Seattle Police Punches Girl

Police officer should've pulled out the pepper spray or stun gun, but he was dealing with a hostile crowd. Not sure who these girls think they are thinking they could make demands of the police officer or even attempt to get physical with him.
She was wrong, never resist or touch an almighty police officer, praise be unto him, but how did she deserve that you aholes?  Why was he being so physical with the first girl? Jaywalking? all this **!* over jaywalking? this mfer was trying to show his power by enforcing jaywalking? really? crossing the %$*!$@! street? He should have better judgment than that, i'm tired of the people being chosen to serve and protect being just anybody.
--Saw this on the news last night.
--Ol' girl was prolly yappin her mouth and definitely deserved that.
--Cops are trained to do that especially when dealing with a group of people when they are outnumbered.
alot of ******s in this thread

Cops are trained to do that especially when dealing with a group of people when they are outnumbered.
yea?  are you a cop?  i want to see where you got this info from
If she had gotten maced you dudes wouldve had your panties in a bunch over that too.
Originally Posted by aceofjays

She deserved to be punched? Hell no! She pushed the cop, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]since when does [/color]a girl pushing you warrant a punch to the face? I would agree more with macing her, opposed to punching her.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Dude shut up. She pushed A COP, if you don't want those dudes to stomp you out, stand on the side line and obey the law.. She deserved it, plain and simple. Some of you are making stupid excuses for this +%$%$!!.[/color]
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by aceofjays

She deserved to be punched? Hell no! She pushed the cop, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]since when does [/color]a girl pushing you warrant a punch to the face? I would agree more with macing her, opposed to punching her.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Dude shut up. She pushed A COP, if you don't want those dudes to stomp you out, stand on the side line and obey the law.. She deserved it, plain and simple. Some of you are making stupid excuses for this +%$%$!!.[/color]
...if she was Dominican you wouldve been
Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by aceofjays

She deserved to be punched? Hell no! She pushed the cop, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]since when does [/color]a girl pushing you warrant a punch to the face? I would agree more with macing her, opposed to punching her.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Dude shut up. She pushed A COP, if you don't want those dudes to stomp you out, stand on the side line and obey the law.. She deserved it, plain and simple. Some of you are making stupid excuses for this +%$%$!!.[/color]
...if she was Dominican white you wouldve been
yo...the girls were still wrong but there is no question that pigs have traditionally abused their rights while violently abusing our personal space. 

You've got to be kidding me if you think that the officer needed to punch that girl like that to restrain her. It's a teenage girl for god sakes...he's a grown pig putting his hands on a minor who barely tapped him on the wrist..

+@@+!* coward bullying black girls because he can get away with it...thats hit a %*@%+ and its OK.
i watched the video again just to make sure. Whoever said the girl deserved to get punched in the face is straight up stupid
Low life cop there. It's jaywalking. There is no reason a cop should be involved in an altercation like that from jaywalking.

That just shows that the cop was on some crazy big bully power trip. "what you doing jaywalking, i'll throw you in jail for that!!!!"
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

yo...the girls were still wrong but there is no question that pigs have traditionally abused their rights while violently abusing our personal space. 

You've got to be kidding me if you think that the officer needed to punch that girl like that to restrain her. It's a teenage girl for god sakes...he's a grown pig putting his hands on a minor who barely tapped him on the wrist..

+@@+!* coward bullying black girls because he can get away with it...thats hit a %*@%+ and its OK.
He didn't need to...I'm pretty sure it was done out of anger...You'd get pissed off too if you had a job to do and someone tried to stop you
Those are not just "girls", they are border line men - strength wise, specially the one in pink. Gender is out of the window, you gotta do what you gotta do.

that placed looked shady too, needed backup.
Ruxxx wrote:
"Are you serious?!?!"
YES idiot!
I am NOT a cheerleader for cops,but she better be glad that a fist to the face was all she received!You just don't do %%** like that!

Those are my sentiments as well. I am very critical of the police, there are more than a few abusive cops (that is evident by how vehemently they refuse to be recorded while on duty in public spaces) and local media and local government tend to always side with the police even in cases of obvious abuse. This time, however, the ladies got what they deserved, at least based on the video. You cannot start fighting with the police and expect them to do nothing.

Unfortunately we live in a society where "who" matters much more than "what." Many police officers believe that they are entitled to abuse people because of who they are and many citizens believe that right and wrong always hinge of the race, class and gender of those involved in an incident and that if you are non white, non male and not "privileged" you can do whatever you please.

The best way to reduce instances of abuse inflicted by as well as towards the police is for all people to drop the belief that race, class and gender or profession supersede facts when it comes to judging right and wrong in a dispute. These instances could also be reduced if the State and Federal government ended the war on drugs and if State and local governments decriminalized and regulated prostitution and did away with its petty, high fine offenses (like talking on a cell phone in the car and refusing to wear seat belts) that are used to generate revenue and not to increase public safety.
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

yo...the girls were still wrong but there is no question that pigs have traditionally abused their rights while violently abusing our personal space. 

