saddest moment in tv history?

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by KingZel

when simba died in lion king

I missed that part...

The Shield when Lem is killed and the episode where Shane offs himself and his family.

The finale to Cowboy Bebop
tim teufel:
tim teufel:
have to go with ricky getting shot in boyz n da hood. post yours
how u start the thread with a fail?
that was a movie sonny boy
My thread my rules dunny. Everything goes movies tv series ect. Now go sit down
Should have said that from the jump, ol' making-rules-up-as-you-go lookin' boy.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

When MJ's daughter gave the speech at his tribute.

Nah...and I'm a huge MJ fan, clearly.

It seemed like the family was pressing the girl to say something nice about MJ to further "prove" that he was a good father who didn't molest kids. Really forced.
If movies count, then I have to throw my 2 saddest moments in movies out there.

When the black dude on Green Mile goes into the room w/ the electric chair, and he turns to Tom Hanks and says something like "They hate me, boss. I can feel it in their hearts."
Damn, man... had me tearing up like a little b. You have to see the movie to understand why, and you have to have somewhat of a sociological understanding to see what was going on in that scene. God sends a gift down to the people, and their ignorance blinds their eyes while their racism closes their hearts to seeking truth about what happened to those girls. 
For me, "They hate me boss; I can feel it in their hearts" wasn't just him saying it; it was symbolic. Effed me up. Bad.

And when Antwone Fisher stood in front of his adopted mom's doorway at her house when he was a man. She goes "My *$*!!." And he firmly let her know "I'm NOT your *$*!!. I'm not that little kid. You didn't kill me. I'M STILL HERE. I'M STILL STANDING!" You have to know MY story to know why that effed me up, why it still effs me up. Survival story, facing your oppressor, looking them in the eye and flipping them the biggest middle finger possible by letting them know "I overcame your trifling a_ _ while you're a NOBODY to society. NOot a single damn is given about you, while I'm doing the damn thing!" Love that movie, LOVE that scene.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

When MJ's daughter gave the speech at his tribute.

Nah...and I'm a huge MJ fan, clearly.

It seemed like the family was pressing the girl to say something nice about MJ to further "prove" that he was a good father who didn't molest kids. Really forced.

these threads are always "Fresh Prince" appreciation threads in disguise. we all get it: you guys like that episode.

props to the NY Undercover posters though..great television. check out an episode from the series called "Manchild" its on Youtube
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

you guys already posted the Wallace scene. my second choice would be the ending scene in the Boy Meets World finale

or when we found out the entire series of�Roseanne�was her imagination
Quincy Powell wrote:
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

you guys already posted the Wallace scene. my second choice would be the ending scene in the Boy Meets World finale

or when we found out the entire series of�Roseanne�was her imagination

Mind = Blown, didn't watch the final episode. Had to wiki it

Most surreal of all is the season's final episode, in which Roseanne reveals the show is actually a story written by Roseanne Conner about her life. To cope, Roseanne twisted major elements of her life for the story, which the audience does not find out until the final moments of the series. In reality, Dan's heart attack was fatal. The Conner family did not win the lottery. She also mentions in real life, her sister is a lesbian and her mom is actually not homosexual.[sup][15][/sup] Another notable reality difference is David and Becky were a couple and Mark and Darlene were a couple, rather than the opposite.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

The Shield when Lem is killed and the episode where Shane offs himself and his family.

The finale to Cowboy Bebop
Originally Posted by Grimey

when half sack got merked on SoA
I was like "nooooooo"
the 2nd to last ep when you saw Scofields tombstone. 

when setsuko dies in grave of the fireflies. (watch the anime)
If movies count, then I have to throw my 2 saddest moments in movies out there.

When the black dude on Green Mile goes into the room w/ the electric chair, and he turns to Tom Hanks and says something like "They hate me, boss. I can feel it in their hearts."
Damn, man... had me tearing up like a little b. You have to see the movie to understand why, and you have to have somewhat of a sociological understanding to see what was going on in that scene. God sends a gift down to the people, and their ignorance blinds their eyes while their racism closes their hearts to seeking truth about what happened to those girls. 
For me, "They hate me boss; I can feel it in their hearts" wasn't just him saying it; it was symbolic. Effed me up. Bad.

