Shaving your facial Hair off UN/APreciation

i feel hella young and naked when i shave it bare.
at least yall can grow the **+$... im 23 and i look like a @!+!$% high school freshman...
I need to shave it for work considering I'm in the Navy. It feels better off but it looks better on. I will never shave the stach again. I look like Roscoefrom Martin without it.
i look like a little kid when i shave, i still shave every few weeks, most of the time trim in between.
i HATE shaving all off then the barber goes over ur skin with the blade and alcohol
feels so wierd, thats y when i do i just pass the razor none of that blade crap
The last time I shaved my beard off was like 3 years ago. Something is just missing when I dont have facial hair, I feel naked.
i hate shaving too. my work always asks me bout my facial hair in a joking way but never actually ask me to cut, so eff it.
my friend has a full beard and mustache..
& I love it.
I never want him to cut it, again.
My Grandfather says that you should never trust a man without a mustashe. So far he has been right
i shave every other day. but that's only cause i'm asian and all i can grow is a 'stache and a small patch on my chin. looks stupid.
i did once and vowed never in life to do it again unless im playin a big role in a movie
same here, I need at least a Military mustache and I like my pointy beard. I shaved it on accident a few days ago though because I was trying to clean it upand just had to cut if all off when I messed up.
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