Shooting inside Portland, Oregon mall

Gotta love that right to bear arms.


who is CP though?

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This will/might change oregon law on firearms.. I dont own 1 but i want 1. Prayers to the victims and their families.
My grandma works at this Mall, good thing was that her store is pretty far from the Food Court/Macy's but nevertheless I could tell as she was calling me she was pretty terrified. She said when the SWAT Team evacuated her out she had to have her hands up in the air as they were walking out of the mall.

Been to that mall so much times, its literally the first place I visit when I come to Oregon. Prayers go out to Clackamas.
Gotta love that right to bear arms.


who is CP though?

The man, the myth, the legend. :smokin

He's nobody. :lol:

I get the right to own a gun, protect yourself, your family, etc. People can own guns. Hunting rifles, a piece, etc.

If you ain't on a swat team tho, you don't need to have the right to have a semi automatic assault rifle. We don't need to have flakes be able to buy machine guns to "protect" themselves.

That **** gotta stop.
The man, the myth, the legend. :smokin
He's nobody. :lol:
I get the right to own a gun, protect yourself, your family, etc. People can own guns. Hunting rifles, a piece, etc.
If you ain't on a swat team tho, you don't need to have the right to have a semi automatic assault rifle. We don't need to have flakes be able to buy machine guns to "protect" themselves.
That **** gotta stop.

I've got friends in Southern Oregon who would VEHEMENTLY disagree with you :lol:

I see what you're saying tho. I see both sides, but side with stricter gun rules, or at least more extensive checks in the system.
When I get an automatic weapon.... I'll obtain it mainly for fun :lol: ain't no way I'm gonna be able to use that thing to protect myself
Every person I know who owns a gun claims it's for protection yet they have never in their life needed a gun for protection. 

How many people who own guns have actually used it for protection? I rock with a taser and I feel safe at all times.
Waits for

"too soon to talk about gun laws"

"if everyone in the mall had a gun they would have taken hum down!"

Could happen every day for a year and these gun nuts wouldn't wanna hear ****
The man, the myth, the legend.

He's nobody.

I get the right to own a gun, protect yourself, your family, etc. People can own guns. Hunting rifles, a piece, etc.
If you ain't on a swat team tho, you don't need to have the right to have a semi automatic assault rifle. We don't need to have flakes be able to buy machine guns to "protect" themselves.
That **** gotta stop.
ok devils advocaate lets say semis werent in the equation... i serious doubt this guy and many like him would have been deterred... nor was the type of weapon was a determining factor on what they had planned to do....

Also the notion of protection from who...? If guns werent available and easily obtained and/or outlawed that essentially would solve the problem outside of protection from the police etc....
Was listening to coast to coast and a guy pointed out that the theaters and places these shooting happen at tend to be the ones that don't allow firearms on the premise. Said in the Aurora case specifically, the shooter passed up much larger and more packed theaters and went to the only one in the vicinity that didn't allow guns. No chance of anybody shooting back. Anybody think there's a message to it?
anyone else shocked that with how many rounds he had only 2 people got shot?

I heard his gun jammed, but no way I can prove that. Coulda waved the gun firing trying to get it to work?

As for my point on semi's and auto weapons, what I mean is guns that can mass spray bullets. People go in with a six shooter, or 10-12 in a clip is better than machine guns with 50, or 34 in terms of slowing them down. Bunch of folks in a mall got no shot against 50 bullets flyin in 15 seconds. Slower weapons with less bullets, people might have a better shot at tackling these cowards.

I'm fine people get guns, but why should they be able to get guns like ones the military or cops use? What purpose does it serve? Hell, a cop coulda been in that mall and he would only have a standard handgun on him, he's outgunned vs a 22 year old nobody. **** that. :smh:
I heard his gun jammed, but no way I can prove that. Coulda waved the gun firing trying to get it to work?
As for my point on semi's and auto weapons, what I mean is guns that can mass spray bullets. People go in with a six shooter, or 10-12 in a clip is better than machine guns with 50, or 34 in terms of slowing them down. Bunch of folks in a mall got no shot against 50 bullets flyin in 15 seconds. Slower weapons with less bullets, people might have a better shot at tackling these cowards.
I'm fine people get guns, but why should they be able to get guns like ones the military or cops use? What purpose does it serve? Hell, a cop coulda been in that mall and he would only have a standard handgun on him, he's outgunned vs a 22 year old nobody. **** that.
true but many times these folks are in isolated unseen spots/areas.... So while i do agree obviously less shots means less chances/victims in a sense... A unseen assaliant still can pick off a good amount of ppl, granted not as many as with a semi.... but in this case less is better then more... iuno, one or two ppl is still one or two too many.
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