Serious question, how are you 'okay' with this?

10 years might be excessive, but if you're going to break the law, you have to be prepared to go to jail. She made her own bed, now she can lie in it.
10 years might be excessive, but if you're going to break the law, you have to be prepared to go to jail. She made her own bed, now she can lie in it.
The only laws that should exist are reason and rationality..
We just talked about this in my ethics class today
We just talked about this in my ethics class today
Why the hell would they plea guilty....

They threw away all of the special considerations out the window by doing that.

Damn shame. I feel sorry for the kids.
Why the hell would they plea guilty....

They threw away all of the special considerations out the window by doing that.

Damn shame. I feel sorry for the kids.
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