Seattle Police Punches Girl

I'm not for violence but this man is a cop and the girl was being stupid and he did nothing wrong. I will never understand people who think that agruing with the police will get them anywhere.
as ridiculous as it is, jaywalking is against the law so DONT DO IT IN FRONT OF A COP unless you want to risk getting a ticket.

this isn't a case of when a man can/can't hit a woman.  this is a case of a person putting hands on a cop.  anyone that is not a complete ruh-tard knows not to put hands on a cop.
Where you live at where they seriously enforcing that law? Dudes are funny.  As far as putting hands on a cop you can't do it like that chick did but some of these stupid cops get that lord of the ring feeling when they put on their uniforms.  I touched a cop to explain something that happened clown said if I touch him again it would be trouble.  I just laughed at dude and got my friend away from that situation before anything else happened.  Its situations like mine that have people looking at some cops sideways cause I have friends that are cops and none of them are like that.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

as ridiculous as it is, jaywalking is against the law so DONT DO IT IN FRONT OF A COP unless you want to risk getting a ticket.

this isn't a case of when a man can/can't hit a woman.  this is a case of a person putting hands on a cop.  anyone that is not a complete ruh-tard knows not to put hands on a cop.
Where you live at where they seriously enforcing that law? Dudes are funny.  As far as putting hands on a cop you can't do it like that chick did but some of these stupid cops get that lord of the ring feeling when they put on their uniforms.  I touched a cop to explain something that happened clown said if I touch him again it would be trouble.  I just laughed at dude and got my friend away from that situation before anything else happened.  Its situations like mine that have people looking at some cops sideways cause I have friends that are cops and none of them are like that.

Huntington Beach, CA.  Cops really got nothing better to do there.  Granted it was 10+ years ago, but I got a stupid jaywalking ticket when I was in high school.  I didnt feel like walking all the way around to the crosswalk, everyone always jaywalks, so I didn't think twice about it til I got that ticket.  Learned my lesson.  I still jaywalk today if its more convenient, but I won't do it in front of a cop.  Not worth the risk of getting hit with a stupid ticket.

Cops are humans too.  Some of em are cool as hell, others are douchebags.  That being said, there is clearly a line (you dont put your hands on a cop) and that line got crossed. 
Cops are humans too.  Some of em are cool as hell, others are douchebags.  That being said, there is clearly a line (you dont put your hands on a cop) and that line got crossed.
If your talking about my situation with the cop we will just have to agree to disagree cause like you said they are humans too.  If I'm just trying to straighten something out in a peaceful manner why can I not touch a cop to get his attention?  I don't get that not like I was drunk and unruly.
Originally Posted by RAWse

Where the hell was the back up anyways?

This. those 2 girls couldve been in cuffs with the quickness if there were a couple more cops involved.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Cops are humans too.  Some of em are cool as hell, others are douchebags.  That being said, there is clearly a line (you dont put your hands on a cop) and that line got crossed.
If your talking about my situation with the cop we will just have to agree to disagree cause like you said they are humans too.  If I'm just trying to straighten something out in a peaceful manner why can I not touch a cop to get his attention?  I don't get that not like I was drunk and unruly.

I wasnt referring to your situation.

But to answer your question, some people hate being physically touched by others (maybe this cop) and some dont mind.  Even if it is in a non threatening manner.  I mean, chances are the cop was just a power trippin clown, but atleast he didnt automatically take a swing at you and gave you somewhat of a warning to let you know how he felt.
Originally Posted by gambit215

just another racist pig getting over.....................who gives out tickets for JAYWALKING?!?!?!?!?!?.........................F the police, not to mention she had to lunge her whole body just to get him of his position......ppl are funny about when a man can hit a woman though...I though it was 0 tolerance? Anyway, slap on the wrist nothing new here.....Im mad that Ive seen worse....
It's never ok to hit a woman or anyone for that matter simply because you're angry at them.

However, if a women is lunging at me with a knife best believe she catching a roundhouse kick to the face....word to Roadhouse.
some people hate being physically touched by others (maybe this cop) and some dont mind.  Even if it is in a non threatening manner.
I agree but dude is a cop and hell it's his job to protect and serve.  I don't go up touching random cats I don't know

I'm glad it ended with nothing but it still makes me upset when people trip like that for no reason.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

some people hate being physically touched by others (maybe this cop) and some dont mind.  Even if it is in a non threatening manner.
I agree but dude is a cop and hell it's his job to protect and serve.  I don't go up touching random cats I don't know

I'm glad it ended with nothing but it still makes me upset when people trip like that for no reason.

The cop?  He was pushed.
Originally Posted by Though


wassup, man..who you got in the NBA Finals? 100$ bet?...
hahahaha wsup mayor.  i cannot will not ever root for or bet on the C's.  Lakers for me.


If he was in a Beverly Hills or some other rich neighborhood he wouldnt have responded that way.

Yes the girls were wrong and stupid, but he overeacted...Its not like she went for his gun or something.
bout time someone stood up to those unruly black chicks. *****s think they can try to hit you . f that and he didnt punch her for j walking he punched her cuz she was attacking him from the looks of the video. I thought it was funny but dude is gonna get some heat for it
That cop is #@%$%-made, what type of "officer" can't handle a 17 year old girl??? He should be on desk duty or something until he gets his weight up.

On the other hand, dude must have been watching UFC or something cause that was a text-book GSP superman punch
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