"Sharknife, Babylon Chalice" Customs


formerly selfmadeapparel
Jan 31, 2008
These were done a while ago but kept forgetting to upload them until now.

If you havnt heard of the comic it's about an eggroll restaurant that gets inhabited by monsters and a dishwasher who eats a fortune cookie and turns intothe superhero Sharknife.It may sound weird but you should read up on it before judging.

Hope you enjoy and all feedback in necessary!
This is the 2 page spread I had to work with.

Black and white prog

Thanks for all the comments everyone and I'll keep you NTers posted on my next creation!

Good **#@
Nice artwork...two questions...where can we get a copy of the comic and second, are you by any chance related to that clothing line "self made"?

I was given the comic by a comic fiend friend of mine but I would suppose some comic book stores have it. Secondly, nah I'm not related to that clothingline.

Thanks for all the comments again!!
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