San Antonio NT's Come in...

ya i might be down,
who wants to squueze me in there whip,
but i might get a sunday residence spinning at maroc (casual dress code) but i dunno,
on the works,

im just picking on u omar,
here u go

Originally Posted by The Fresh Sole

Originally Posted by tellyjesko1023

Originally Posted by crushgruve

^^^^ very h0m0
well we all know manny will love that.....

so whats the gay lebron dance got to do with me being dead?......oh i get it u just enjoy it that much u wanted us to c it......aiint that right u little gay h0m0 boy

as a matter of fact im gonna bring u a cheer stick so u can cheer instead of play balll.............and maybe ur team will have a better chance
Are you romophobic?

Im going to dance like lebron on wednesday,(no Joesuf) thats why i put. Hopefully you can use the cheer stick as a bat for softball.
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