Scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

One of the time i been scared was when i was in like 10th grade...this chick claimed i knocked her up, i was like 14 or 15 shook
shorty lied huh
I have a drug story:

My friend started making weed brownies, mind you I don't smoke weed, but I love sweets. So I was very curious to see how they taste. Lately I've seen weed brownies that are the size of doughnut holes, my friend's brownies were the huge homemade style brownies. I ate one whole brownie and a half all in 15 minutes. No one told me that the correct way to eat it was in small portions. 20 minutes later I'm knocked out on his couch. He wakes me up and tells me to sleep on his moms bed (she's out of town). I wake up to someone pinching my feet, no one was there, I knock out. Woke up and I could hear and feel my heart beating. I tried getting out of the bed, my legs were fully erect, but my torso was not trying to hear it. It was like the base of my spine could not keep my upper half erect. So I had to crawl to his bathroom. I vomit a bit in the toilet (while on my knees) and I had to use the sink to hoist myself up to wash out my mouth. I crawl back to bed and knock out. I awoke to my breathing. I could literally hear my breath enter and leave my lungs. This ordeal happened on a Saturday night, I didn't recover until monday morning an hour before I had to be to work.

Never again will I eat weed brownies.
^ lol but sheesh. That sucks. Definitely not the right first encounter with weed lol
Scariest thing that happened to me was back in 2007 when I was in a bank that was being robbed. I still remember it so vividly. I was at the counter with my step sister, and she was withdrawing money. I was just standing there looking around the bank, and all of a sudden I see three guys walk through the door with ski masks on screaming everybody get the **** down to the ground and don't move. Then one of them fire 3 shots just for the hell of it. Two guys had a pistol, and the other guy had an ak-47.

There was also another guy that was in the get away car, so they got away. They ditched the car at a pep boys and got in a different car. My step dad was a cop in town, and he was just getting off from work and he was actually the first one to show up at the bank. A bunch of cops showed up shortly after with shotguns, but it's actually a good thing the robbers got away so there wasn't a shootout or hostage situation.

I aslo had a basketball game that night, which I only scored one point and played like **** because I was still so shaken up from what happened early. Had to stay at the bank for like an hour and a half to wait to get interviewed from the cops.

They continued to rob banks around the area every Friday at around 3:30, until they finally got caught after like their 8th robbery. An FBI agent got shot by friendly fire though when they caught them. My stepdad was actually able to get the bank security pics, so I have them of me kneeling down looking scared as hell haha. What a crazy experience. I'm always hesitant to going into banks because of what happened...always looking around and ish.

Link to news story.
Was walking to work at night and I had my headphones on.   I crossed at a red light when seemingly no cars were coming, out of no where a sedan nearly plows into me.

I put my hand on the hood and kind of jumped so the car didn't hit me, i just flew a foot or two and landed on my feet.  Said no worries to the driver and walked to work smiling and giggling, thankful to be alive.
Was walking to work at night and I had my headphones on.   I crossed at a red light when seemingly no cars were coming, out of no where a sedan nearly plows into me.
I put my hand on the hood and kind of jumped so the car didn't hit me, i just flew a foot or two and landed on my feet.  Said no worries to the driver and walked to work smiling and giggling, thankful to be alive.

rip bro, final destination on yo *** now
Was walking to work at night and I had my headphones on.   I crossed at a red light when seemingly no cars were coming, out of no where a sedan nearly plows into me.
I put my hand on the hood and kind of jumped so the car didn't hit me, i just flew a foot or two and landed on my feet.  Said no worries to the driver and walked to work smiling and giggling, thankful to be alive.
rip bro, final destination on yo *** now
Yo for real son watch yo back..dont go tryna scare a flock of pigeons wit yo cursed *****
I personally think sleep-walking is infinitely more horrific and intriguing than sleep paralysis, once you get down to the science of it. Like, you're asleep, but you're still doing stuff? And to top it off, you have NO recollection of it? :x

I remember having a sleep-walking episode when I was younger. Turned on all the lights in the house and tried to cook dumplings at 4AM :lol: :smh:
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Yo I wish I had a sleep walking adventure I wana see what its like

Lol homie cut on all the lights
Yo I wish I had a sleep walking adventure I wana see what its like

Lol homie cut on all the lights
Yo I wish I had a sleep walking adventure I wana see what its like

Lol homie cut on all the lights

That's just what my family told me. I believe I was about 10? I have no memory of it whatsoever, although to be honest I've been told of it enough by my family that it's pretty much a part of my memory now.

I know sleep-walking is generally a sign of an immature CNS, so it tends to be more common in children than adults.
Helped my brother in Law pack, to move to Miami, decided to do the road trip thing......

Figured we could travel down with an O

Me, Him, Wifey (Her Brother) deiced to take shifts, went through mines with a breeze, 9 Pm - 6 A

He took over in VA............

Waking up to them boys pulling us over...........................

