Seeing Someone for the Last Time

May 20, 2013
They've meant more to you than anyone else ever has and made you happier than you've ever been, but due to unforeseen circumstances you can't be together anymore. It's beyond your control and they're adamant it can't work despite what you say. You have the ability to talk to them afterwards and see them from time to time and they really want you to and to be there for you, but like an aging AI wanting to be an NBA starter you don't think you can accept your reduced role in their life or forget how things used to be.

What would you do or say to them them during your potential last meeting?
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Goodbye my friend, will I ever love again?


Forgot to add this formula:

Right Person + Wrong Time = Wrong Person
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Explain more please.

From what it sounds like, it's a female.

I'm lost on the part about her not wanting to make it work...yet she wants to be able to see you from time to time and be there for you. If that's the case, she doesn't know what she wants and she needs to figure that out before she drags you into her emotional rollercoaster
might as well go all out and get everything off your chest

then smash

and leave while she's wiping everything off her chest
Explain more please.

She assures you she loves you, that you made her feel the same way, and that under ideal circumstances you'd be together. She wants to remain close to you minus the romance because she has too much on her plate, currently wants to experience life independently and find herself, and distance is currently a factor for a majority of the near future.
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*plays song*

tell her everything that you were ever afraid to tell her before. and go your own way. Leave nothing unsaid. you'll just regret it in the future.
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Sounds like she wants to keep you there just in case. Which isn't fair. While she has too much on her plate she'll end up coming across someone she's feeling and work on that there.

Knowing me....I'd tell her the truth about how I feel about her and then go my way. Things like that shouldn't go unsaid but at the same time you shouldn't be put in reserve for when she's ready. That's just my opinion.
They've meant more to you than anyone else ever has and made you happier than you've ever been, but due to unforeseen circumstances you can't be together anymore. It's beyond your control and they're adamant it can't work despite what you say. You have the ability to talk to them afterwards and see them from time to time and they really want you to and to be there for you, but like an aging AI wanting to be an NBA starter you don't think you can accept your reduced role in their life or forget how things used to be.

What would you do or say to them them during your potential last meeting?

In a selfish way, I wish my relationship ended poorly.

I wish she cheated, I wish I cheated.

Instead she's on the other side of the world thinking it's cool to send me 'how's everything?' emails.
Now I have a vision of a perfect woman that won't stop for any man.

and if we're posting music

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Damn agent i thought you both were dope for each other

Sorry to hear fam

Don't have that app anymore but pm me if you wanna chop it up fam
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She assures you she loves you, that you made her feel the same way, and that under ideal circumstances you'd be together. She wants to remain close to you minus the romance because she has too much on her plate, currently wants to experience life independently and find herself, and distance is currently a factor for a majority of the near future.

"Find herself" sounds like a load of ****.

I think it's safe to say that y'all are in a situation where she's moving far away for either school or a job? If so, y'all can definitely make a long distance relationship work. Like you said in the OP, you are for that, but she saying that it would t work. But she goes on to say that she loves you and cares for you and wants to keep you "on standby".

"Wants to experience life independently" means that she wants to talk to other dudes in the new place that she's moving to. That's why she doesn't wanna be in a long distance relationship with you...because she doesn't wanna cheat. And the fact that she's insisting that it won't work shows that it is in her mind that she WILL entertain other dudes..

"Find herself" i said in a previous post...she doesn't know what the **** she most females are.

At least she's being honest with you. That's a plus. A lot of girls would accept the long distance relationship and still mess with other dudes.

But the fact she wants to keep you on stand by is selfish...pretty much it's like "incase these other guys don't work out, I still got you" **** outta here.

Anyways, to answer the question...I would smash, then argue with her, then have make up sex...then argue again so she knows that you still not with that ****. I'm not a fan of ending relationships on good notes. I'm petty, and when I love, I love hard.

I hope I got your situation correct though. I just put 2 and 2 together. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? If you're under 21, you have nothing to stress about, life goes on. How long have you been with shorty?

To tell you the truth I may be going through a similar situation in the future too. (Praying that I don't) but it's possible
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"Find herself" sounds like a load of ****.

I think it's safe to say that y'all are in a situation where she's moving far away for either school or a job? If so, y'all can definitely make a long distance relationship work. Like you said in the OP, you are for that, but she saying that it would t work. But she goes on to say that she loves you and cares for you and wants to keep you "on standby".

"Wants to experience life independently" means that she wants to talk to other dudes in the new place that she's moving to. That's why she doesn't wanna be in a long distance relationship with you...because she doesn't wanna cheat. And the fact that she's insisting that it won't work shows that it is in her mind that she WILL entertain other dudes..

"Find herself" i said in a previous post...she doesn't know what the **** she most females are.

At least she's being honest with you. That's a plus. A lot of girls would accept the long distance relationship and still mess with other dudes.

But the fact she wants to keep you on stand by is selfish...pretty much it's like "incase these other guys don't work out, I still got you" **** outta here.

