Sex: Privilege, Right, or Responsibility?

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by J Burner

right and responsibility. How can sex be a priveledge? can sex be a right?

Who has the authority or right to tell a person that they can not have sex? Its not the right of all living creatures to use their God given ability to reproduce? And saying its a privelege insinuates that only certain people are allowed to have sex. It may be a "privelege" to have sex with a certain person, but being able to physically have sex is not a privelege.

Man, you toally missed the boat with this one.

Not to be on no caveman %+!$, but sex can be seen as a right because once you enter into a sexual relationship, it's almost akin to a legal contract. There are certain expectations people hold. For instance, I myself feel that sex is all 3. Obviously it's a privilege to be earned. But once you earn it, if that person expects to keep things at whatever level its at, they would be expected to keep the sex poppin off as well. It's only common sense. So basically, if I'm with a chick and we've reached a level with each other where sex is shared between us and we can openly talk about it, I feel entitled to it at certain times. It's not always gonna be her choice. If she's real about it, she'll do what it takes to please me (within reason). Likewise, I'd be wrong to deny her completely if she had those same expectations. That's the responsibility part as well. I have to do my part to keep her satisfied and vica versa or someone else might just do it for me.
..... and you cant even see the boat with this one either.

Do NOT confuse the ability to reproduce with "sex". Theyre VERY different things.


No one is saying its a right as in I have the right to have sex with anyone I want to, whether they want to or not. Thats called rape. Its a right in the sense that you can not tell a person that they can not have consentual sex. If I want to have sex, and my girl wants to have sex, THATS OUR RIGHT, you can't tell us that we can not have sex. So get off your high horse and take a moment to think critically before commenting...
Thats not a right. If you both want to have sex its not considered a right. If you and your girl were both 15 yrs old and you both wanted tohave sex, youre telling me that its your right to have sex and I cant tell you not to do it??
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by J Burner

right and responsibility. How can sex be a priveledge? can sex be a right?

Who has the authority or right to tell a person that they can not have sex? Its not the right of all living creatures to use their God given ability to reproduce? And saying its a privelege insinuates that only certain people are allowed to have sex. It may be a "privelege" to have sex with a certain person, but being able to physically have sex is not a privelege.

Man, you toally missed the boat with this one.

Not to be on no caveman %+!$, but sex can be seen as a right because once you enter into a sexual relationship, it's almost akin to a legal contract. There are certain expectations people hold. For instance, I myself feel that sex is all 3. Obviously it's a privilege to be earned. But once you earn it, if that person expects to keep things at whatever level its at, they would be expected to keep the sex poppin off as well. It's only common sense. So basically, if I'm with a chick and we've reached a level with each other where sex is shared between us and we can openly talk about it, I feel entitled to it at certain times. It's not always gonna be her choice. If she's real about it, she'll do what it takes to please me (within reason). Likewise, I'd be wrong to deny her completely if she had those same expectations. That's the responsibility part as well. I have to do my part to keep her satisfied and vica versa or someone else might just do it for me.
..... and you cant even see the boat with this one either.

Hold on Skipper, you posted your boat in my ocean. Save your
and try actually contributing to the thread.... or not... It's a DISCUSSION.Your answer is not the end all be all, despite how many smileys you post.... "
Originally Posted by Durden7

No one is saying its a right as in I have the right to have sex with anyone I want to, whether they want to or not. Thats called rape. Its a right in the sense that you can not tell a person that they can not have consentual sex. If I want to have sex, and my girl wants to have sex, THATS OUR RIGHT, you can't tell us that we can not have sex. So get off your high horse and take a moment to think critically before commenting...
Thats not a right. If you both want to have sex its not considered a right. If you and your girl were both 15 yrs old and you both wanted to have sex, youre telling me that its your right to have sex and I cant tell you not to do it??

15 year olds are not adults, and therefore are not given all the RIGHTS of an ADULT. But to answer your question, NO YOU CAN'T. Only the parents of the15 year olds have the RIGHT to tell them they can not have sex. Otherwise, its none of your business. Voting is a RIGHT, but you can't vote at 15. Bearing arms is a right, but you can't own a gun at 15. Seems like I'm not the one who missed the boat, this is just going waaaaaaay over your head.
and that's the point.
you cant have the act of sex without the consent of someone else.

to say it's a right implies that one has the right to have sex with anyone they please.