Will Continue Later..................
Helped my brother in Law pack, to move to Miami, decided to do the road trip thing......

Figured we could travel down with an O

Me, Him, Wifey (Her Brother) deiced to take shifts, went through mines with a breeze, 9 Pm - 6 A

He took over in VA............

Waking up to them boys pulling us over...........................

Will Continue Later..................
I was out with my boys in the city one night. I parked my car and told my boys I'll be right back because I had to take a piss. I start peeing next to a store that is closed. Cops pull up behind me and say excuse me sir. Me being the idiot did not actually think this next move through. Don't know why but I just started booking it down the block.

I am running alongside a bunch of parked cars and I realize this is a long *** city block and I won't make it to turn a corner. I stop running and duck next to a car. Cops stop a few cars ahead of me. At this point, I start booking it back where I came from before the cops could make a U-turn, I hop into my car and the cops drive by. I stay in the car with my boys for 10 minutes while the cops are circling the block. 10 minutes pass and we proceed to hit the bar. I look back and say that was one of the dumbest things to do to get out of a measly ticket but its a hell of a story.

YOu got away tho :smokin
Like last summer i had to watch one of my professors houses because they went out of town for a month.
it's an old house in the country, surrounded by trees, no neighbors...nice house tho, you can tell its old but they did alot to it.

Like 3 weeks into it i come back to the house around 9pm.
They have this HUGE garden in the backyard and my routine was to water/till it before the sun came up, and after it came down.

so im out there watering the garden and im looking at the rear of the house.
His daughters room is facing the backyard and you can see the window.
So i look, and i see her in the room looking down at me, and she waves.

so i waves back.

And at this point im s****** my pants because aparently they decided to come home a week earlier. The house wasnt in the best shape to say the least lol.
And there was plenty roaches on the back porch, trees in the fridge etc.

so now im trippin.

So then i go inside and all the lights are still off. I look around and no one is there, Check the girls room.

no one.

so then i call my professor cuz now im a lil concerned. And basically i call to see if he ever came back, but instead i made up this convo about bugs eating the tomato plants. And as he's explaining to me how to handle that...I HEAR HIS DAUGHTER IN THE BACKGROUND.


And so im walkin round this old house wit a knife thinkin some lil girl done broke in
and i notice the door to the basement is open a little. Now i remember specifically going into the basement ONCE to do laundry, and i remember closing the door, because its a really old door, and you have to "work" to shut it tight, and its a little tricky to lock it because you have to lineup the deadbolt just right.

there is no entry to the house from the basement.

The last week i only went there in the morning and sunset to water the plants.
Like last summer i had to watch one of my professors houses because they went out of town for a month.
it's an old house in the country, surrounded by trees, no neighbors...nice house tho, you can tell its old but they did alot to it.

Like 3 weeks into it i come back to the house around 9pm.
They have this HUGE garden in the backyard and my routine was to water/till it before the sun came up, and after it came down.

so im out there watering the garden and im looking at the rear of the house.
His daughters room is facing the backyard and you can see the window.
So i look, and i see her in the room looking down at me, and she waves.

so i waves back.

And at this point im s****** my pants because aparently they decided to come home a week earlier. The house wasnt in the best shape to say the least lol.
And there was plenty roaches on the back porch, trees in the fridge etc.

so now im trippin.

So then i go inside and all the lights are still off. I look around and no one is there, Check the girls room.

no one.

so then i call my professor cuz now im a lil concerned. And basically i call to see if he ever came back, but instead i made up this convo about bugs eating the tomato plants. And as he's explaining to me how to handle that...I HEAR HIS DAUGHTER IN THE BACKGROUND.


And so im walkin round this old house wit a knife thinkin some lil girl done broke in
and i notice the door to the basement is open a little. Now i remember specifically going into the basement ONCE to do laundry, and i remember closing the door, because its a really old door, and you have to "work" to shut it tight, and its a little tricky to lock it because you have to lineup the deadbolt just right.

there is no entry to the house from the basement.

The last week i only went there in the morning and sunset to water the plants.

Naw son **** that I ain't the one, I would have called Professor Oglevee i can't do it
when i was 12 went on the joker and the seat belt came undone during  almost fell out( literally cried after i got off the ride).  

more recently i was over my Girls house ( ex now) and i was munching on her box 
, when her dad and uncle burst into her room. i was so scared smh 
more recently i was over my Girls house ( ex now) and i was munching on her box 
, when her dad and uncle burst into her room. i was so scared smh 
Bruh you cant leave us hanging. What happened after???

After i watch White Noise me and my friends a group of 9 some decided to bring a homemade ouija board it was a monopoly thing but on the back it had the numbers and **** some cats started playing with it under the stairs at the building then somebody got mad grab it and threw it in a lake the next day it was on his closet dry and clean.. dude didnt know what to do after .. i didn't touch due to a family member getting possessed and had to get an exorcism to get thing off them.
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