Serious question: Do Caucasians really not use washcloths? vol. Dave Chappelle "Trading Spouses"

Is there a hidden a reason to why you love using wash cloths and loofahs? Does it prevent you from being ashy?
Originally Posted by eaalto

Is there a hidden a reason to why you love using wash cloths and loofahs? Does it prevent you from being ashy?

Prevents me from being dirty.
its true for the white dudes i know

we were going to a party one night after we got off work and he said we could go over his house after work to shower and get turn comes toshower..i'm looking all around for washcloths..dont see any..i said +*#@ it..grabbed one of those little towels you dry your hands with and washed withthat
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

you guys are too funny... by your logic, you would be best using sand paper and bleach and get clean.

I mean - how clean is clean enough? i don't smell, i'm not diseased... yet you're telling me i'm dirty?

look guys - you're not going to ever be "clean", we live in a world of bacteria. To think that you're somehow "cleaner" than the next man because you scrub your skin to death with industrial grade cleaning tools is just silly - nobody is that clean, and relatively speaking.

So just do you - whatever keeps you smelling and looking fresh, that's fine.
naww don't try to laugh this one off and use a an extreme analogy. You're supposed have some kinda friction to clean your serious. would you clean anything else with itself? See how dumb that sounds..."I'm gonna clean my body with my body...just add soap and water"
A wash cloth will remove wayyyy more dirt/deadskin than your hands. It's not like you gotta scrub hard either. I'm really worried about some off ya'll. Like I said you might smell good but you ain't clean.
How are you judging if someone is clean if not by how they look and smell? what are you taking skin samples and running tests?
you sound like a *#%+$%+ nut-job dude.

I'm saying that because dudes sayin "im clean with just my hands" feel that way because they smell good after a shower. They have washed some of the dirt off but not as much as they could have.
which goes back to my point, how do you determine how clean is clean enough? even with your fancy loofahs and washcloths, you're not getting every little germ and particle of dirt off of you... so how YOU determine if you're clean is up to YOU. As far as i'm concerned, if people around me look clean and smell clean, that's clean enough for me.

Apparently not for you though, who sniffs all his friends down and checks behind all their ears.



...oh and
@ another extreme analogy. you'd be better of saying i like being dirty, and leave it at that. "sniffs all his friends down and checks behind all their ears"....yeah okay

- speaking of EPIC threads like this one, someone needs to bring back that "what did your parents tell you about other races"
My dude - you're taking this stuff way too seriously... another "extreme" analogy?
you're seriously like upset that people don't shower the same way thatyou do or something... ease up a bit.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Is there a hidden a reason to why you love using wash cloths and loofahs? Does it prevent you from being ashy?
Lotion serves that purposes, smart-!+#.

at a "hidden reason." The reason has been stated over and over throughout this thread. I don'tknow why you were so compelled to ask if it prevents us from being ashy.

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