Now hold on Dirt, if that consent has been given, does that make the "relationship" into a "sexual relationship"? If so, wouldn't onefeel like he had the RIGHT to have sex whilst in a sexual relationship? Keep it a hunnid fam, don't you feel entitled to that woman you married? Now I knowguys like us have a respect for women that isn'talways popular in this forum, but on some REAL *#@@, as her husband (father of her kids?), don't youhave a right to receive her?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Do NOT confuse the ability to reproduce with "sex". Theyre VERY different things.
What is the purpose of sex in the natural world? Maybe you are confused, just because humans use sex as a means of pleasure does not change thefact that biologically, the purpose of sex is to reproduce. So again, who are you to tell another person that they can not engage in this act?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by J Burner

right and responsibility. How can sex be a priveledge? can sex be a right?

Who has the authority or right to tell a person that they can not have sex? Its not the right of all living creatures to use their God given ability to reproduce? And saying its a privelege insinuates that only certain people are allowed to have sex. It may be a "privelege" to have sex with a certain person, but being able to physically have sex is not a privelege.
and that's the point.
you cant have the act of sex without the consent of someone else.

to say it's a right implies that one has the right to have sex with anyone they please.

You absolutely can have sex with anyone you please, as long as they conesent. You need to read the rest of sentence you underlined. Please explainhow you can stop two consenting people from having sex, and i'll concede that it is not the right of those two conenting adults to engage in sex. And tofurther my point, because I see where you were trying to go: Does my right to freedom of speech mean I can say whatever I want, to whoever I want, whenever Iwant? No it does not (examples would be libel or slander). Does my right to bare arms mean I can take my gun wherever I want to and start capping off inpublic? No it does not. Just because something is a right, doesn't mean it has no limitations on when that right can be exercised.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Durden7 wrote:
No one is saying its a right as in I have the right to have sex with anyone I want to, whether they want to or not. Thats called rape. Its a right in the sense that you can not tell a person that they can not have consentual sex. If I want to have sex, and my girl wants to have sex, THATS OUR RIGHT, you can't tell us that we can not have sex. So get off your high horse and take a moment to think critically before commenting...
Thats not a right. If you both want to have sex its not considered a right. If you and your girl were both 15 yrs old and you both wanted to have sex, youre telling me that its your right to have sex and I cant tell you not to do it??

15 year olds are not adults, and therefore are not given all the RIGHTS of an ADULT. But to answer your question, NO YOU CAN'T. Only the parents of the 15 year olds have the RIGHT to tell them they can not have sex. Otherwise, its none of your business. Voting is a RIGHT, but you can't vote at 15. Bearing arms is a right, but you can't own a gun at 15. Seems like I'm not the one who missed the boat, this is just going waaaaaaay over your head.
So now its all about the rights of adults? It's not rights in general? You cant just put adults and children into 2 separate categories andonly talk about one group.

Hold on Skipper, you posted your boat in my ocean. Save your
and try actually contributing to the thread.... or not... It's a DISCUSSION. Your answer is not the end all be all, despite how many smileys you post.... "
There was one "
".... relax.

Now hold on Dirt, if that consent has been given, does that make the "relationship" into a "sexual relationship"? If so, wouldn't one feel like he had the RIGHT to have sex whilst in a sexual relationship? Keep it a hunnid fam, don't you feel entitled to that woman you married? Now I know guys like us have a respect for women that isn'talways popular in this forum, but on some REAL *#@@, as her husband (father of her kids?), don't you have a right to receive her?

It's still just a relationship. You define it as a sexual relationship, but its still only a relationship. You can FEEL like you have the right, but inreality its not a right. You can feel as though your entitled to something, but not really own it.

It's still a privilege to receive her.
How can sex be a right, privilege or a responsibility?

I's akin to asking iwhether pissing or taking a dump is a right, privilege or a responsibility.
What is the purpose of sex in the natural world? Maybe you are confused, just because humans use sex as a means of pleasure does not change the fact that biologically, the purpose of sex is to reproduce. So again, who are you to tell another person that they can not engage in this act?
Of course its to reproduce, but thats not what the question asked. The question said "sex", not "reproduction".

