Serious mature discussion: NT at what age should a man move out of his mothers house?

Originally Posted by JordanHead718212

21 at the latest

What? This is totally unrealistic if you live in a large metropolitan city in 2012. Sure there are very rare cases where someone may be financially comfortable enough to be on their own at this time. I'm 21 currently and graduating from university one year from now. And why would you move out 
at 18 if you can barely afford to pay rent? Why would you be renting in the first place? Bad idea. Save up and buy. 
real life...

my bro didnt move out till he was 28... he always had a good job (coulda moved out at 25) nice whips gear etc...

my mom and dad dont care as long as he was doing his thing... he moved out after he traveled and stuff... he makes like 160k owns a really nice house new cars good family nice everything...

move out when youre ready...
All I got to say is, people are losing their houses and with the economy right now where to begin. Society tries to break up families by saying "You gotta move out when you're at a certain age." That's my two cents.
Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

All I got to say is, people are losing their houses and with the economy right now where to begin. Society tries to break up families by saying "You gotta move out when you're at a certain age." That's my two cents.
Word. Right now, families need to stick together. It's hard as hell out here.

As for me, I just turned 23 and I've been ITCHING to leave home since I was 20. But it's just not the right time. I don't make nearly enough money to do so right now. I either need to go full time at the job I'm working (which is damn near impossible) or I need to make a serious move to get a well paying job. Only thing is, in order to get a well paying job, you need a college degree. I still have two years left before I graduate. But I just cant see myself living at home at 25. I just can't
Whenever there is the need to

if there is a reason to move, then it should be good enough reason

If your parents are kick you out then..... leave. If they cool about it then stay. The thing about it is that there will come a time in a mans life when he will feel the need and desire to be his own. This is regardless of the opinion of others. Certain benefits come from living with your parents and other benefits come with living by yourself.

peoples opinions should not matter except your own. If you feel like something is teling you to leave then leave. Feeling like a loser cause you can't smash birds every night like a true bachelor... then the solution is to move out.

If money wont allow it then suck it up.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I'm 21 and I've felt like I needed to get the #%%% out starting about a year ago. I feel like +%!@ for still being here. I help out around the house A LOT though and have my own job, so i'm no freeloader. But still, I feel like I need to leave. However I'm no where near in position to move out comfortably

I ain't about that struggling life
Depends on where you live, what your current situation is, and other variables.

When I was 22 I moved out for a year (the duration of the lease) with my BM and daughter and basically went broke.

I should have saved that money since my parents were more than willing to allow me to stay home since I was working full time/ going to school full time.

I'll be honest, without foodstamps, child care from the school/my parents, and some finacial help from her parents we would have been evicted.

Needless to say, I'm back with my parents now.
Originally Posted by MrBrown

Whenever there is the need to

if there is a reason to move, then it should be good enough reason

If your parents are kick you out then..... leave. If they cool about it then stay. The thing about it is that there will come a time in a mans life when he will feel the need and desire to be his own. This is regardless of the opinion of others. Certain benefits come from living with your parents and other benefits come with living by yourself.

peoples opinions should not matter except your own. If you feel like something is teling you to leave then leave. Feeling like a loser cause you can't smash birds every night like a true bachelor... then the solution is to move out.

If money wont allow it then suck it up.
like everyone else has said, move out when you can afford it, when your living monthly expenses wont be more than 35-40% of your monthly income.

there is really no more rewarding feeling than being independent, sure it would be a blast thinkig of all the extra money youll have at home and all the nice things you could splurge on, but you gotta grow someday, if you have the money to afford a brand new car and all sorts of material things, you have the money to be on your own and so you should.
Originally Posted by breezylocks

real life...

my bro didnt move out till he was 28... he always had a good job (coulda moved out at 25) nice whips gear etc...

my mom and dad dont care as long as he was doing his thing... he moved out after he traveled and stuff... he makes like 160k owns a really nice house new cars good family nice everything...

move out when youre ready...
This was me.  Don't even care if I catch heat for it either.  Didn't move out until I was 26, but I waited until I was ready financially.  Got a house with my girl and tried to set myself up for the future.  Just bought a new car too

I appreciate my parents for the fact that they let me stay with them.  And to look at my situation, I worked full time and went to school full time while I was living at home.

I have a bachelor's degree, work full time as a senior paralegal for a mid size law firm and am also a Master's student right now. 

