Serious question: Do Caucasians really not use washcloths? vol. Dave Chappelle "Trading Spouses"

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i usually shower 3x a day
Man, what makes you that dirty you need to shower 3 times a day?
morning when i wake up, after the gym, then again at night before i go to bed or before i head out for the night depending if i'm staying inor not.

that's 3 right there.
Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

still mad cuz you lost your white girlfriend I see.
Huh? You mean the chick I haven't dated in over a year? Go get a life and quit keeping tabs onmine. Why does she have to be my "white" girlfriend? You're an idiot.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

I use washcloths around 45% of the time. Which kinda makes sense since i'm half white / half black

I thought I was the only one.

At home washcloth

At gym bar of soap.
I have an arsenal of bathing products. Loofahs, wash rags, micro derm abrasion cloths, brushes, you name it. Why limit yourself to just one thing?
Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Because I'm black, I'm ashy? Since when is skin different among human (not counting shade/color)?

How old are you, and what the hell did you learn at school about skin? Do you really think that people of other races have to bathe differently because of their ethnicity? And we ain't talkin bout hair, because that's another subject. I'm talkin bout SKIN, fam. Epidermis. You know, the think layer of material that wraps around your muscles and protects you somewhat from UV rays.

Like I said before: Regardless of race/ethnicity, we all have SKIN. SKIN that has PORES. PORES that get clogged. Whether you get clean with a loofah or a washrag, it doesn't matter because it's a PREFERENCE. See what I did there? I can use either because I HAVE A CHOICE. Not because my skin is a different texture than yours.

Common sense just ain't common anymore.

still mad cuz you lost your white girlfriend I see.

what the *$$% does this have to do with this just exposed yourself as saying that previous post as a way to knock black say youwasn't trying to be racist but you bring up his ex gf because she's white and he's blk....pathetic...dude mad cause he caring around an odd smellbecause of his poor cleaning methods...
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

what the *$$% does this have to do with this just exposed yourself as saying that previous post as a way to knock black say you wasn't trying to be racist but you bring up his ex gf because she's white and he's blk....pathetic...dude mad cause he caring around an odd smell because of his poor cleaning methods...
It ain't %*+$ but a weak defense mechanism that I see lames on here use all the time. They lose anargument, then try to bring up something totally irrelevant for some "lulz." Dude is truly pathetic.

at "not trying to be racist."

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Because I'm black, I'm ashy? Since when is skin different among human (not counting shade/color)?

How old are you, and what the hell did you learn at school about skin? Do you really think that people of other races have to bathe differently because of their ethnicity? And we ain't talkin bout hair, because that's another subject. I'm talkin bout SKIN, fam. Epidermis. You know, the think layer of material that wraps around your muscles and protects you somewhat from UV rays.

Like I said before: Regardless of race/ethnicity, we all have SKIN. SKIN that has PORES. PORES that get clogged. Whether you get clean with a loofah or a washrag, it doesn't matter because it's a PREFERENCE. See what I did there? I can use either because I HAVE A CHOICE. Not because my skin is a different texture than yours.

Common sense just ain't common anymore.

still mad cuz you lost your white girlfriend I see.

what the *$$% does this have to do with this just exposed yourself as saying that previous post as a way to knock black say you wasn't trying to be racist but you bring up his ex gf because she's white and he's blk....pathetic...dude mad cause he caring around an odd smell because of his poor cleaning methods...
no ive just been on here awhile and know how to clown certain people.
. either way like i said before my girl is an estecian im not funky
Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by PatronOnIce

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by PatronOnIce

what? lol no because its body soap and im washing my entire body its dirty.

edit: that was supposed to be to purp i thought i was quoting lol

Im pretty sure those puffs things everyone uses are clean or else they wouldn't sell them. the material they are made of feel like they dont need to be put thru the wash like a washcloth. ITs actually an advance in technology from the washcloth embrace it or live in the past, it is up to you.
see im kind of a clean freak so my old skin cells just chillin in that puff after so many showers doesnt sit well with me. I guess imma be in the past lol.
yeah dead skin cells are just chilling in a nylon puff. like it doesnt get rinsed out with soap. see im kinda a clean freak too so i actually wash mine out after each use, conviently i have a gentle soap sitting right there in reach for me to clean in right away but too often I use too much soap anyway and have enough to clean it out, but i guess dead skin cells chillin in a cotton weaved washcloth that has the potnetial to get moldy etc. for a few days until you get a new one is a lot better. stay in the past cuz you have no future
lol wow.

if u leave them to get moldy thats all you. myself its still gross to me.

god bless
what the heck? is this forreal?? yeah im white and i've always used a washcloth... if not then what would you just wipe the soap on yourself?! thats nasty.not even funny
Serious question to the people that dont use a washcloth..... How do you guys clean your buttcrack?
You unemployed NTers really need to find work. You've got way too much time on your hands when you start worrying about how other men shower.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

lol...did dude really compare the human body to a ceramic plate?

Yes I did. Are skin and plates the same? Hell no. But my point was you can't get the same clean without something to scrub with. I'm guessing youdon't use one....hence the name?
base soap on my *$% all day. If soap cleans, can it get dirty? And as for sharing soap at the crib, you first wash your body then your face that way the soaphas gone down and the part hitting your face is clean and if any part that has hit body is gonna hit your face is soap that has hit your body. LOL that must ofmade no sense to anyone else but me.
Originally Posted by chisoxdavid

base soap on my *$% all day. If soap cleans, can it get dirty? And as for sharing soap at the crib, you first wash your body then your face that way the soap has gone down and the part hitting your face is clean and if any part that has hit body is gonna hit your face is soap that has hit your body. LOL that must of made no sense to anyone else but me.
I know what your saying. Soap rubs away so there is always a new layer of soap there is you wash it off
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

You unemployed NTers really need to find work. You've got way too much time on your hands when you start worrying about how other men shower.

You're a soap only guy too huh.
Originally Posted by chisoxdavid

base soap on my *$% all day. If soap cleans, can it get dirty? And as for sharing soap at the crib, you first wash your body then your face that way the soap has gone down and the part hitting your face is clean and if any part that has hit body is gonna hit your face is soap that has hit your body. LOL that must of made no sense to anyone else but me.

I got it too but

Ol' hoping i wore down the dirty layer of the soap bar lookin' boy
Originally Posted by chisoxdavid

base soap on my *$% all day. If soap cleans, can it get dirty? And as for sharing soap at the crib, you first wash your body then your face that way the soap has gone down and the part hitting your face is clean and if any part that has hit body is gonna hit your face is soap that has hit your body. LOL that must of made no sense to anyone else but me.
I use the bar of soap only..people think i'm weird..but i don't like washcloths
..only use one after i shave to get all the shaving cream off myface..
so after all the facts some of ya'll remain dirty? Like who does that.....step your game up you have been informed.
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