Saying I Love You...

never say it, just hit em with the 

"I Love You"
Id say it to my friends before Id say it to anyone in my family.

In my 20 years of life Ive never said I Love You verbally. I might have BS wrote it on a card or something but thats pretty much it. And if I did tell some in my family ILY, I probably just mumbled it. BTW I dont really even remember my mother ever telling me ILY. Maybe thats where I get it from.
Id say it to my friends before Id say it to anyone in my family.

In my 20 years of life Ive never said I Love You verbally. I might have BS wrote it on a card or something but thats pretty much it. And if I did tell some in my family ILY, I probably just mumbled it. BTW I dont really even remember my mother ever telling me ILY. Maybe thats where I get it from.
I always say it to my family, but when it comes to friends my boys will be drunk and be like "yo, I love you man."  I'm drunk too but I still just cant say it to them
  Or to any of my friends for that matter.
I always say it to my family, but when it comes to friends my boys will be drunk and be like "yo, I love you man."  I'm drunk too but I still just cant say it to them
  Or to any of my friends for that matter.
Those words don't really mean much anymore(even coming out my mouth sometimes)so I try not to say it to anyone.(Except fam obviously)
Those words don't really mean much anymore(even coming out my mouth sometimes)so I try not to say it to anyone.(Except fam obviously)
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Those words don't really mean much anymore


Friends say it to me and I say it to them all the time, Don't feel weird at all.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Those words don't really mean much anymore


Friends say it to me and I say it to them all the time, Don't feel weird at all.
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