Anyways, to answer the question...I would smash, then argue with her, then have make up sex...then argue again so she knows that you still not with that ****. I'm not a fan of ending relationships on good notes. I'm petty, and when I love, I love hard.

I hope I got your situation correct though. I just put 2 and 2 together. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? If you're under 21, you have nothing to stress about, life goes on. How long have you been with shorty?

To tell you the truth I may be going through a similar situation in the future too. (Praying that I don't) but it's possible
Let's say you've been doing long distance for a few months at and first it was easy and you felt close to one another, but after she overreacted thinking that she would get hurt like other guys have done to her while being so invested, she decided to pull back and eventually some doubts crept in. Before this you were both convinced it would last for a long time, despite that it was majority long distance.

She swears it's not about other guys, but the fact that shes been in relationships for almost the past five years. Not a girl jumping from short relationship to relationship, but two, one she spent one year in and then one for three years before you. She wasn't even considering dating again and then she met you and you changed that. She says that she needs to find out who she is besides the role she plays in a relationship. She is also very busy. Now that this feeling of wanting to be experiencing life on her own came out of nowhere, it's changed a relationship that had the potential to even be much longer than both of those. Can't help but feel that she'll find another guy though, whether actively or not.

In the scenario you're both 20, so young, but not too young. Old enough to realize that a girl like her doesn't come around very often and that it's taken you almost your whole life up until that point to find a girl like her.
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Let's say you've been doing long distance for a few months at and first it was easy and you felt close to one another, but after she overreacted thinking that she would get hurt like other guys have done to her while being so invested, she decided to pull back and eventually some doubts crept in.

She swears it's not about other guys, but the fact that shes been in relationships for almost the past five years. Not a girl jumping from short relationship to relationship, but two, one she spent one year in and then one for three years before you. She wasn't even considering dating again and then she met you and you changed that. She says that she needs to find out who she is besides the role she plays in a relationship. Now that this feeling of wanting to be experiencing life on her own came out of nowhere, it's changed a relationship that had the potential to even be much longer than both of those. Can't help but feel that she'll find another guy though, whether actively or not.

In the scenario you're both 20, so young, but not too young. Old enough to realize that a girl like her doesn't come around very often and that it's taken you almost your whole life up until that point to find a girl like her.

Ahh I hear you now

So she's been in relationships nonstop for 5 years...she's 20 now so she's been in serious long relationships since she was 15. might be best for her to be alone for a while. Relationships since 15 is a long time..chances are, she hasn't been through her ***** phase yet (and these phases are different for every female...for one female it could be sleeping with multiple men, for another female it could be being a big freak for her boyfriend). She needs to figure out what type of woman she is. Not sexually, but all around. She hasn't been able to find that out because she's been cuffed up since she was 15.

She also needs to learn not to let previous relationships affect her current one. That's a big problem.

Her wanting to experience life on her own is a good thing I guess. She's been in serious relationships since a mid teenager..she's a woman now and she wants to see what being an adult is about.

In my opinion, you guys are 20, your still really young fam. When I was 20 I was with a girl who I thought I was gonna marry :lol: boy was I wrong. Me bringing that up is just to let you know that you have ALOT of time on your clock. Let her go. It's gonna be hard...really hard for a whole, especially seeing that you obviously care for her, and it might end on a good note. (My old relationship ended on a bad note so I missed her for about 3 weeks, then after that I couldn't care less about her..keep in mind this is after a 2 year relationship). But you're gonna feel down for a while, but as long as you got a good support system on ya side, you have nothing to worry about. Like I said, you are VERY young, and these things coming at you right now are just so you can find out what type of person you are, what type of relationship you want, what you don't like, etc.

Keep her by your side, but don't force her into anything. Most you can do is let her understand how you feel, and hope for the best. And make sure you do your thing. Go out and meet other girls (if your relationship is over). Because when you do meet that 1 girl you wanna settle down with, you have to use your experiences from past relationships to determine how to keep your current one at 100% at all times

How long have y'all been together? I peeped you said you been long distance for about 3 months but I'm not sure if that's the whole relationship. But just a heads up, the first 6 months are always the best part of a relationship. So for something to come break it up during that point is tough. Just gotta work through it
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I miss my ex like a mug mug. I've had a bunch of women after her, been in relationships, tried to make them work, but none of them did. I tried to love them, I really meant to. But I couldn't. I'm not down or depressed about it or anything, I've had tons of fun, I just can't seem to create emotional attachment to them, and my mind always go back to her. it is what it is. I feel what you're going through OP. be strong playboy.

I will say don't always believe the hype, new yambs do not always make you forget. I've had plenty after her, plenty. means nothing. I think when the person truly matters to you, you never forget until you find one that equals the same force. That's pretty much how I gauge life. Within inertia. Shorty was a force. So I need something equally powerful to move on with. Random yambs are fun only for the moment.
I miss my ex like a mug mug. I've had a bunch of women after her, been in relationships, tried to make them work, but none of them did. I tried to love them, I really meant to. But I couldn't. I'm not down or depressed about it or anything, I've had tons of fun, I just can't seem to create emotional attachment to them, and my mind always go back to her. it is what it is. I feel what you're going through OP. be strong playboy.