You've got to be kidding me if you think that the officer needed to punch that girl like that to restrain her. It's a teenage girl for god sakes...he's a grown pig putting his hands on a minor who barely tapped him on the wrist..

+@@+!* coward bullying black girls because he can get away with it...thats hit a %*@%+ and its OK.
He didn't need to...I'm pretty sure it was done out of anger...You'd get pissed off too if you had a job to do and someone tried to stop you
cmon, doggy. thats everyday for police officers..they are trained to handle situations like this appropriately
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Ruxxx wrote:
"Are you serious?!?!"
YES idiot!
I am NOT a cheerleader for cops,but she better be glad that a fist to the face was all she received!You just don't do %%** like that!

Those are my sentiments as well. I am very critical of the police, there are more than a few abusive cops (that is evident by how vehemently they refuse to be recorded while on duty in public spaces) and local media and local government tend to always side with the police even in cases of obvious abuse. This time, however, the ladies got what they deserved, at least based on the video. You cannot start fighting with the police and expect them to do nothing.

Unfortunately we live in a society where "who" matters much more than "what." Many police officers believe that they are entitled to abuse people because of who they are and many citizens believe that right and wrong always hinge of the race, class and gender of those involved in an incident and that if you are non white, non male and not "privileged" you can do whatever you please.

The best way to reduce instances of abuse inflicted by as well as towards the police is for all people to drop the belief that race, class and gender or profession supersede facts when it comes to judging right and wrong in a dispute. These instances could also be reduced if the State and Federal government ended the war on drugs and if State and local governments decriminalized and regulated prostitution and did away with its petty, high fine offenses (like talking on a cell phone in the car and refusing to wear seat belts) that are used to generate revenue and not to increase public safety.

was a punch to the face of a woman warranted, though?
Originally Posted by Though

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Ruxxx wrote:
"Are you serious?!?!"
YES idiot!
I am NOT a cheerleader for cops,but she better be glad that a fist to the face was all she received!You just don't do %%** like that!

Those are my sentiments as well. 
was a punch to the face of a woman warranted, though?


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]He answered your question in the first sentence.[/color]
Originally Posted by Though

i watched the video again just to make sure. Whoever said the girl deserved to get punched in the face is straight up stupid


Did she pose any type of threat to you? REALLY??????

If this officer can not handle a couple of teenage GIRLS, he needs to make a career move.

Punch a serial killer, or child molester in the face like that, and i'll give him all the props in the world........
Let's just forget they're women for a second, and pretend that they are really frail men trying to fight off a cop. Do you still feel the same way about the punch to the face? I'm not saying the punch was warranted, but things could've been a lot worse. YOU ARE TRYING TO FIGHT A POLICE OFFICER. And you dudes in here talking about, "Jaywalking? He really stopped them for jaywalking?" I mean, the law is the law. Police officers have the decision to turn their cheek the other way, but that doesn't mean they are obligated to.
I hate the cops in most instances by the way, but I swear most of you people have some ridiculous logic.
Rex lacks common sense.  i thought dude was supposed to be "smart"..son just types a whole lot about nothing.  There are a lot of closet racists on this forum. I am convinced.
Rexanglorum wrote:

Ruxxx wrote:
"Are you serious?!?!"
YES idiot!
I am NOT a cheerleader for cops,but she better be glad that a fist to the face was all she received!You just don't do %%** like that!

Those are my sentiments as well. I am very critical of the police, there are more than a few abusive cops (that is evident by how vehemently they refuse to be recorded while on duty in public spaces) and local media and local government tend to always side with the police even in cases of obvious abuse. This time, however, the ladies got what they deserved, at least based on the video. You cannot start fighting with the police and expect them to do nothing.

Unfortunately we live in a society where "who" matters much more than "what." Many police officers believe that they are entitled to abuse people because of who they are and many citizens believe that right and wrong always hinge of the race, class and gender of those involved in an incident and that if you are non white, non male and not "privileged" you can do whatever you please.

The best way to reduce instances of abuse inflicted by as well as towards the police is for all people to drop the belief that race, class and gender or profession supersede facts when it comes to judging right and wrong in a dispute. These instances could also be reduced if the State and Federal government ended the war on drugs and if State and local governments decriminalized and regulated prostitution and did away with its petty, high fine offenses (like talking on a cell phone in the car and refusing to wear seat belts) that are used to generate revenue and not to increase public safety.

I agree, but I'm an Uncle Tom so it's cool

It's ironic that the same people crying that this is racially motivated and that she's a woman are the ones not looking at it objectively.

If she was a white man, this wouldn't be a discussion.
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