And when Antwone Fisher stood in front of his adopted mom's doorway at her house when he was a man. She goes "My *$*!!." And he firmly let her know "I'm NOT your *$*!!. I'm not that little kid. You didn't kill me. I'M STILL HERE. I'M STILL STANDING!" You have to know MY story to know why that effed me up, why it still effs me up. Survival story, facing your oppressor, looking them in the eye and flipping them the biggest middle finger possible by letting them know "I overcame your trifling a_ _ while you're a NOBODY to society. NOot a single damn is given about you, while I'm doing the damn thing!" Love that movie, LOVE that scene.
Had to throw some youtubes out there to go along with those descriptions.
The Green Mile:

"There's lots of people here that hate me, lots. I can feel it. It's like bees stingin' me."

Antwone Fisher scene (this isn't from the actual movie; it's a demo of the actual scene from the movie. The lady on the left, looking Antwone up and down, she sexually molested him when he was a little boy):

"You couldn't destroy me! I'm still standing! I'm still strong... and I always will be."

*edit* Crap. Don't know how to embed.
Green Mile:
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

If movies count, then I have to throw my 2 saddest moments in movies out there.

When the black dude on Green Mile goes into the room w/ the electric chair, and he turns to Tom Hanks and says something like "They hate me, boss. I can feel it in their hearts."
Damn, man... had me tearing up like a little b. You have to see the movie to understand why, and you have to have somewhat of a sociological understanding to see what was going on in that scene. God sends a gift down to the people, and their ignorance blinds their eyes while their racism closes their hearts to seeking truth about what happened to those girls. 
For me, "They hate me boss; I can feel it in their hearts" wasn't just him saying it; it was symbolic. Effed me up. Bad.

And when Antwone Fisher stood in front of his adopted mom's doorway at her house when he was a man. She goes "My *$*!!." And he firmly let her know "I'm NOT your *$*!!. I'm not that little kid. You didn't kill me. I'M STILL HERE. I'M STILL STANDING!" You have to know MY story to know why that effed me up, why it still effs me up. Survival story, facing your oppressor, looking them in the eye and flipping them the biggest middle finger possible by letting them know "I overcame your trifling a_ _ while you're a NOBODY to society. NOot a single damn is given about you, while I'm doing the damn thing!" Love that movie, LOVE that scene.
Had to throw some youtubes out there to go along with those descriptions.
The Green Mile:

"There's lots of people here that hate me, lots. I can feel it. It's like bees stingin' me."

Antwone Fisher scene (this isn't from the actual movie; it's a demo of the actual scene from the movie. The lady on the left, looking Antwone up and down, she sexually molested him when he was a little boy):

"You couldn't destroy me! I'm still standing! I'm still strong... and I always will be."

*edit* Crap. Don't know how to embed.
Green Mile:


just find it funny an Administrator can't embed...
IDK... just kinda seems like a chef that can't make a sunny side egg... don't take it as an insult or anything... just found it funny...
Nah, I'm good. Not insulted at all.

But a chef is required to cook, so not knowing how to make an egg would be funny.

And admin or mod on a message board simply means they have a relatively firm grasp of the rules and the way the forum is to be run; that has nothing to do with how to do certain things like embedding.

An admin not knowing how to embed is like one of the head chefs not knowing how to open the cash register.
Seems like he should know that, but if you think about it, it's really not something he has to know in order to do what he does.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Nah, I'm good. Not insulted at all.

But a chef i required to cook, so not knowing how to make an egg would be funny.

And admin or mod on a message board simply means they have a relatively firm grasp of the rules and the way the forum is to be run; that has nothing to do with how to do certain things like embedding.

An admin not knowing how to embed is like one of the head chefs not knowing how to open the cash register.
Seems like he should know that, but if you think about it, it's really not something he has to know in order to do what he does.
True, true... better analogy as well...
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