Seattle Police Punches Girl

Im getting my criminal justice degree. bout to be a cop.

cops are supposed to take it to the next level, this girl is pushing the officer, whats the next level after pushing? tackling and punching.

police officers are looking out for them selves in situations like that. bad neighborhood, a citizen (man or woman don't matter) resisting arrest, and another peson tryna stop the arrest from happening.
she could have had a gun, or a weapon, on her so the cop felt threatened so he did that to protect him selves. MAN OR WOMAN.
idc if they black white yellow green orange bro, if im on duty and someone is attacking me someone is getting dropped and its not gunna be me, im tryna go home at the end of the day.

this chick deserved it, knock some sense into her, people need to understand you CANT FIGHT A COP OR RESIST ARREST. cant lay your hand on them nothing. take the L, u did something illegal, even if it was just as peddy as j-walking.

yall saying she didnt deserve it, blah blah blah, some idiots. and just hate the police
, and think every cop is racist.

she was resisting, that other hood booger, attacked the cop, she got clocked end of story. dumb broads

There is nothing wrong with this video, I agree with the officers actions. He actually should of taken her to the ground and made the arrest since she did refuse and fight back the entire time.
"You weak $+% !#%!!"

But she deserved that, the last thing you want to do is stop a cop from making an arrest. %%!% could of been a lot worse for her if it was a different cop.
Dumb girls
alright its whatever if you guys say she deserved it but why are some of you posting "
Originally Posted by Though

alright its whatever if you guys say she deserved it but why are some of you posting "
Cause they're followers. They see one person post a (
) and they follow.
NT is full of sheep.
As a very outspoken critic of racism and other forms of oppression and marginalization, including the role that the police often play in it.......

in this instance, the officer was well within his right to self-defense as well as protocol in the actions that he took in this situation (those that were on the video at least).  For those of you arguing that "it's a female, there's no reason for the officer to punch her like that" - if those were two guys, trust this would have went down much differently.  You see how all the fellas were on the sidelines and didn't interfere whatsoever... they're not stupid... these young women chose to act stupidly and were very lucky to come away from the situation with only what happened.

Honestly, I think the officer showed a degree of restraint.  Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this
dude really scoked a girl who wasnt reaching for his gun,tazer,mace nothing she was trying to stop him for slinging her aroung for jaywalking & she gets socked like a dude....if there was 1 more dude w/ them this would have been a entirely different vid.....if her brother/cousin/gf/bf whatever was around & saw that hes gettin cold cocked & then while on the ground the 3 of them would have drug his #%#....i hope he gets fired & they release his info to the public.....stupid #%# 9a-5p seattle cops
Originally Posted by Regal Black

hoodrats being hoodrats

"Rosenthal was charged in November with second-degree robbery. According to prosecutors, she punched a 15-year-old boy in the face while she and a group of youths were on their way to a rave in South Seattle last Aug. 28. The boy told police that his cellphone and $20 were stolen in the incident. A 14-year-old boy told police that he was punched in the head and his hat was stolen.
Authorities say the case was dismissed when the boys refused to testify.

In April 2008, Rosenthal was charged with third-degree theft after she allegedly stole a minivan in Tukwila, prosecutors said. Kent police said she used a screwdriver to break the ignition and start the vehicle."
Originally Posted by GetYaShinebox

Originally Posted by Regal Black

hoodrats being hoodrats

"Rosenthal was charged in November with second-degree robbery. According to prosecutors, she punched a 15-year-old boy in the face while she and a group of youths were on their way to a rave in South Seattle last Aug. 28. The boy told police that his cellphone and $20 were stolen in the incident. A 14-year-old boy told police that he was punched in the head and his hat was stolen.
Authorities say the case was dismissed when the boys refused to testify.

In April 2008, Rosenthal was charged with third-degree theft after she allegedly stole a minivan in Tukwila, prosecutors said. Kent police said she used a screwdriver to break the ignition and start the vehicle."

   The cop had a hunch. Clearly this girl is a goon if she's going around robbing and beating up dudes.
just another racist pig getting over.....................who gives out tickets for JAYWALKING?!?!?!?!?!?.........................F the police, not to mention she had to lunge her whole body just to get him of his position......ppl are funny about when a man can hit a woman though...I though it was 0 tolerance? Anyway, slap on the wrist nothing new here.....Im mad that Ive seen worse....

She shoved a cop in order for her friend to get away. She had to anticipate something was going to happen after that.

From looks of her record, her parent(s) isn't doing their job right. Hopefully she matures and does better for herself in the furture.
She assaulted an officer. He could have legally caused her much more harm....

He should have just slammed her %+% straight into the pavement, but then people would have %##!%#* about that too.
Originally Posted by gambit215

just another racist pig getting over.....................who gives out tickets for JAYWALKING?!?!?!?!?!?.........................F the police, not to mention she had to lunge her whole body just to get him of his position......ppl are funny about when a man can hit a woman though...I though it was 0 tolerance? Anyway, slap on the wrist nothing new here.....Im mad that Ive seen worse....

people are reaching here tryin to play the race card.

as ridiculous as it is, jaywalking is against the law so DONT DO IT IN FRONT OF A COP unless you want to risk getting a ticket.

this isn't a case of when a man can/can't hit a woman.  this is a case of a person putting hands on a cop.  anyone that is not a complete ruh-tard knows not to put hands on a cop.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by gambit215

just another racist pig getting over.....................who gives out tickets for JAYWALKING?!?!?!?!?!?.........................F the police, not to mention she had to lunge her whole body just to get him of his position......ppl are funny about when a man can hit a woman though...I though it was 0 tolerance? Anyway, slap on the wrist nothing new here.....Im mad that Ive seen worse....

people are reaching here tryin to play the race card.

as ridiculous as it is, jaywalking is against the law so DONT DO IT IN FRONT OF A COP unless you want to risk getting a ticket.

this isn't a case of when a man can/can't hit a woman.  this is a case of a person putting hands on a cop.  anyone that is not a complete ruh-tard knows not to put hands on a cop.


Dont bother man.

These dudes have a mentality that all cops are racist power-drunk Gumps always trying to put down "innocent" civilians.

Chick was stupid. Bottom Line.
Dudes are idiots

You can bet 1000% that the dip**** behind the camera wouldn't be selling his cell phone camera footage to the local TV station if the officer had gotten killed in that situation.

Yet whites are racist
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Dudes are idiots

You can bet 1000% that the dip**** behind the camera wouldn't be selling his cell phone camera footage to the local TV station if the officer had gotten killed in that situation.

Yet whites are racist
You think the Beats by Dre Earphones are garbage, your opinion on anything is voided
You wore a Canadian Tuxedo and thought you were fly.

Your opinion on anything is voided.

Brooklyn Brawler
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

You wore a Canadian Tuxedo and thought you were fly.

Your opinion on anything is voided.

Brooklyn Brawler
Dodgers are losing against the Reds right now, though
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