Sex: Privilege, Right, or Responsibility?

Slow down Wray... not every person is a Christian so it's not fair to use the bible to support your claim. I mean hell, the Kama Sutra is waaaaaaaay oldewrthan the bible and waaaaaaaay more people believe in it as well as the religion that it's under. And I say that as a Christian man, so don't takeoffense. We gotta be non-partial with these things bro.


In the bible, does it not also say in so many words that sex is the wife's RESPONSIBILITY unto her husband. So wouldn't that make it his RIGHT to havesex with her?
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Slow down Wray... not every person is a Christian so it's not fair to use the bible to support your claim. I mean hell, the Kama Sutra is waaaaaaaay oldewr than the bible and waaaaaaaay more people believe in it as well as the religion that it's under. And I say that as a Christian man, so don't take offense. We gotta be non-partial with these things bro.


In the bible, does it not also say in so many words that sex is the wife's RESPONSIBILITY unto her husband. So wouldn't that make it his RIGHT to have sex with her?
My bad...I got ahead of myself.
Originally Posted by MECKS

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Priveledge and responsibility. More of responsibility than anything in many ways.
i agree. and not a right... thats on some rape type steeze

Originally Posted by J Burner

The question was is sex a right, as in, do people have the right to have sex. The answer is absolutely yes. Imagine someone telling you that you can't have sex, with anyone, ever.
For all those who say it is not a right... read the above... he dumbs it down to you...
In marriage ......

sex is a RIGHT...a woman has the right to be pleased when she wills and in turn the man has the right to be pleased when he wants...granted it is consensualwhich in a marriage it obviously would be
this protects both of them from the act of adultery and keeps the marriage going..
this is an islamic view point.

outside of marriage it is a privelage
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by J Burner

right and responsibility. How can sex be a priveledge? can sex be a right?

for me its a leisurely option.

but it can be all 3 i believe. like if you're ugly as sin, its a privilege or even a transaction, and if you're married its a right, and if you'renot trying to get pregnant its a big responsibility, or its at least a responsibility to get her that pill the next day.
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