Seattle Police Punches Girl

when a officer is trying arrest somebody you don't try to stop them POINT BLANK, for all you saying this is wrong the next time you see officer arresting someone run up on them and see what happens.

i also convinced none of you have been tasered or maced

also he wasn't going to arrest the chick for jaywalking just right her a ticket, but then she decided to act up,
when a officer is trying arrest somebody you don't try to stop them POINT BLANK, for all you saying this is wrong the next time you see officer arresting someone run up on them and see what happens.

i also convinced none of you have been tasered or maced

also he wasn't going to arrest the chick for jaywalking just right her a ticket, but then she decided to act up,
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I agree, but I'm an Uncle Tom so it's cool

It's ironic that the same people crying that this is racially motivated and that she's a woman are the ones not looking at it objectively.

If she was a white man, this wouldn't be a discussion. she would have never been stopped for jaywalking in the first place.

Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

To be honest a a man i wouldnt hit a girl after they hit me like that no matter what you dont hit women no matter how much they hit you..

Mess with the bull.... youll get the horns.

If youre gonna fight a cop, you cant be surprised when he lays hands on you.
Originally Posted by JoeClear

 I love the fact that they just had two women of Asian descent for  anchors on the news
, race or gender shouldn't keep qualified people from positions
noticed that also

Those chicks are lucky all he did was throw that weak punch at them.
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by Though

i watched the video again just to make sure. Whoever said the girl deserved to get punched in the face is straight up stupid


Did she pose any type of threat to you? REALLY??????

If this officer can not handle a couple of teenage GIRLS, he needs to make a career move.

Punch a serial killer, or child molester in the face like that, and i'll give him all the props in the world........
THIS. Its sad that some of the people in here are saying she deserved this. At the end of the day it was a TEENAGE GIRL got shocked in the face BY A MAN! I don't care what she did you dont hit no girl like that! 
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I agree, but I'm an Uncle Tom so it's cool

It's ironic that the same people crying that this is racially motivated and that she's a woman are the ones not looking at it objectively.

If she was a white man, this wouldn't be a discussion. she would have never been stopped for jaywalking in the first place.


if you honestly believe this, you're an idiot.
Originally Posted by DLEE2703

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by Though

i watched the video again just to make sure. Whoever said the girl deserved to get punched in the face is straight up stupid


Did she pose any type of threat to you? REALLY??????

If this officer can not handle a couple of teenage GIRLS, he needs to make a career move.

Punch a serial killer, or child molester in the face like that, and i'll give him all the props in the world........
THIS. Its sad that some of the people in here are saying she deserved this. At the end of the day it was a TEENAGE GIRL got shocked in the face BY A MAN! I don't care what she did you dont hit no girl like that! 

Gender doesnt matter when the person is crazy.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DLEE2703

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by Though

i watched the video again just to make sure. Whoever said the girl deserved to get punched in the face is straight up stupid


Did she pose any type of threat to you? REALLY??????

If this officer can not handle a couple of teenage GIRLS, he needs to make a career move.

Punch a serial killer, or child molester in the face like that, and i'll give him all the props in the world........
THIS. Its sad that some of the people in here are saying she deserved this. At the end of the day it was a TEENAGE GIRL got shocked in the face BY A MAN! I don't care what she did you dont hit no girl like that! 

Gender doesnt matter when the person is crazy.
You're racist
Someone post that Chris Rock skit about How to not get your *** kicked by the police. People in here are missing ther point.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I agree, but I'm an Uncle Tom so it's cool

It's ironic that the same people crying that this is racially motivated and that she's a woman are the ones not looking at it objectively.

If she was a white man, this wouldn't be a discussion. she would have never been stopped for jaywalking in the first place.

I've had a handful of friends, all white, who've been given jaywalking tickets in Seattle. Apparently there's no real crime going on around here.
that cop is weak as hell. how the hell u cant take this chick down? obvioulsy he needs more training, get her to the ground and cuff her, dont play pitty pat.
cguy610 wrote:

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I agree, but I'm an Uncle Tom so it's cool

It's ironic that the same people crying that this is racially motivated and that she's a woman are the ones not looking at it objectively.

If she was a white man, this wouldn't be a discussion. she would have never been stopped for jaywalking in the first place.


I know several of my white friends who have been cited for Jaywalking drunk.....

We have laws for a reason. Some are admittedly stupid, but all this can be avoided by obeying the law and being respectful of the police. They have guns, that is enough of a deterent for me.

Again, please someone post the Chris Rock vid.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

why would u give any cop a motive to shoot u down
she's lucky she didnt get offed

They have guns and they're trigger happy.....I would NEVER EVER dare do what this stupid girl did. She clearly has no sense of consequence whatsoever. 
If you can't handle a female, you probably shouldn't be a police officer.
She's a woman. I've seen guys attack officers and not get punched in the face.
If you think she deserved that, you're weak.
What's the point of training if you can just punch people in the face?

cop perspective.
Yeah no kidding. What other option did the cop have?

Let em go? No...

TASE them? Not if he wants to be hearing about how wrong it is to TASE teenage girls, no matter the circumstances

Go +1 on the force continuum (which is standard SOP) and go to closed fist strikes. DING DING DING DING!!!!

Jaywalking may be a piddly arrest, but i have a feeling that that girl's mouth is what got her put in handcuffs.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

cop perspective.
Yeah no kidding. What other option did the cop have?

Let em go? No...

TASE them? Not if he wants to be hearing about how wrong it is to TASE teenage girls, no matter the circumstances

Go +1 on the force continuum (which is standard SOP) and go to closed fist strikes. DING DING DING DING!!!!

Jaywalking may be a piddly arrest, but i have a feeling that that girl's mouth is what got her put in handcuffs.

This would be ok if the person the cop punched was a man..he punched a teenage girl.  What is your opinion on this, dirty?  i don't care about what another police officer thinks..of course he will side with the cop
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DLEE2703

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by Though

i watched the video again just to make sure. Whoever said the girl deserved to get punched in the face is straight up stupid


Did she pose any type of threat to you? REALLY??????

If this officer can not handle a couple of teenage GIRLS, he needs to make a career move.

Punch a serial killer, or child molester in the face like that, and i'll give him all the props in the world........
THIS. Its sad that some of the people in here are saying she deserved this. At the end of the day it was a TEENAGE GIRL got shocked in the face BY A MAN! I don't care what she did you dont hit no girl like that! 

Gender doesnt matter when the person is crazy.
Your an IDIOT! so let that been your girl or sister getting hit in the face by a cop. I guess its ok because she's crazy
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