Serious Topic: How confident are you on the major you picked?

Mar 5, 2005
I've been doing general ed. for a while in Community College and now I'm about to attend The Acadamy Art College of SF this summer but, I'm alittle hesitant about my skills at drawing (and imagination). My friend that went there said that not everybody over there are top-notch, but I'm kind ofworried about competing against the people that are top-notch. BTW, my major is graphic design but, I'm thinking about switching majors. Anyways, areya'll satisfied on the major you picked?
Biomedical Engineering

Worst decision I've ever made. Thank God for medical school. Or else I'd be some loser cramped in a lab all day with no social interaction and no life.
I'm thinking about takin up graphic design too. don't mean to thread jack or anything...but you got any tips for a senior in hs?? also how do yourparents feel about you takin up graphic design? my pops isn't to happy with it and says "there isn't any money in that", but I always tell Irather be doin somethin I love than waking up every day doin a 9-5.
Originally Posted by kidKiDd

I'm thinking about takin up graphic design too. don't mean to thread jack or anything...but you got any tips for a senior in hs?? also how do your parents feel about you takin up graphic design? my pops isn't to happy with it and says "there isn't any money in that", but I always tell I rather be doin somethin I love than waking up every day doin a 9-5.

Look on Craigslist and show him some jobs in graphic designing, they make pretty good money. Also, my parents fully support me, in fact they praise me forgoing for something I love. And as for advice on you being a high-school senior, start everything started from the get-go (I was lagging until now) and ofcourse do research on which college offers good art programs around your area.
Originally Posted by Gz on Jz

Originally Posted by kidKiDd

I'm thinking about takin up graphic design too. don't mean to thread jack or anything...but you got any tips for a senior in hs?? also how do your parents feel about you takin up graphic design? my pops isn't to happy with it and says "there isn't any money in that", but I always tell I rather be doin somethin I love than waking up every day doin a 9-5.

Look on Craigslist and show him some jobs in graphic designing, they make pretty good money. Also, my parents fully support me, in fact they praise me for going for something I love. And as for advice on you being a high-school senior, start everything started from the get-go (I was lagging until now) and of course do research on which college offers good art programs around your area.

True, and also make sure you call them also and see what scholarship programs they offer.
Confident enough to take a bite out of this cookie I have in my hand.

I was thinkin about goin to Ai, and when it comes down to my work I'm sorta like Danikerhino, I'll feel like my work shouldn't even be in the samecategory as others. My drawing skills are simi-ok but its really my imagination that I take pride in.
Physical Education..... I like it a lot and the job opportunities are endless..

JK...Marketing Major, Minor in Finance....
Originally Posted by kidKiDd

I was thinkin about goin to Ai, and when it comes down to my work I'm sorta like Danikerhino, I'll feel like my work shouldn't even be in the same category as others. My drawing skills are simi-ok but its really my imagination that I take pride in.

I think imagination is overlooked by students entering art school. I think you might have a huge advantage if you have a broad imagination. Besides, theyteach you techniques that might help become a more skillful drawer. BTW, I heard Ai is an excellent art school also.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I'm about to attend The Acadamy Art College of SF this summer but, I'm a little hesitant about my skills at drawing (and imagination). My friend that went there said that not everybody over there are top-notch,
You're friend must be lying to you b/c there are a ton of people at AAU that has skills
Originally Posted by homeboy d

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I'm about to attend The Acadamy Art College of SF this summer but, I'm a little hesitant about my skills at drawing (and imagination). My friend that went there said that not everybody over there are top-notch,
You're friend must be lying to you b/c there are a ton of people at AAU that has skills

Foreel, I guess I have to practice on my drawing overtime. %#*@.
I'm so confident and love my major. Have an interview for an internship tomorrow after class as well. Like a true Nt'er, I picked out my outfit daysago.
Confident because it has been an interest ever since my freshman year of HS, but applying to a top business school in the nation
Electrical Engineering, im co-oping right now and the job market and work looks very promising. Can't wait to graduate.
Political Science with a minor in International Affairs. I was originally IA but realized its really only good for the Foreign Service so I switched to PoliSci.
Civil engineering. was stuck between civil and mechanical so i picked civil and have no regrets
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