-[] Santogold - Santogold (2008) ALBUM []-

Jan 7, 2004
Anyone check this out yet? Thought there'd be a post by now (seen some avid Santogold fans)

But yeah...already browsed thru the production is nice on this joint. I'll probably copp the CD pretty soon.

Definitely a nice sound...reminds me of M.I.A. but nothin too similar, she definitely has her own sound

[h2]Critical reception[/h2]
Rolling Stone gave a positive the album 4/5 stars saying "New Yorkermixes dub, electronic and rock for one of the year's most uniquedebuts". Entertainment Weekly gave the album A- and said"the album is hardly flawless, but in an era that retro-fetishizes rock andwhitewashed pop, Santogold feels both raw and real".[sup][4][/sup]

[h2][edit] Track listing[/h2][table][tr][th=""]#[/th] [th=""]Title[/th] [th=""]Producer(s)
[sup][5][/sup][/th] [th=""]Featured Guest(s)[/th] [th=""]Time
[sup][6][/sup][/th] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]"L.E.S. Artistes"[/td] [td]Jonnie "Most" Davis[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]3:24[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]"You'll Find A Way"[/td] [td]Jonnie "Most" Davis, Switch[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]3:00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]"Shove It"[/td] [td]Disco D, Switch[/td] [td]Spank Rock[/td] [td]3:46[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]"Say Aha"[/td] [td]Switch[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]3:35[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]"Creator"[/td] [td]Switch, Freq Nasty[/td] [td]vs. Switch & Nasty[/td] [td]3:33[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]"My Superman"[/td] [td]Diplo[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]3:00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]"Lights Out"[/td] [td]John Hill, Santi White[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]3:12[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]"Starstruck"[/td] [td]Diplo, Switch[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]3:54[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]"Unstoppable"[/td] [td]Diplo, John Hill[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]3:32[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]"I'm A Lady"[/td] [td]John Hill, Santi White[/td] [td]Trouble Andrew[/td] [td]3:43[/td] [/tr][tr][td]11[/td] [td]"Anne"[/td] [td]Switch[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]3:28[/td] [/tr][tr][td]12[/td] [td]"You'll Find A Way" (Switch & Sinden Remix)[/td] [td]Switch, Sinden[/td] [td]-[/td] [td]3:12[/td] [/tr][/table]
I think deep made a post about this earlier. I grabbed the EP and dug it, but I've been sleeping on this.
Creator is still
Damn, shes playing Independence Jam and shes getting a bunch of hype lately...i might have to check this out
always see this in the store and want to pick it up but never pull the trigger..she's pretty dope tho!
Damn, an album post almost a year after it's been released?

Anyway, I gave it a chance... I think it's trash.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Santogold is a top 5 album of 2008.
^I agree. That album cover was my avy pic for awhile, no one really commented or gave a ##$#

She's great live too, see her if you can.
Album was incredibly hyped on a few other sites. I gave it a chance and it wasn't as ground breaking or amazing as people made it sound. Album was decent,the whole thing goes hard in the whip. There are a couple tracks i still play.
IDK, I haven't given it a chance, she just remind me of a female Charles Hamilton with how she be looking like a dusthead.
SICK album...no skippable tracks. However, I do think she sounds very similar to Gwen Stefani.
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