Scottie Pippen on my team, pics

Oct 8, 2006
So Scottie joined my team, Sundsvall Dragons. Sweden. He hung out for 5 days, was a great and humble teammate. His performance was even better than expected,30 min, 21 pts, 12 reb, 6 assists, 2 stl.

Here are the first pics i got, ill post some better ones later on.

Our team:





Me scoring






Him signing some different stuff after the game


Got these signed the day before the game


I wore these during the game and he signed them after

Thats awesome man. He looks like he's in Amazing shape. I feel he could help a team for sure. Good stats, good shape, leader on the floor, The Knicksshould look at him to smack these young punks in the face and get their crap together. What about you? Where are you going in your career? best of luck eitherway.


Do It Mitch Ainge.

That's great he looked to enjoy himself and also you got to be around him for five days. Certainly an experience of a lifetime.
yeah it was a sick experience. especially when he was being so down to earth talking to us other players, just having fun. but at the same time gave me alot ofgood advice.

Im doing good, thanks for asking, im the 6th man on the team, 21 yrs old, youngest by far, closet man to me is 26, i avg about 7 - 5 - 3 in 18 min andwe're first in our league.
Nice man. I remember you posting that he was going to be playing for you. Sounds like you got a lot out of the experience. Im jealous!
playing with Scottie had to be awesome....getting his sig and hanging out with him were probably added bonuses....he looks to be in good shape as well
what position do you play and how tall are you lol - this is for future reference incase you make the NBA..

Nonetheless it must have been an awesome experience.
That had to be an AMAZING EXPERIENCE... I think Pip would be a good guy to whipthese "YOUNG THUGS" in the NBA into shape...

Scottie was always a FIRST-CLASS GUY, you never heard him WHINE ABOUT BEING MJ'S SIDEKICK... Not like Kobesending Shaq out of L.A. to Miami...

The NBA just isn't what it used to be... I miss the NBA of the 1990's...
Damn thats great that you got to play with such a great player!!

I though this was funny..


Benny with the kick in the nuts!! NO PICS OF MR PIPPEN!!!!
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