School me on Korea

May 3, 2007
South Korea that is. I've heard from people that Japan is the cleanest place ever with people up early in the morning sanitizing the streets n such.I've heard nasty horror stories about China that the culture, while great, is just not up to par on the sanitation side.

How's Korea? I know their culture was heavily influenced by Japan so I'm hoping it's along those lines. How would it be in general to visit aswell? Is it a well developed country, like do rural folk have internet access if they want it?
Best place in the world with hard-working people

But some places stankkk

Went there with my moms when I was four and I still remember the experience
specifically speaking on seoul..
korean fashion

women: very tight skinny jeans, oversized shirt/sweater.
korean entertainers >>>>> most regular girls on the street.

i was so disappointed...
The train system was easy as hell to understand, and CHEAP AS HELL!

if you see anything that looks like this:

its like chicken with ranch sauce and hot sauce wrapped together with cheese. DELICIOUS!
the food there was cheap and good.
Its a Country which I watched a video once that HATES JAPAN. Several small car companies and electronic places. Its education isnt all that but the people workHARD. Cheating on your spouse leads to jail time but rarely men ever go to jail only females for that crime. Foriegners are really welcome I think unless ittrade related or mass tourism like in japan
I lived there for two years ('99-'01) and it wasnt bad at all...some areas smell really bad b/c of the kimchi, and some areas are still"third-world", but its overall a beautiful the shopping is AMAZING
There's really no point in me postin', but I was just interested in the topic. I don't know much about Korea except the BS they taught me inschool....none of my teachers have ever been there, but I had a feeling maybe a few of you have had experiences in Korea [whether North or South].

Don't mind me, carry on.
Originally Posted by heaVINsent15

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Korean females =
Hottest Asian females, IMO.
Not in the streets my friend....all you see are walking pancakes

If I did see a decent lookin female, she was Japanese
. But if you goto some of the clothing shops, the women are

more pix
this dude's dancin was hilarious.

condoms in vending machines

all this was around 13-14$


extreme long and steep escalators, wth. I was shook to ride it
Korean nightlife is pretty cool, considering all of us Koreans are alcoholics. I remember going to the club at age 14, like,
. I can't wait to go back with friends. I might move there and teach English after Igraduate if the economy here doesn't get better.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Korean nightlife is pretty cool, considering all of us Koreans are alcoholics. I remember going to the club at age 14, like,
. I can't wait to go back with friends. I might move there and teach English after I graduate if the economy here doesn't get better.
yeah Korea's crazy chill you see lil kids get sojufor their alcoholic parents that don't wanna get up

Their computer lounges are crazy...dudes playing Starcraft like it's a damn profession
not only dudes but females too. Half of the people in the cafe were women. hella cheap though, like almost under a $1 an hour in some places..
you should get used to soju. it's like 11-14$ a bottle here in restaurants but in korea it's like 3 bucks. 20% alc. so it'll get you sooner orlater and good with korean bbq's. liquor there are really expensive even like a bottle of jack daniels should be couple hundred bucks.

they have pretty advanced technology and nice facilities. except there's not much diversity most of the time you will see only koreans and everyone isdressed in the latest fad. i miss korea and want to go back soon...childhood in korea > childhood in usa.
I was on that CS for sho with a Marlboro Red in my mouth, loud as hell.
All night at the pc bang. How was Korea's internet six years ago better thanours now?
I was playing against dudes all the way across the country with ZERO lag.
Most women over there are BEAUTIFUL. Model status BEAUTIFUL, but Korea is the #1 country in terms of plastic surgery, since its so cheap there.

I really wanna visit there in 5 years, and consider living there
Originally Posted by ThuG LyFe

you should get used to soju. 20% alc. so it'll get you sooner or later
There's a reason its called "the ninja".

I love Korea, but I could never live there.
I had to come out of lurking to say...that Korean culture is not heavily influenced by Japan. If you are planning on visiting then you will definitely notregret it! Food is cheap and good (especially if spicy is your thing)! The scenery is pretty dope if you enjoy mountain & ocean views, but out in thecountry it does stink...My favorite place in the entire world beside my own room and if you need a reason to go: Wonder Girls!
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I was on that CS for sho with a Marlboro Red in my mouth, loud as hell.
All night at the pc bang. How was Korea's internet six years ago better than ours now?
I was playing against dudes all the way across the country with ZERO lag.

everybody knows the US is an utter failure when it comes to broadband. i think korea is trying to push for 1.5GB/s connections.. we have, 10mb/s
Lived on Hanam village sp? (military housing) when i was young...pretty neat place but again i was mad young.
How is Korean beer? From what I've read it's not very good but most people like it when they go to yakiniku since it its with the mood. I usually justget the small bottle of soju at the Korean market since it's about the same price, stronger and no hangover.
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