Are there any examples of any "rights" that involve another person being involved in order to do it?
yall are arguing two diff things.

seems like you both think people have the right to have sex with consenting partners.

saying someone has the "right to have sex" is vague and youre interpreting it in two diff ways.
Originally Posted by Durden7

It's still just a relationship. You define it as a sexual relationship, but its still only a relationship. You can FEEL like you have the right, but in reality its not a right. You can feel as though your entitled to something, but not really own it.

It's still a privilege to receive her.

This has gone WAAAAAAAAAYYYYY over your head man, way over.

Originally Posted by Durden7

So now its all about the rights of adults? It's not rights in general? You cant just put adults and children into 2 separate categories and only talk about one group.

Please, please tell me I don't have to explain this to you.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by J Burner

Durden7 wrote:
No one is saying its a right as in I have the right to have sex with anyone I want to, whether they want to or not. Thats called rape. Its a right in the sense that you can not tell a person that they can not have consentual sex. If I want to have sex, and my girl wants to have sex, THATS OUR RIGHT, you can't tell us that we can not have sex. So get off your high horse and take a moment to think critically before commenting...
Thats not a right. If you both want to have sex its not considered a right. If you and your girl were both 15 yrs old and you both wanted to have sex, youre telling me that its your right to have sex and I cant tell you not to do it??

15 year olds are not adults, and therefore are not given all the RIGHTS of an ADULT. But to answer your question, NO YOU CAN'T. Only the parents of the 15 year olds have the RIGHT to tell them they can not have sex. Otherwise, its none of your business. Voting is a RIGHT, but you can't vote at 15. Bearing arms is a right, but you can't own a gun at 15. Seems like I'm not the one who missed the boat, this is just going waaaaaaay over your head.
So now its all about the rights of adults? It's not rights in general? You cant just put adults and children into 2 separate categories and only talk about one group.

Well, America does it.
Originally Posted by Durden7

What is the purpose of sex in the natural world? Maybe you are confused, just because humans use sex as a means of pleasure does not change the fact that biologically, the purpose of sex is to reproduce. So again, who are you to tell another person that they can not engage in this act?
Of course its to reproduce, but thats not what the question asked. The question said "sex", not "reproduction".

Are there any examples of any "rights" that involve another person being involved in order to do it?
The biological purpose of sex is for reproduction. Humans do have sex for pleasure but sex creates that emotion because more sex means a higherchance of reproduction. There are only so many days in a month where a woman is "ripe" for reproduction.

Humans have come up with tools (condoms, pills, etc.) to prevent the ultimate outcome of sex but biologically sex serves as a function to reproduce.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Durden7 wrote:
It's still just a relationship. You define it as a sexual relationship, but its still only a relationship. You can FEEL like you have the right, but in reality its not a right. You can feel as though your entitled to something, but not really own it.

It's still a privilege to receive her.

This has gone WAAAAAAAAAYYYYY over your head man, way over. Please, explain to me how you or anyone else has the authority to tell two consenting adults that they can not have sex.

Then please, bring it back down to me so I can see what the heck youre trying to say.

Ill ask you a question as well, what makes it a right if they both agree to have sex? It's still a privilege for them to have sex, even if they consent. It's not a right. You cant say ADULTS either, you have to include individuals who are young as well.
" @ FEEL. I'm calling @#$$!+++ on that post. So why do people wait to get married to have sex? Along the lines of what Durden is hollerin,I'm not saying that I should be able to hit it WHENEVER I want, I'm just saying that I DO have the rightto hit it. It's mine
. If we're together, this is her D and that's my P. It's a fair trade off. She has a right to this pipe, andI have a right to her tunnel. I can refuse her on specific intances, but I don't have the right to refuse her altogether because that's my wife(hypothetically speaking) and part of the marital arrangement includes sex. Otherwise, what makes us exclusive? We're not exclusive as far as conversationgoes. I talk (converse) to other people, male and female. We're not exclusive friends. I have several friends. The only thing that sets apart arelationship from a friendship is the exclusive rights to intimacy, and sex IS an intimate act despite the convention of the day. Therefore, because we'veCHOSEN each other, and ascended to that level, I feel having sex is a right -- not necessarily "RIGHT NOW", but in general.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by J Burner

right and responsibility. How can sex be a priveledge? can sex be a right?

