Shaun Livingston update....not looking too good =(

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

the difference between Livingston and Mcgahee is the dislocated his knee cap... HUGE DIFFERENCE.

plus, having strong muscles surrounding tendons and ligaments aid in recovery, if u cant tell, there's a huge muscular difference in Livingston & Willis

I had the exact same injury as Livingston in college, and the night he did it, I remember saying he's as good as done.

spot on.

Looking at him one could see that he didn't train much. He was naturally talented but that doesn't always make strong ligaments and tendons.

If he did train properly to strengthen his knee ligaments and tendons he would not have sustained such a freaky injury.
i hope he does recover but 1 thing with knee injuries is that it's never quite the same no matter how good the rehab goes.
i think shaun is a great dude and feel bad for him. he was mad talented, i really thought he was going to be a star. I hope he can come back BUT
But if he returns without his spectacular quickness, he could move to the small forward position
. i guess i'm going to be the only one to say this. how is he going to play sf. kid can't shoot and is frail/weak. he better hope he canget his quickness back. that and height was all he had. if he can't get to the bucket and lay it in or dish it off i don't see him making it back.He's been in the league four years and hasn't got a jumper yet...i wonder if he can

but best of luck to him
should have went to duke and developed, memory is a little bad here, but could have a high lottery pick (bigger contract). sad story, was one of my underdogsto make it
Nothing he could have done about it, the dude played how many minutes of basketball and tore EVERYTHING he could in his knee landing on an uncontested lay-up?!That my friends, is a freak accident, and although he is skinny and was underdeveloped there are plenty of dudes in the league who get by being like that, andwho land just fine after lay ups, what happened to him is just terrible, so much potential.

And having dislocated my knee 8 different times I still can't watch that video.... ugh....
I still have faith that he'll make a full recovery. I saw that game too, and when I saw his knee turn, I felt my jaw just drop. All I could say was"oh ishhh". It was hard to watch, forreal.
We should all just be happy he signed a contract with the Clippers instead of a letter of intent with Duke. NOW he can go to college.
Silly 1 year out of high school rule supporters need to look at this situation and see how dramatic those 1 maybe even 2 years out of high school can be on abasketball players life.
hardly....he was makin like 4 mil a year.... its not enough to live off of, he needs to manage that money smartly, then if everything works out, he can live off of that
People are making ends meet on 25K to 30K per year and you have the audacity to state that he won't be able to survive off 4M per year. Justexactly how much do you make per year to justify your rationale?

This injury prone scrub (Livingston) should be thankful and appreciative of the fact that he was blessed so early in life as opposed to falling through thecracks.
Seriously.. I'm only saddened for Livingston-the-player not Livingston-the-person.. If I recall correctly, dude's a smart kid who already was lookinginto real estate and business investments early on in his career.. I think he'll be able to manage his money and do well for himself post-career..
But with that said, I was hoping that he'd be able to recover and live up to his potential.. Kid was a very tantalizing package of height, quickness, andpg skills/smarts..

What a shame tho.. That freak injury was only 2nd to the Psycho Sid one..
Like I said in the NBA Offseason thread: Livingston is done, and that's unfortunate. I said it as soon as I saw it, and so did like 90% of everyone else.That was a fierce injury, man.

Obviously, he is one example of someone who definitely made a good decision to skip college and go to the NBA, because at least now, if he never makes it backto the league, he's set (at least, he should have enough to be set) for life.
But with that said, I was hoping that he'd be able to recover and live up to his potential.. Kid was a very tantalizing package of height, quickness, and pg skills/smarts..

He was a player that with that combo, I would have liked to see with some experience. That can be a great combo of skills/traits.

ike I said in the NBA Offseason thread: Livingston is done, and that's unfortunate. I said it as soon as I saw it, and so did like 90% of everyone else. That was a fierce injury, man.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Very sad

Dude was from Illinois too

why do people even care...when your knee breaks, tell Shaun Livingston, let's see what he says.
He was a player that with that combo, I would have liked to see with some experience. That can be a great combo of skills/traits.
ike I said in the NBA Offseason thread: Livingston is done, and that's unfortunate. I said it as soon as I saw it, and so did like 90% of everyone else. That was a fierce injury, man.

See, wha' had happened was...

Originally Posted by tmukg21

should have went to duke and developed, memory is a little bad here, but could have a high lottery pick (bigger contract). sad story, was one of my underdogs to make it

I'm pretty sure he was the #4 overall pick in the draft right out of high school. That's pretty high. Obviously it would depend on who else wasin his draft class, but I don't think going to college would have moved him up to picks 1 through 3. In fact, I think that, if he had injury problems incollege, there's a good chance he could have hurt his draft position by going to college. Like others have said, given what went down, going straight tothe pros was probably the best think he ever did.

And to whoever said that $4 million per year isn't enough to live off of . . .
Umm..give ME 4 mil right now and I'm willing to bet that I'd be set for life...SMH @ the Sprewell NTer

But I'm glad Shawn went pro and got that money..
at the cat whoever said you cant survive on $4 mill/yr! The NBA willhelp take care of this dude guaranteed thats even if he needs the help!
@ not being able to survive with 4/mil a year. He's been in theleague for 4 years. And he's guranteed 5 Million for next season. Not enough huh?
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