Sheltering your kids, yay or nay?


Apr 23, 2008
It's pretty common for people to want to bring their children up in a decent neighborhood, have them attend decent schools, and so forth. I for one havealways said that I'd rather my kids have a better upbringing than that of my own. My mom did her best and for the most part, I turned out okay.

But when it comes to the things you expose your youngsters to, is it wrong to not want them seeing some of the more harsh realities of life? I grew up in theBronx and Atlanta, and Ive seen some things. Once when I was 6, I saw a man gunned down right across the street from a play ground. I've seen crack heads,suicides, police chases, etc. None the less, i wouldn't want my kids being exposed to that life, especially if I make a decent enough living to prevent it.

But I don't want kids who think life is all sunshine and daisies, peaches and cream, or whatever fruity analogies you can think of.

What about you guys?
it's hard to protect you're kids from every little side of danger. You just have to be there for them no matter what to make them realize no matter howbad it is they always have good parents and a home.
i didnt read all that, but based on your topic....

i say NAY, everytime you see a kid older and they doing horrible things.....they always say cause they didnt have any freedom as a child.

especially if you have a Daughter.
it's good to grow up in a nice area, but IMO they need to see/experience some things too, I can't stand these people I've met who go to somewherelike East LA/San Gabriel Area and claim it's the ghetto

I met a girl last weekend, a friend of a friend from Stockton, I asked her about it being a rough area, and she said "It is, but I'm from the nicepart of Stockton, not the bad part where the mexicans live
".I'm not mexican but her ignorant elitist attitude still offended me
Man, I wouldn't know how to bring up my kids either with a goal of protecting them and allowing them some self-actualization on how everything in the worldisn't so nice. I'd be at a lost with raising another person.

I was amazed when some girl from South San Jose, Cali called East San Jose 'ghetto'. I mean, the south part of SJ is nicer, but come on! I justdon't want to bring up any close-minded, one-dimensional kid.
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

i didnt read all that, but based on your topic....

i say NAY, everytime you see a kid older and they doing horrible things.....they always say cause they didnt have any freedom as a child.

especially if you have a Daughter.
that's just bad parenting. there's a fine line between being strict and being controlling. i believe the kids who grow up to be"wild" fall into the latter category when growing up.
I think allowing your child a bit of freedom not only allows them to experience the real world. But they also establish self-responsibility. They don'thave anybody around them to protect them, so they practice caution. Not to say that I'll let them be free at their own will. A line will definitely bedrawn. And that will all depend on the area/people in their community. Overall, I'm sure it's difficult and tricky. But I'm gonna try my best tokeep in good communication with my children and hopefully they learn that they can talk to me about anything.
Hell nah.

I dont see why all these parents are startin to send their kids to private schools....all that does is promote ignorance, cause these kids grow up out of touchwith reality.
I'm the opposite.

I grew up in harsh neighborhoods, and I actually want my son to see the harsher things in life, and not just in movies.

I don't want him to believe that everything is lovely, and that everyone's life is grand. I want him to appreciate the good things in his life, but Idon't think he can appreciate them without knowing the struggle that other people have to live with every day.
I think its kind of sad when I see someone older who doesn't have a clue about what's real. I want my kids to have a better education but I don'tthink I'll shelter them.
Unless you're wealthy out of your mind, it's impossible to shelter your kids from every danger in life without imprisoning them. I have a homie who isextra overprotective of his family, but it's like they're damn near in jail.

But I think it's definitely necessary to make sure your kids don't think life is some big *%@ cakewalk. I've seen myself change when I got to highschool and found out I was poor, and I saw how my cousin changed when he was 20 and found out that life isn't as easy as the family made it for him.
when that time comes I will protect mine as a father should but I want them to see real life. sheltered kids get taken advantage of by street smart kids andadults. gotta show your kids what's going on in the world.
my dad would let my brother and i roam philadelphia when we were in grade school all the time. We got to see what this country is really like, but forgirls/daughters...LOCK THEM UP!
Originally Posted by NINE to FIVE

Hell nah.

I dont see why all these parents are startin to send their kids to private schools....all that does is promote ignorance, cause these kids grow up out of touch with reality.

Truth. Too many of my friends are so oblivious to everything in the world it's ridiculous.
I'd allow them to see the world as it is.
But there would be a few steps I would take so they wouldn't have to learn unnecessary lessons.
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