Who has the authority or right to tell a person that they can not have sex? Its not the right of all living creatures to use their God given ability to reproduce? And saying its a privelege insinuates that only certain people are allowed to have sex. It may be a "privelege" to have sex with a certain person, but being able to physically have sex is not a privelege.
and that's the point.
you cant have the act of sex without the consent of someone else.

to say it's a right implies that one has the right to have sex with anyone they please.

You absolutely can have sex with anyone you please, as long as they conesent. You need to read the rest of sentence you underlined. Please explain how you can stop two consenting people from having sex, and i'll concede that it is not the right of those two conenting adults to engage in sex. And to further my point, because I see where you were trying to go: Does my right to freedom of speech mean I can say whatever I want, to whoever I want, whenever I want? No it does not (examples would be libel or slander). Does my right to bare arms mean I can take my gun wherever I want to and start capping off in public? No it does not. Just because something is a right, doesn't mean it has no limitations on when that right can be exercised.'re arguing the same side of the coin.

I'm not on some Brave New World steez...where the gov't can dictate who has sex with one another...but at the same time.. it's not a right foranyone to have sex... it IS a right to have consentual sex, but that's not how I interpreted the question.
Definitely a privilage and a responsibility.

A right?

Well that all depend on if by 'right' you mean it in terms of:

a) Whether or not someone has the right to have sex.


b) That a person has the right to have sex with whomever they choose.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

it's my right to have good sex, it's my responsibility to provide good sex to good looking women, and its a privilege for them to get it from me.

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by J Burner

Durden7 wrote:
It's still just a relationship. You define it as a sexual relationship, but its still only a relationship. You can FEEL like you have the right, but in reality its not a right. You can feel as though your entitled to something, but not really own it.

It's still a privilege to receive her.

This has gone WAAAAAAAAAYYYYY over your head man, way over. Please, explain to me how you or anyone else has the authority to tell two consenting adults that they can not have sex.

Then please, bring it back down to me so I can see what the heck youre trying to say.

Ill ask you a question as well, what makes it a right if they both agree to have sex? It's still a privilege for them to have sex, even if they consent. It's not a right. You cant say ADULTS either, you have to include individuals who are young as well.
The fact that NO ONE can tell those two consenting adults that they CAN NOT have sex. Just because someone can feel priveledged to be able tohave sex doesn't mean its not their right to do so. Thats like saying its a privelege to be alive, but that doesn't mean that life is not your right,and only a privelege. As I've tried to explain many times already, saying you have the right to have sex is not saying that there are no limitations tohow, when, and where you can exercise that right. Peep the freedom of speech and right to bare arms examples I listed.
Originally Posted by Air Kalo

Definitely a privilage and a responsibility.

A right?

Well that all depend on if by 'right' you mean it in terms of:

a) Whether or not someone has the right to have sex.


b) That a person has the right to have sex with whomever they choose.
I don't see anywhere in the question that asked "is it your right to have sex with anyone you want." The question was is sex aright, as in, do people have the right to have sex. The answer is absolutely yes. Imagine someone telling you that you can't have sex, with anyone, ever.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by J Burner

Durden7 wrote:
No one is saying its a right as in I have the right to have sex with anyone I want to, whether they want to or not. Thats called rape. Its a right in the sense that you can not tell a person that they can not have consentual sex. If I want to have sex, and my girl wants to have sex, THATS OUR RIGHT, you can't tell us that we can not have sex. So get off your high horse and take a moment to think critically before commenting...
Thats not a right. If you both want to have sex its not considered a right. If you and your girl were both 15 yrs old and you both wanted to have sex, youre telling me that its your right to have sex and I cant tell you not to do it??

15 year olds are not adults, and therefore are not given all the RIGHTS of an ADULT. But to answer your question, NO YOU CAN'T. Only the parents of the 15 year olds have the RIGHT to tell them they can not have sex. Otherwise, its none of your business. Voting is a RIGHT, but you can't vote at 15. Bearing arms is a right, but you can't own a gun at 15. Seems like I'm not the one who missed the boat, this is just going waaaaaaay over your head.
So now its all about the rights of adults? It's not rights in general? You cant just put adults and children into 2 separate categories and only talk about one group.

Well, America does it.


How can some of you guys say its a right when in the bible your not suppose to engage in sexual activity until you are married????

It's clearly a privilege and your responsibility to be responsible when engaging in sexual activity no matter how old you are.
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