scientists create freakish man-made monster ants with huge heads and jaws 'RIP'

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Did we not learn from killer bees?

And if we are making animals in test tubes, why don't we make enough chickens to feed the poor?

I agree with your statement, I don't mind them working on this as long as they kept their mutations contained.As for your second statement, their purpose is not to feed the hungry, their purpose to better understand the makings of dormant genes and figuring out how to "turn them on" which could eventually help out mankind.

Genetically Modified Food is actually really big business, probably the biggest business in the world. And you already eat it.
The Chickenosaurus is up next. 

We are eventually going to get so smart and advanced, that nothing will even matter.  No dambs will be given in the future days. 
Makes me want to go breed some random animals. Gonna go try to catch a squirrel, a rabbit, and a roach
Originally Posted by gatorad3

or the Moa Bird largest flightless bird ever

12 foot tall birds aka real life Big Bird

The moa is thought to be extinct, but there has been occasional speculation—since at least the late 19th century, and as recently as 1993 and 2008—that some moa may still exist, particularly in the rugged wilderness of South Westland and Fiordland. Cryptozoologists and others reputedly continue to search for them, but their claims and supporting evidence (such as of purported footprintsor blurry photos) have earned little attention from mainstream experts, and are widely considered pseudoscientific.

]The rediscovery of the takahē in 1948 after none had been seen since 1898 showed that rare birds may exist undiscovered for a long time. However, the takahē is a much smaller bird than the moa, and was rediscovered after its tracks were identified—yet no reliable evidence of moa tracks has ever been found, and experts still contend that moa survival is extremely unlikely, since this would involve the ground-dwelling birds living unnoticed for over five-hundred years in a region visited often by hunters and hikers.
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

I'm pretty sure they already develped other animals and never told us.

Well the Woolly Mammoth is going to be cloned.

Theyre definitely going to try and make Dinosaurs. I remember watching a special about it on TV comparing birds and Dinosaurs.  They talked about altering a birds DNA to make them look more like a Dinosaur. Its got to be on youtube.When stuff like that is shown on TV theyve prob already made a Raptor in lab somewhere.
scumbag scientists though. with their huge +@* heads how will they fit in the ant holes. gonna be walking wrecking havoc to their homes like the hulk or juggernaut.
Scientists stay making dumb @*+% that will help in the deterioration of today's society instead of say, oh i don't know coming up with cures for stuff that actually matters.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Did we not learn from killer bees?

And if we are making animals in test tubes, why don't we make enough chickens to feed the poor?

I agree with your statement, I don't mind them working on this as long as they kept their mutations contained.As for your second statement, their purpose is not to feed the hungry, their purpose to better understand the makings of dormant genes and figuring out how to "turn them on" which could eventually help out mankind.

Genetically Modified Food is actually really big business, probably the biggest business in the world. And you already eat it.
The Chickenosaurus is up next. 

We are eventually going to get so smart and advanced, that nothing will even matter.  No dambs will be given in the future days. 

Anyone interested in Chickenosaurus should read


I did a research paper based on the book.
He goes into detail about how manipulating these ancestral genes actually works.
Growing the tail and teeth, changing the way the wings grow, and reversing the evolutionary changes in feathers
It was extremely interesting
Between genetics and weather modification, I don't know how to feel these days, it still hasn't snowed and I live in RI.
Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

Between genetics and weather modification, I don't know how to feel these days, it still hasn't snowed and I live in RI.


Not snowing some winters happens quite frequently.

Y u want snow anyway?

@%!! with that...
Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

Between genetics and weather modification, I don't know how to feel these days, it still hasn't snowed and I live in RI.

Been wondering $#$ is going on around here

It's New England ffs.
RI as well
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by AJMasta

Imagine how bad it would hurt to get bit!!!! So if scientists can do this with ants, what's stopping them from creating other "Super" animals? Let's see them make a Sabertooth Tiger or a Mastodon.



As cool as that is I'd rather them make more ligers? If they can harness ancient DNA could they recreate certain individuals like a micheal Jordan, hitler or a jesus if they had the right info
They can make remake them but they might not look the same and wont have the memories so they wont be the same person.
The super ants are nice and great discovery but they can never be let into the wild. They would destroy the ecosystem
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23



As cool as that is I'd rather them make more ligers? If they can harness ancient DNA could they recreate certain individuals like a micheal Jordan, hitler or a jesus if they had the right info
They can make remake them but they might not look the same and wont have the memories so they wont be the same person.
The super ants are nice and great discovery but they can never be let into the wild. They would destroy the ecosystem
trust bro, they're 1000 steps ahead....
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