I only miss my ex when I'm drunk and horny. And even though I know she's 1 text away I wouldn't dare, cus I'm happy in the ship I'm in now. Only reason for me to miss her is sexual reasons. Nasty **** like letting me bust on her face. But aside from physical, she didn't make me a better person.
How long have y'all been together? I peeped you said you been long distance for about 3 months but I'm not sure if that's the whole relationship. But just a heads up, the first 6 months are always the best part of a relationship. So for something to come break it up during that point is tough. Just gotta work through it
Officially since August, but basically together since July. Yeah the "honeymoon phase" is what they call it. So you think keeping her by your side is the best option? I don't want to lose her and she is a positive influence in my life and vice versa plus there's the small possibility of ending up together down the road, but at the same time I don't know if I can handle being anything less to her. I also have a problem with moving on which is why I am considering not going down that route and letting the feelings remain for any longer in a position where I am forced to suppress them.

I appreciate the responses by the way.
I miss my ex like a mug mug. I've had a bunch of women after her, been in relationships, tried to make them work, but none of them did. I tried to love them, I really meant to. But I couldn't. I'm not down or depressed about it or anything, I've had tons of fun, I just can't seem to create emotional attachment to them, and my mind always go back to her. it is what it is. I feel what you're going through OP. be strong playboy.
This is exactly what I am afraid of. I know I won't forget her and I know she won't forget me either.
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July-August? Yeah man I know how that is :lol:
Situation happened to me around that same age (19)..about 4 months into the relationship, shorty I was with said she was thinking about moving/transferring. I gave her my piece of mind, some thug tears may have dropped, and she found a way to stay around. 1 year 6 months later, I got tired of her **** and left :lol:

But yea I personally think best idea would be to first empty your heart out to her. Put everything on the table. And then move on. Definitely keep her available, because you never know. And in some cases, absence does make the heart grow fonder. In other cases, out of sight, out of mind. But seeing that y'all are still in the honeymoon phase, y'all should be good.

Definitely try to make it that you see her every now and then. And when you do see her, make sure you put work in, (physically and orally..make her realize what she could be having on the regular) that might put a bug in her ear to tell her that she needs to be where you are.

Lastly, don't try and force her into anything. That might make matters worse. Just make sure you get everything off your chest to her. At this point, there's no reason to keep anything in
Been there breh! You'll be back together. Go out and explore! In 10 yrs you'll be hoping she'd give you some damb space!
They've meant more to you than anyone else ever has and made you happier than you've ever been, but due to unforeseen circumstances you can't be together anymore. It's beyond your control and they're adamant it can't work despite what you say. You have the ability to talk to them afterwards and see them from time to time and they really want you to and to be there for you, but like an aging AI wanting to be an NBA starter you don't think you can accept your reduced role in their life or forget how things used to be.

Man, this was beautiful

Officially since August, but basically together since July. Yeah the "honeymoon phase" is what they call it. So you think keeping her by your side is the best option? I don't want to lose her and she is a positive influence in my life and vice versa plus there's the small possibility of ending up together down the road, but at the same time I don't know if I can handle being anything less to her. I also have a problem with moving on which is why I am considering not going down that route and letting the feelings remain for any longer in a position where I am forced to suppress them.

I appreciate the responses by the way.

This is exactly what I am afraid of. I know I won't forget her and I know she won't forget me either.

Man it really sucks when two people love and care for each other but realize the relationship can't work. Like if it was one of your good friends it's no problem to go your separate ways and live the life you gotta live, you can pick back up later on like nothing happened, you can accept a diminished friendship for the sake of letting that other person grow and develop their own life and happiness. The dynamic of romantic relationships will have you ready to cut someone you love off entirely, for life. It really is a tough pill to swallow.
You can't sugar coat it. It sucks. It's absolutely terribly. Losing someone you love because of circumstances is one of the most unjust occurrences in life but as someone alluded to above, the right person can cross paths at the wrong time, and you just have to have faith that one day the timing will be right. One of the hardest parts about growing up is realizing that you cannot control the situations in life. I think the initial loss is so crushing because you cannot possibly conceive living without her, and you think you're the only person on earth that has to deal with this caliber of pain. But just know that we all have went through it, and we all have managed to survive the emotional devastation of the situation. You will, too. It just takes time. And honestly, you will never heal if you maintain ties with her. If the circumstances cannot make it work, then you gotta let her go. If it's meant to be, it will be eventually. The key, however, is to not romanticize her. No woman - no matter amazing she is - can compete with the mental imagery of perfection. You have to take her off the pedestal and realize that there are mad girls on this planet, and there is another her walking around. You just gotta find her.
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