I know so many 20 somethings who move out early just to end up moving back with their parents.  The thing is, a lot of these people end up relying on their parents for gas money and grocery money anyways.  They really aren't supporting themselves.  
20 in the process of moving out, for some reason i think im doing it 2 soon tho, had a job 2+ years, pay is good, mayb im scared
When you can afford it. Like another poster said, it seems to be a strictly American thing about getting your kids out the house as soon as they turn 18. Save some money up so your better equipped to handle expenses when you finally are ready to get out. I've been waiting to leave my parents new house since god knows when, but I couldn't get a job. Now I'm saving up to make the move back home.
My parents own 2 homes; I live in the 1st and my parents live in the 2nd. I pay my parents rent to cover half the mortgage on the 1st house and I pay for the all bills as well. I am a partial owner to the 2nd home, I put up some money and pay the entire mortgage and all the bills there as well. So I still live at "home."

When I made that commitment to buy the 2nd house with my parents, I didnt think ahead on how much this all would strain my finances. With that said and knowing this now, I wouldnt have done anything different though; I would and did do everything I could to put my parents in a MUCH better neighborhood. Although my parents dont expect all this support from me, I owe them that much considering all they've done for me growing up. Plus they're almost at that retirement age and I just want to help them out all I can. Now the 1st house is on the market and once it sells, I can move out somewhere closer to my job and finally be "independent"

So guys, move out when you know you can. If you have to live at "home", thats not a problem as long as you help out at the house.
Originally Posted by AirCommanderMarsFiend

Depends on where you live, what your current situation is, and other variables.

When I was 22 I moved out for a year (the duration of the lease) with my BM and daughter and basically went broke.

I should have saved that money since my parents were more than willing to allow me to stay home since I was working full time/ going to school full time.

I'll be honest, without foodstamps, child care from the school/my parents, and some finacial help from her parents we would have been evicted.

Needless to say, I'm back with my parents now.

I have a friend who is 27 and lives with his mom with BM and a child, you are not alone.Its better you are called a loser than forclosure or get evicted.
When you are financially and emotionally secure as well as personally responsible. Basically when you can afford it and can handle your own business. My parents left their family in PR at 21 like a month after getting married. Such a ballsy move. Anyways, they struggled for a good 6 years before they became truly financially stable. Anyways I'm about to be 21, live at home and have one year left of school. Next year it's on to the academy or the military so take what you want of it, but its about being able to handle your business and maintain yourself.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

like everyone else has said, move out when you can afford it, when your living monthly expenses wont be more than 35-40% of your monthly income.

there is really no more rewarding feeling than being independent, sure it would be a blast thinkig of all the extra money youll have at home and all the nice things you could splurge on, but you gotta grow someday, if you have the money to afford a brand new car and all sorts of material things, you have the money to be on your own and so you should.

I'm 22, making moves to move out in 1-2 years and most likely get a nice sized place with my good friend.. I have little to no debt.. Just trying to stack up big time.

Edit: I also want to leave this country.. Thats an option I'm considering. 
It would be great to go home for a minute and save up, but my mom's 2nd bedroom is like 9x9 (and right now its her office), in a small, 2 bedroom apt, dunno if I can do that.
Besides you can't bring home NO biddies when you live w/moms. None, zero, nada, it's like going back to high school 
OP sounds like he lets others dictate what his life should be. Seems to be a problem around these parts quite often. That being said, move out when you are able to sustain your own lifestyle, whatever that may be. That is NOT saying be lazy and don't work towards moving out on your own.
Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by CWrite78

When you can afford it.

What's the point of moving out at 18 when you have to go to your parents house to ask for a meal because all your money is going into rent?
This. People have gone overboard with this. Move out when you're comfortable with doing so. You see people who are struggling all around with their finances just so they can say they live on their own its not worth it. Stay at home and save, if a girl really wants to look down on you for being sensible then you don't want her in your life anyways. Move out when you can. Pay off school loans, car, save for you own place whatever. Its a blessing to have parents that will hold you down like that.
All of this. How many people do you know who have parents who say "When you turn 18, you're and adult and you're out"? Or how many people do you know who turn
18 and suddenly feel like they can take on loads of responsibilities, mostly out of rebellion? They usually end up struggling like hell in some shabby run down apartment, 

working at Burger King just to stay afloat. Barely making ends meet just to say you're own your own isn't "doin it" at all. 
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