Honestly haven't overanalyzed a show in it's first season like this since LOST.
Nor have a read up on other theories like it either. The reddit for this show
(the one w/ more members) is great but be wary has some people figure things out pretty quick and one member even made a detailed power point about a theory and it turned out to be true.
I do appreciate that the show doesn't linger on certain things that could drag multi episodes.
The finale didn't hurt me, I'm glad they built more questions on the outside, as much as they did on the inside. S2 has got to start w/ a bang for sure and whether we are innie or outtie centric there isn't much room for filler. even flashback episodes should help fill the story immensely, also a 9-10 episode season doesn't really allow for that. Gonna be patient, just because I love how this show is put together so meticulously, but I just want a premiere date.
Hats off to Ben Stiller, knew he had the directorial comedic chops, but this is definitely something unexpected from him(atleast for me) Love Adam Scott too.
The ensemble is really great all around and I love that no matter how small the role someone has they just knock it out of the park.
It is wild that this thread is still on page 1,
ALOT of cats on this board would love this show.
Also Ms Casey