Seattle Police Punches Girl

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I wonder if I'm really the only one who's aware of how scared some of these white cops are of any person of color.

Someone mentioned that if it was a white girl in Beverly Hills this would never have happened. Cops in these neighborhoods are in a constant state of vigilance, stress and fear for good reason. This stress and frustration manifests itself as a more forceful response at times to these situations.
anybody who thinks there is any sort of leeway in touching an officer is a moron. you poke him on the shoulder and you could get shot.
wow they knew the cameras were rolling and sure put on a great academy performance. DESERVED, good job Mr. Officer.
 I love the fact that they just had two women of Asian descent for  anchors on the news
, race or gender shouldn't keep qualified people from positions
  I bet theyve been with the company for many years, why would a company replace two employees that do their job well?

The cop and lady were both wrong.

Cop because he intentionally hit someone, he should be banned from being a cop again for 10 years.

Lady provoked the whole scene and made it much worse then it already was, people need to learn how to act especially if youre dealing with a cop/the law.

you gotta be smarter then that, and if its someone you know that are acting dumb you need to hold them back and sit em down before they do something stupid.
Put your hand on a cop you deserve all that is coming to you....girl or not...god forbid they just talk like adults instead of freaking out. If I'm a cop how do I know aren't reaching for my gun.
Dudes in here talking like the officer couldn't have just body slammed the young woman on the hood of the car or the ground and cuffed her fairly easily.  Like I said earlier, it was pretty clear to me that the officer was actually exercising restraint in the situation that drew the tussle out for over two minutes when he could have simply slammed, maced, or struck her in the knee with his baton and ended it in about 10 seconds...
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I wonder if I'm really the only one who's aware of how scared some of these white cops are of any person of color.
You're definitely not the only one.
Originally Posted by MJsaver


If he was in a Beverly Hills or some other rich neighborhood he wouldnt have responded that way.

Yes the girls were wrong and stupid, but he overeacted...Its not like she went for his gun or something.
I would usually agree... but in this case, what else could he have done that would have been a more appropriate reaction and still hand-cuffed the first young woman?  He basically did everything he could to NOT physically escalate the situation.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I wonder if I'm really the only one who's aware of how scared some of these white cops are of any person of color.

Someone mentioned that if it was a white girl in Beverly Hills this would never have happened. Cops in these neighborhoods are in a constant state of vigilance, stress and fear for good reason. This stress and frustration manifests itself as a more forceful response at times to these situations.
The residents in these neighborhoods live in a constant state of vigilance, stress, fear, marginalization, oppression, etc. which is often manifest most clearly in their interactions with the police, the government "representatives" with whom they come into contact with most.  A lot of these communities are essentially police states where nearly everything and everyone is criminalized.  If suburban communities, schools, malls, etc. were patrolled to the extent that low-income, urban black and Latino communities are and with the same attitude towards the residents, we would find the difference in urban-suburban, black-white, low-income-high-income crime rates drop significantly and the attitudes toward police in white, suburban, and high-income areas change drastically.
i would've kept my hands off, they would've both got the mace. officer did nothing wrong
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by aceofjays

She deserved to be punched? Hell no! She pushed the cop, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]since when does [/color]a girl pushing you warrant a punch to the face? I would agree more with macing her, opposed to punching her.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Dude shut up. She pushed A COP, if you don't want those dudes to stomp you out, stand on the side line and obey the law.. She deserved it, plain and simple. Some of you are making stupid excuses for this +%$%$!!.[/color]

_ we've seen dudes fight off cops trying to run and never get a punch thrown at 'em. She aint deserve that $#!%
Originally Posted by Manglor

Originally Posted by ISRAEL5EKLA

Cop because he intentionally hit someone, he should be banned from being a cop again for 10 years.

You must live here



I had to read that over again. I was like what? 
Durden I really need you to read better but f it I'm in a helping mood. I wasn't talking about the girl but about myself. That why I told you to just go back a page and you would never had to wonder what I was talking about.
Originally Posted by aceofjays

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by aceofjays

She deserved to be punched? Hell no! She pushed the cop, since when does a girl pushing you warrant a punch to the face? I would agree more with macing her, opposed to punching her.

