Serious Post: First kiss on a date for ADULTS.....VOL: Same rules apply as when we was kids?

Dec 18, 2012
NT Brothaz (Had to use it since Alphas be overused....),

I'm heading on a date tonight and I know a grown man shouldn't be asking NT for advice but I had to do it! When we was kids it was always the rule the dude just goes in for the smooch at the end of the night. I'm talking to an older chick (32 years old) and I'm 27. Do the same rules apply as we were kids? Should I just go in for the suicide kiss at the end of the night? First date and I met her randomly at a bar.....

I would post pics but I only seen her once. So sorry for the "no pics, no care" folks.

However here is something for the beast...

Appreciate yall in advance. 
Dont overthink it and see where the night goes 
Depends on how the date goes....if there is chemistry, go in...most 32 year olds don't have time to be chased around...if he wants it, it should be clear.
humor always eases tension. bring it up to her at the end saying the same thing "I had a great time blah blah blah but anyway I would go to kiss you if its not weird or anything since were not 12 anymore but I don't know if the same rules apply and go for a suicide kiss (laugh a little)" the way she responds lets you know what's good.

That's my take idk if your a humorous person because if not don't let that be the first joke of the night
. works for me... awkward silent situations broken with laughter doesnt ruin the moment
You are two adults. Do you honestly think she'd go out with you if she didn't want to kiss you?

I'm going to take a wild guess and say she's going to give off multiple signals inviting you to kiss her over the course of the night.
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No kiss. Long hug. Eyes burning. Talked for like 6 hours. Waste of time but I like her. Many of L's have been taken. "BOTH TEAMS PLAYED HARD".
No kiss. Long hug. Eyes burning. Talked for like 6 hours. Waste of time but I like her. Many of L's have been taken. "BOTH TEAMS PLAYED HARD".

This thread is perfect timing. Had a date last night as well OP and i actually really like the girl. We are both 25. And it was the same type of deal. We literally got drinks and some food at one bar then she was like want to go some where else. Went to another bar drank for a bit and literally talked for 4 hours. No kiss at end of night.

Prob won't talk to her until this weekend see if she hits me up. But other then that have no clue how to play this.
You can kiss almost any woman on the first date, but in order for her to kiss you back you must have built the proper comfert level with her.

Touch her occasionally, randomly. Make it seem natural. Get her accustomed to your touch. You must come across as a naturally sexy guy who's comfterable with touching. Do not make it obvious and creepy.
Shoulda Whipped it out.

But in all seriousness it depends on how both of your chemistry is. If the connection is headed in that direction then you'll be locking lips in no time. Just grab her neck and go in.
This thread is perfect timing. Had a date last night as well OP and i actually really like the girl. We are both 25. And it was the same type of deal. We literally got drinks and some food at one bar then she was like want to go some where else. Went to another bar drank for a bit and literally talked for 4 hours. No kiss at end of night.
Prob won't talk to her until this weekend see if she hits me up. But other then that have no clue how to play this.

Both of you guys dates probably called Tyrone after they were finished with their respective dates with both of you. Women want it just as bad if not more than men, believe that.
My suggestion would be to not take advice from anyone (Yes, this is advice, but you don't have to listen I guess). Do what you feel is right for the situation because nobody knows how it is going but you and her. People can give you all sorts of scenarios, but saying one thing and doing it is difficult. I would say just go out there and see how things go. If you think its right, do it. She wouldn't be out with you if she didn't like you a little bit
My suggestion would be to not take advice from anyone (Yes, this is advice, but you don't have to listen I guess). Do what you feel is right for the situation because nobody knows how it is going but you and her. People can give you all sorts of scenarios, but saying one thing and doing it is difficult. I would say just go out there and see how things go. If you think its right, do it. She wouldn't be out with you if she didn't like you a little bit

There is no clear cut answer to this, no rules. You have to really just feel it out and see what happens throughout the night.

You could either:

swoop in for the kiss and get denied. This could be because she wasn't feeling you, or that she's not one to kiss on the first date.

swoop in for the kiss and succeed. This could then lead to a wonderful and fruitful relationship.

In short, trust your gut and good luck.
8/10 times I go in for the first kiss..I actually got rejected for a kiss 2 weeks ago but last week I was successful with another chick.. Like everyone said in here it is all about chemistry and how you feel the night was going. But the funny thing is, if I'm REALLY feeling her, I won't go in for a first kiss on the first date, even if I knew the date went amazing. I like to build anticipation.
It's been awhile since I have been on a first date. Here's one thing I've gathered though, if you have anything planned or predetermined, you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. I don't plan that stuff. There's no point. Let whatever happen happen because it's where the moment took you, not because of some idea of what should happen. If dating was as easy as simply abiding by archaic rules, there wouldn't be nearly as many people trying to find love online. Dating is hard. There isn't a rule in the book that can guess what's going through the mind of the person across the table.
 at you creating an account & thread to ask this question as a 27 y/o man.

Next time you see that *****, look her in the eyes,

put your tongue down her throat,

then PIIHB...

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Joined yesterday, yet knws how to supply pics for the beast? ....Which NT'er are you?

But to answer your question. You better go for the kiss if you wanna chance at a follow up date. Remember you met her at the bar, so hell try to spend the night.
I usually just ask. It's bold but respectful. When you're dropping her off at her place, just be like "can I get a goodnight kiss?" or something along those lines.
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