once again. You would think his millions of listeners would wake up and saw hummmm maybe I should take this guy's views and cosignments with a grain of salt. Its ironic how Conservatives are deemed as the symbol of patriotism but their poster boy wants the US President to fail... my hunch but im thinking alot of why certain people are hoping President Obama fails is because they don't want to lose the one aspect in America they thought they would monopolize.... the Presidency! Some don't want minority candidates running for President to become a common occurrence.

I don't know man. Yes, he has a following but so does Ann Coulter. I don't think this guy and his views represent the majority of conservatives inthis country.
i can't stand hannity.
yeah there's some nuts out there thinking Obama is Jesus.
but that fool hannity just sounds like an angry kid because a non-republican is in the white house.
i would not be sad if he got lockjaw.
Originally Posted by stunner157

i can't stand hannity.
yeah there's some nuts out there thinking Obama is Jesus.
but that fool hannity just sounds like an angry kid because a non-republican is in the white house.
i would not be sad if he got lockjaw.
funny thing is...he claims hes "not a republican, but a conservationist" lol

conservationist = republican.

i had him on the radio for about 2 minuets the other morning (I finally thought i found a news station on the radio) and then turned it off because it wasclear what he was lol
Oh no's!! Should I go start 1,293,049 "Is the Obama hate premature?" threads like all the antiObama-ites did?
Hannity is the epitome of a neo-con.

he is that false flag-bearer of true conservative values.

it is ****ery like his that fuel "liberals" to hate on the right.

there are bad apples on both left right.

hannity is the apple with the proverbial worm up his ...

limbaugh is just pathetic.

i know i'll catch heat for this, but as a moderate democrat,

i feel mr. bill represents fair and balanced.

hannity's america is clearly that of separatism.

TBONER, i respect ppl's opinions but u ae the capt. save-a-joe when it comes to these topics.

you clearly yield the same amount of stubborn pride as the left wing loons on this board.

i support obama. i voted for him. i supported bush. i would never ever ever vote for him.

but as a true citizen, a real american, i root for progress for the USA.

unlike you, you groupie.

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Think about it Rush has been a staple for 2 decades in the republican party and co signed the 2 last Republican presidents [GHWB and GWB] 1 was a disappointment the other was a COMPLETE FAILURE, he co-signed Palin we saw how that went and in 2012 he will co-sign her once again.
obama co-signed blagojavech, and we know how that went, too.
^ Also boys with Rahm Emanual who is a @ you americans wanting to trust anyone who leads you..."oh he's blue so he's on myside..".

"he's red.he'll do whats right for america"

People messed up when they wrote off Ron Paul
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

^ Also boys with Rahm Emanual who is a @ you americans wanting to trust anyone who leads you..."oh he's blue so he's on my side..".

"he's red.he'll do whats right for america"

People messed up when they wrote off Ron Paul
I can't stand Ron Paul supporters. You guys complain about Obama's followers but are just as bad, and act as if Ron Paul would be thesavior of our country. You guys are too blind to see that Ron Paul is a nut too.
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