Serious question: Do Caucasians really not use washcloths? vol. Dave Chappelle "Trading Spouses"

no wash cloth.....where they do that at???? Boy yall are dirty, youre not clean

yall ninjas are sharing germs, I dont believe none of you saying you have your own soap...LIESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

yall are sharing pubic soap
Why do you guys think wash cloths are clean?

they carry more bacteria than your hands, guaranteed.
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

no wash cloth.....where they do that at???? Boy yall are dirty, youre not clean

yall ninjas are sharing germs, I dont believe none of you saying you have your own soap...LIESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

yall are sharing pubic soap
not if you got your own spot, all soap is your soap.

when a clean wash cloth is available, i will use it...

but i'm not gonna go showerless because i don't have a washcloth...

and i'm certainly not gonna feel dirty if i don't use a washcloth...

truthfully, using a washcloth does exfoliate the dead skin...its real
Originally Posted by kiuyt856

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by kiuyt856

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by kiuyt856

Whats wrong with lathering your hands and then cleaning yourself vs. doing the same with a washcloth?
Lack of friction/traction.
That makes sense. I don't know I still don't think it really makes that much difference in terms of how clean you get.
I mean, when people wash their hands before eating or anything else they don't get something to scrub, you just rub your hands together then dry.
i know 3rd graders with more sense then you

go wash yo %#*
Do you get a washcloth and lather and scrub your hands each time before you eat and after you use the bathroom?
Like I said earlier and the guy a couple posts above me, I don't see how washing your hands and washing your body the same way would make you less clean.
And I use washcloths btw.
G them same 3rd graders will tell you that your hands gets no were NEAR as nasty or smelly as places like your under arms, balls or $@+

and with how you talking there isnt a person in here that believes you us anything other then a bar
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Why do you guys think wash cloths are clean?

they carry more bacteria than your hands, guaranteed.

So when nurses bath old people/disabled people they use they hands?

And if you CHANGE the wash cloth then it's not dirty. I'm really worried bout some of ya'll.

And to the dude talking bout dead skin....duh! basically you said "Hey I'm gonna get dirty soon so it's not that serious"
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy


If you don't use something to scrub with then you are dirty. You might smell good but you are still dirty. Do you wash dishes with just soap and water? Do you clean your shoes with just soap and water? You need to scrub. When you use just your hands you gliding over your skin and not really getting fully clean. And if you use a wash cloth it doesn't mean you use bar can use bodywash
. Either way ya'll need more than just soap, water, and your hands.
If you don't agree then take a shower your way and then rub a white cloth on your body.
you know skin isn't permanent right? you can scrub all you want, you'll have lost that shiny clean layer of skin in a matter of hours.

It's not like a permanent surface like waxing a car - you shed skin (ever see dust?)... you really think using a washcloth somehow makes you cleaner?
the friction from the wash cloth helps to remove dirt and dead skin... you can't do that with just your hands.

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Why do you guys think wash cloths are clean?

they carry more bacteria than your hands, guaranteed.
obviously you change washcloths/throw them in the laundry machine just like you would a towel.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by kiuyt856

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by kiuyt856

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by kiuyt856

Whats wrong with lathering your hands and then cleaning yourself vs. doing the same with a washcloth?
Lack of friction/traction.
That makes sense. I don't know I still don't think it really makes that much difference in terms of how clean you get.
I mean, when people wash their hands before eating or anything else they don't get something to scrub, you just rub your hands together then dry.
i know 3rd graders with more sense then you

go wash yo %#*
Do you get a washcloth and lather and scrub your hands each time before you eat and after you use the bathroom?
Like I said earlier and the guy a couple posts above me, I don't see how washing your hands and washing your body the same way would make you less clean.
And I use washcloths btw.
G them same 3rd graders will tell you that your hands gets no were NEAR as nasty or smelly as places like your under arms, balls or $@+

and with how you talking there isnt a person in here that believes you us anything other then a bar
Germ wise, I'd say your hands get much dirtier than the rest of your body. What goes into your armpits etc. besides sweat?
And if you look at my first post in this thread-
Originally Posted by kiuyt856

My family uses washcloths, but when I go to college I doubt I'll use one.
And I still haven't gotten an answer, if using your hands and soap isn't sufficient enough to clean your body of just dirt, what makesthat same method fine to use on your hands which collect all kinds of random and potentially harmful germs and are then used to handle food?
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

lol, no i use a buf puf
...This is why I love White People, they nick-name themost random *+#$.

Real talk though, White people don't believe in wearing undershirts.
kiuyt856 you the type of dude that will brush his teeth with his finger and think its ok

enjoy being the smelly dude at partys cuz you feel its ok to wash up with yo hands

gone have dudes nickname you lil musty when you get to college
I rep those mesh-thingys hard, son. I don't use a cloth, that's kinda
like absorbant toilet paper from what I'm readin. Weird.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

lol, no i use a buf puf
...This is why I love White People, they nick-name the most random *+#$.

Real talk though, White people don't believe in wearing undershirts.
Now that's certainly not true, at least not with me or any of the many white people I know.

Also, groan about it as you will, there is definitely a double standard when it comes to acceptable things to say about race.

Originally Posted by kiuyt856

My family uses washcloths, but when I go to college I doubt I'll use one.

when you go to college, you will be sharing a dirty #*# bathroom with other people and won't want to put the bar of soap down.

get yourself a washcloth and some bodywash fam.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

lol, no i use a buf puf
...This is why I love White People, they nick-name the most random *+#$.

Real talk though, White people don't believe in wearing undershirts.
thats not true man, im the exact opposite, i always haveto wear an undershirt, unless im just hangout around the house
When I used soap bars I'd have my own, I've never shared a bar of soap with anyone in my life unless it's for hands only. Maybe it was a littleunsanitary reusing my own soap bar but it was not like I was getting in my $$# crack with it. Plus, some people take baths over showers and that's moredisgusting than re-using your own soap bar. It's been years since I've used a bar of soap over shower gel anyways.
i dont get how ppl can use body wash + their hands and think it = fresh

tisk tisk
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