Dude shut up. She pushed A COP, if you don't want those dudes to stomp you out, stand on the side line and obey the law.. She deserved it, plain and simple. Some of you are making stupid excuses for this +%$%$!!.

_ we've seen dudes fight off cops trying to run and never get a punch thrown at 'em. She aint deserve that $#!%

-we've seen dudes swing on cop's & get warnings
...she aint deserve that $#$*# 
She got what was coming. She should be lucky it was just a swift punch and not a taser or worse.
Originally Posted by Chicityk7

Originally Posted by aceofjays

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by aceofjays

She deserved to be punched? Hell no! She pushed the cop, since when does a girl pushing you warrant a punch to the face? I would agree more with macing her, opposed to punching her.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Dude shut up. She pushed A COP, if you don't want those dudes to stomp you out, stand on the side line and obey the law.. She deserved it, plain and simple. Some of you are making stupid excuses for this +%$%$!!.[/color]

_ we've seen dudes fight off cops trying to run and never get a punch thrown at 'em. She aint deserve that $#!%

-we've seen dudes swing on cop's & get warnings
...she aint deserve that $#$*# 
the @#$%? whether youre black or white, 99% of the time attacking a cop will result in you getting beaten and slammed to the pavement
stop making this a race/gender thing
In Seattle,

cops punch girls
girls are stronger than men officers
they take jaywalking serious

You guys are saying that punch wasn't appropriate, what WOULD BE the appropriate action then. the girl pretty much told the cop you're not arresting my friend then pushed the cop, the cop had no idea what the girls next move could have been, he punched her, handled his business. If he would have sprayed her with mace, this thread would be a lot worse then it currently is. The point is he had to control her and he did what was appropriate, this has nothing to do with boy/girl, he was doing his job, leave the man alone.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Dudes in here talking like the officer couldn't have just body slammed the young woman on the hood of the car or the ground and cuffed her fairly easily.  Like I said earlier, it was pretty clear to me that the officer was actually exercising restraint in the situation that drew the tussle out for over two minutes when he could have simply slammed, maced, or struck her in the knee with his baton and ended it in about 10 seconds...
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I wonder if I'm really the only one who's aware of how scared some of these white cops are of any person of color.
You're definitely not the only one.
Originally Posted by MJsaver


If he was in a Beverly Hills or some other rich neighborhood he wouldnt have responded that way.

Yes the girls were wrong and stupid, but he overeacted...Its not like she went for his gun or something.
I would usually agree... but in this case, what else could he have done that would have been a more appropriate reaction and still hand-cuffed the first young woman?  He basically did everything he could to NOT physically escalate the situation.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

I wonder if I'm really the only one who's aware of how scared some of these white cops are of any person of color.

Someone mentioned that if it was a white girl in Beverly Hills this would never have happened. Cops in these neighborhoods are in a constant state of vigilance, stress and fear for good reason. This stress and frustration manifests itself as a more forceful response at times to these situations.
The residents in these neighborhoods live in a constant state of vigilance, stress, fear, marginalization, oppression, etc. which is often manifest most clearly in their interactions with the police, the government "representatives" with whom they come into contact with most.  A lot of these communities are essentially police states where nearly everything and everyone is criminalized.  If suburban communities, schools, malls, etc. were patrolled to the extent that low-income, urban black and Latino communities are and with the same attitude towards the residents, we would find the difference in urban-suburban, black-white, low-income-high-income crime rates drop significantly and the attitudes toward police in white, suburban, and high-income areas change drastically.

Um, I'm almost positive you assume I don't know the effects of racism in this country but I know way more than you'd think. I've looked at the effect of racism and health from an epidemiological perspective and the stress of racism in this country kills. 

With that being said, crime is a real issue in lower socio-economic areas. All things equal, you would find more crime in the projects than in Beverly Hills even if the cops looked for it objectively. Stop.
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