Serious question: Do Caucasians really not use washcloths? vol. Dave Chappelle "Trading Spouses"

If you dont use a washcloth/sponge thingy how you clean/scrub your neck?
this thread is rediculous im white and have washcloths and any white person ive ever known uses them in maine at least. its more of being an unclean thing thana stereotype of whites thing.
Well at the moment I share a flat with two white girls, and over the past year and a half or so they
have had family and friends stay over at various points (almost all white people). At NO POINT did anyone have or use a washrag apart from I think therumours are 100% correct....GOOD LORD
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

i am white. i haven't used a washcloth ever in my life. it works pretty well. seems like the stereotype question is going over well compared to when similar questions are asked about other races

I mean how do you scrub the dirt off your body with just using soap?

seriously i mean i use a washcloth/towel/wash rag whatever you wanna call it but have you ever looked at your water after ringing out your towel after ashower...well how do you get clean with just soap & water...that only works for your hands...not the WHOLE BODY this subject is crazy i thought chappellewas just being funny but this is real...yall really just go in the shower with just soap.......thats crazy
Originally Posted by Jaw Knee C

why you need a washcloth? use a loofah for shower gel and separate facial cleanser, lather it in your hands and wash your face.
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

I'm Italian... I have 2 seperate wash cloths... 1 for the body 1 for the face...

im black & thought thats what everybody did but boy was i wrong... i guess i could even deal with you saying you only use 1 towel for you whole body but notowel at all thats just downright nasty how do you boys wash ya D & B's just ya hands & what about your as s do you just miss it all together doyou wash it with your hand & what about the little hairs all over the soap how you gonna turn around & use that same soap the next shower for you FACEUGGH i will just stop asking questions i dont wanna hear answers to.......
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

I use washcloths around 45% of the time. Which kinda makes sense since i'm half white / half black

Same here...

But I don't share a bath room with anyone so I'm good
Blimey! its not that serious guys!

Most people i know including myself would use either just hands and shower gel or shower gel with a poof thingy. You know you can get gels these days whichexfoliate your skin? That does the exact same thing as using a loofah or whatever.
I havent used a washcloth (or flannel as im used to calling them) since i was a kid.

It personal preference really, you are just as clean using your hands as you are using a cloth.

Oh, and as for those of you saying you shower 3 or 4 times a day. Its not a good idea as you loose your natural oils from washing too much and it can causeskin problems as you have no natural protection left. I'm not saying don't wash, but more than 3 times a day is a little bit ridiculous.
hell how do you clean your underarms effectively? because its good to scrub under there to really give it a good cleaning...

but I've always wondered something and this thread basically comfirmed why smh...never knew people used bare soap
Wow it's an epidemic. And I never made a generalization. I posed a question because I wanted to be educated. :smh:@ the barehanded people catchingfeelings. No way you can rub skin against skin and expect to be clean. Esp in the buttcrack, crotch, underarm areas.


down with the foulness.
Originally Posted by webnerd06

Originally Posted by 36hypno

Wash cloths + bar soap + new cloth every 2-3 days = clean
Some of yall must have that dark strap across the back of your neck



I'm black and I haven't used a washcloth since highschoool.. I use luffa's now.

I'm pretty sure washcloths are a black thing tho.. my roommate still uses them.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

"Hey, lets take shots at White people. We can do that on Niketalk"

look - some of you sound mad dirty, talking about having to scrub dirt off your bodies every time you shower? you guys live in a tent in some trailer park orwhat? I personally don't get all that much actual dirt on me for one, so that's not a big issue.

And secondly - i've never once had somebody tell me i smell bad or something along those lines... in fact, it's generally just the opposite.

So.... i guess just keep doing you.. and us crazy white people will continue doing us.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

"Hey, lets take shots at White people. We can do that on Niketalk"

Right, because there have never been threads made taking shots at black people that lasted forever. EVERYBODY is fair game on here, except Asians. Somehow themods are always right on time to catch those.
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