Sean Taylor dead at the age of 24.

^^ Read the article dyyhard posted, they hit a major artery. Once one of those gets hit, you are done if you don't get medical care immediately. It isnot as if he got hit in the thigh or calve. Even though you hear stories about people getting shot in the leg, newspaper articles, doctors sometimes chime inby saying "if it was an inch to the left, he would have died". He got hit in a terrible spot.
R.I.P. #21
it seems as if someone in football dies every year
this has gotta stop
RIP. #21 was one of my favorite defensive players to watch. seems like he was really gettin his life together recently too. Shame.
RIP horrible news, sounds like he grew up as a man and this happens such a shame.

since he came into the league hes the safety above all i would want to steal to have on my team

what i think happend was the thugs that lived near him wanted to spend time with sean be friends with him and he didn't want that so they tried to extortmoney from him. i read someone broke into his home a few weeks back and placed a knife on his bed, that's a threat.
This guy's death was tragic, but deaths like these can be prevented so long as you just reffrain from making yourself accessible to others and inviting trouble. People don't seem to get it.

I think he tried to get away from that crowd and they his friends/people who knew him took offense to that and shot him
smh @ all the crazy prices of Sean Taylor jerseys on Ebay.
RIP .. I couldn't believe it when i first heard the news this morning of him passing.. my prayers go out to his family and everybody that knew and lovedhim..

i turned on espn when it first broke out and on the bottom the title said he had died and i just yelled out "WHAT?"

didnt see this coming, thought he would have made it...
oh my God...

May dude Rest In Peace...

Seriously, this is just unbelievable. Reading this just sends chills up my spine. RIP SEAN! YOU ARE IN A BETTER PLACE NOT BUT YOU WILL ALWAYS BE REMEMBERED!
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

smh @ all the crazy prices of Sean Taylor jerseys on Ebay.

I just checked that after your comment and
at those people
damn... i went to the vigil tonight.. it was
it's something i'm never going to forget. he's someone i'm never going to forget...
i searched sean taylor on ebay last night and there was only one page...

at these people trying to make a profit off one's death...
I may hate the ********, but this is downright sad. I cannot believe he died! May the man rest in peace. I don't care what he was involved in, death is aterrible thing. Madness...
One of my favorite memories of him was when we thought we had beat Ohio St and he threw his helmet up in the air and when it landed all the peices came flyingout. He had to miss the next play after they restored order and kept the game going. I don't know why I always remember that but I remember thinking atthe time how hard it must have been for a 20 year old to think he just won a national championship to losing the same game in an instance. Now I see howmeaningless that was in the grand scheme.
at these people trying to make a profit off one's death...
i agree, but at the same time, i think his jersey is no longer available @ nfl shop online. I think they took it down immediately this morning.
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